STA320Applied probability and statistics
3 credits | Pre-requisite: MAT213 Or MAH213 And (MAT202 Or MAH202)
This course covers the following topics: probabilities, independence; random variables; expectation; twodimensional random vectors, marginal, and conditional laws; probability distribution (Bernoulli, binomial, geometric, Poisson process, uniform distribution, gamma, distribution and normal distribution); multivariate random variables; The weak law of large numbers, and central theorem limits; statistics and sampling distribution; reliability; and applications.
CSC420Computer Networks
3 credits | Pre-requisite: CSC214 And CSC270 Or INF214
This course covers the architecture and protocols of modern computer networks. It presents the networking protocol models OSI and TCP/IP by discussing the different layers, their functions, roles, and services.
CSC212Computer Organization and Assembly Language
3 credits
The course is designed to introduce computer science and information technology students to the basics of computer architecture and low level programming, i.e. assembly code and hardware manipulation. The course will focus on the Intel x86 assembly language, number representations, logic circuits, Boolean algebra and logic simplification, addressing modes, Input/Output devices, system buses, memory systems, memory occupation, computer arithmetic, instruction sets and the design, control, and structure of CPUs.
CSC320Database systems
3 credits | Pre-requisite: (CSC214 And CSC270) Or (INF214 Or INF219)
This course presents the principles of databases and familiarizes the students with the design and use of relational databases. It covers DBMSs, architecture and functions, entityrelationship and relational data models, relational database design, theory of normalization and the SQL language. This course includes laboratory work under ACCESS DBMS.
CSC271GUI programming
1 credits | Pre-requisite: (CSC214 And CSC270) Or (INF214 Or INF219)
Students will learn about the OpenGL library. Different applications will be done in the lab and as homework using OpenGL with the C++ programming language. Students will also learn how to write a clean code as well as about the history of GUI. They will learn how to do animation and transformation. By the end of the semester a small game will be produced by the students.
CSC360Internet technology
3 credits | Pre-requisite: INF215 Or (CSC215 And CSC272) Or INF229 Or CSC229 Or CSC312 Or INF312
This course focuses on the broad range of technologies used to build Internet and Webbased applications. We emphasize the development of clientside applications using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, XML and DTD.
CSC438Internship report
1 credits | Pre-requisite: CSC360 Or INF360 Or CSC343
In the beginning of the semester, students need to find an internship. They have to get the approval of the department and the instructor of the course. They must also describe briefly the type of work they are going to do during their internship. The internship will be a minimum of a 150hour work experience. Instructors need to meet with students at least once every four weeks. During this progress meeting, students need to show the instructors what they did during the four week period and what they are planning to do in the coming four weeks. By the end of the semester, students will have a 10 to 15 minutes presentation. During this presentation instructors from other sections may be present.
CHM270Laboratory of General chemistry
1 credits | Pre-requisite: CHM212 Or CHE212 Or CHM210 Or CHE210
The general chemistry laboratory aims to develop different skills for the practical application of theoretical knowledge of general chemistry. Techniques to be learned: preparation and dilution of solutions, experimental verification of the Nernst equation, realization of different types of acid base and redox titration by volumetric, calorimetric, pHmetric or potentiometric monitoring, and the study of solubility and precipitation reactions and characterization of ions present in a given matrix. The goal of the lab course is to ensure that students are capable of understanding the chemical concepts and to carry out experiments safely and carefully in the laboratory, to obtain data accurately and to manipulate the data correctly.
CSC314Object oriented programming
3 credits | Pre-requisite: (CSC214 And CSC270) Or INF214
The main objective of this course is to introduce the basic concepts of object oriented programming, while using the pure object oriented language of Java. UML will be presented succinctly in order to understand the approach of the modelling by objects. Some useful static diagrams are also presented, mainly object and class diagrams. A complete project illustrating the different approaches of this course will be presented as a model for future projects.
CSC214Programming I
3 credits
This course enable students to acquire a practical method to solve problems using the C++ programming language. It looks at methods for problem analysis, structural and detailed conception of solutions, base concepts of pseudo code and flowcharts, and the coding and verification of programs. Subjects include: introduction to C++ language, basic concepts of the language, types, expressions, control structures (selection, repetition), one and two dimensional arrays, strings, functions, prototypes, and text files. The course is completed by lab workshops.
CSC270Programming Laboratory I
1 credits | Pre-requisite: CSC214
The course enables students to acquire a practical method to solve problems using the C++ programming language. It includes: applications of the C++ language, basic concepts of the language, types, expressions, control structures (selection, repetition), one and two dimensional arrays, strings, functions, prototypes, and text files. This course is done entirely in the lab, and emphasizes the practical approach.
CSC368Project Management
2 credits | Pre-requisite: CSC314 Or INF314
This course describes the key principles of successfully managing a project from the planning stage to the end, showing the students how to define the different steps and measure and track their progress. During this course, the students will learn concrete and efficient methods to systematically improve the planning and realization of each step of this software development process.