LLA412Arabic Linguistics Problems
2 credits
This course is a continuation of LLA212. It stresses the importance of linguistic evidence in understanding grammatical correctness. Focusing on the acquisition of basic vocabulary and grammatical structures, it helps students explore, in depth, the principles of word formation, derivation, and inflection, and simultaneously provides an overview of the major syntactic constructions of Arabic.
LLA318Arabic Morphology and Syntax
3 credits | Pre-requisite: ARA210 or LLA210
This course aims to help students acquire the basic rules of Arabic morphology and syntax (from the perspective of functional grammar). It will allow them to produce a grammatically correct text. The method adopted uses a text or a series of typical examples, from which the students derive the rule, acquire it and apply it appropriately.
LLA421Arabic Philology
2 credits
The focus of the course is on philological and literary analysis of Arabic religious and secular texts from late antiquity to the present. In the language modules students who have chosen the Arabic Studies specialization obtain the ability to use primary Arabic source material.
LLA411Comparative literature
2 credits
This course investigates the nature and scope of comparative literary studies, focusing on the nature and assumptions of literary study undertaken from several comparative perspectives. It is designed to equip students with the tools necessary to critically analyze texts in light of other texts.
LLA319Evolution of the Arabic Prose and Poetry
3 credits
The course traces the development of Arabic prose through an indepth study of major figures. The focus of the course is to delineate the changes in prose modes, from antiquity to the renaissance epoch. It will help the students to be able to identify the forms of Arabic prose style such as letters, report, description, novel, criticism, speech, essay, and article. This course also offers an introduction to the major poetic movements that shaped Arabic poetry. It traces the major development in poetic conventions, modes and genres such as Classicism, Romanticism, Symbolism, Impressionism, and Surrealism. Using examples from different periods, the students will be able to develop a sense of how poetic modes changed across different periods.
LLA222Introduction to Rhetoric and Stylistics
3 credits
The course is designed to help students practice writing, reading, evaluating, formulating, and presenting opinions in writing based on the best available evidence, using the methods of formal argument and the methods of rhetorical style.
LLA224Introduction to the Study of Literary Genres
3 credits
The focus of the course is on modern drama, and poetry arts such as instructive topic, wisdom, and lyrics. The course aims at helping students gain awareness in the cultural experience of modern drama and topic poetry. It familiarizes students with literary movements such as naturalism, symbolism, realism, and other dramatic features.
LLA415Lebanese popular heritage
2 credits
This course presents the Lebanese popular language and its importance, its Aramaic origins, and the interest of its study for Westerns. It defines the rules and meters of Lebanese folk poetry, the Zajal (its different genres, its pioneers, along with its modern and contemporary troops), the Muwassah, al Ataba, alMijana.
LLA425Lexicology, Lexicography and Encyclopedias
2 credits
This course has been designed to provide an innovative methodology for the task of Arabic vocabulary acquisition. As many students have learned so far in their study of Arabic language, retention of new and useful vocabulary remains one of the most formidable challenges. The principal goal of this course is to facilitate active/passive vocabulary retention. The mechanics of its lexical analysis should complement well the syntactic analysis techniques previously encountered with the contextual reading.
LLA316Literature in the Abbasids Era
3 credits
The course is designed to help students study the civilization and the literature of the Abbasids Epoch. This course aims to distinguish between the development of poetry and prose in this period, and to describe the different methods and characteristics of Abbasids literature (poetry, speech, narration, maqama, music, and singing).
LLA325Literature in the Andalusian Era
2 credits
In this course, the students study the prose and the poetry of Andalusian literature. They will study literary genres in order to interpret, analyze, and critically evaluate selections. Poetry topics: nostalgia, nature, terza rima (mouwashah). Poets: Ibn Zaydun, Ibn Khafaja, Ibn Zumrok, Wallada bent Al Mustakfi. Prose topics: Maqama, biography, speech, the short novel, Diwan writing. Writers: Ibn Abd Rabboh, Ibn Tufayl, Ibn Shahid. The students will also learn about the Andalusian civilization, aspects such as religions, languages, the role of women, culture, and society.
LLA323Literature in the Mamluk and Ottoman Era
2 credits
In this course, the students learn about the developments of the Islamic world during the period of Mamluk and Ottoman colonial domination and its aftermath, with special attention to the works of leading authors. In Mamluk literature: Al Boussayri, Saffieh Al Dinn, Ibn Nabata, Ibn Manzour (lissan Al Arab), Salah Al dinn Al safady (Alwafi bel Waffiatt), and Al KalKashindi (Sobeh Al Ashaa). From the Ottoman literature: Ibn Al Nakib, Ibn Maatuk, Nicola Al Turk, Boutros Karame, and Bader Al dinn Alghozzi.
LLA324Literature in the Renaissance Era
3 credits
This course introduces students to Renaissance literature by studying the history of this period and the famous authors and poets who changed the structure of literary texts. This course aims to consider many poetry texts, and to study the influence of printing, and of journalism, the pedagogic foundation which left their effects on Arabic modern literature. The students will be looking at important poets and writers, such as Ahmad Amine, Gergi Zayden, Joubran Khalil Goubran, Micheal Nouayme, and others, and they will study the characteristics of literary production in the light of new methods of modern criticism.
LLA413Modern and Contemporary Arabic Criticism
2 credits
The course prepares students to study, evaluate, and interpret the Arabic literature texts. It will help students to recognize the different methods to criticize the literary text by using the logic interpretation and constant evaluation. The course aims at enabling students to practice how to use different theories, how to read literature, and how to relate literary theory to the cultural background.
LLA423Modern and contemporary Arabic literature
2 credits
This course presents the modern Arabic literature of prose and poetry. It defines modernity and its general characteristics: the literary genres (novel, play, biography, literary research). It presents the contemporary Arabic literature and its universal dimensions: the Arabic novel, its principles and general rules, the movements that it illustrates, and its methods. At the poetry level, the course defines the concepts of modern, new and contemporary. It reviews the history of modern poetry: its beginnings, its pioneers, its stands, its directions, as well as its various forms of prose, poems, and poems subject to the rules of prosody.
LLA315Novel and theater
3 credits
This course aims to offer students a detailed study of the development of the 20th century novel as an outcome and reaction to the 19th century novel. The course gives special attention to some of the major Arabic novelists, such as Najib Mahfouze, Toufic Youssef Awad, and Amine Maalouf. This course offers both a historical survey and a literary history of the development of drama. It concentrates on critical analysis of the distinguishing features of the different genres and subgenres in drama, tragedy, comedy, and tragicomedy. This course gives special attention to the major Lebanese theatre, such as the Rahbany brothers, Shoushou, Nabih Abu El Husn, and George Khabbaz (modern theatre).
LLA326Overseas Arabic literature
2 credits
This course is an introduction to the major literary movements of overseas writers, starting with jebran khalil jebran, M, Nouayme, R. Ayoub, N, arida, among others. The course traces the major development of Arabic literature overseas, and helps students to investigate the themes and the characteristics of this literature.
LLA312Pre-Islamic and Umayyad Epochs
3 credits
The course covers, in introduction, the civilization and the literature of the PreIslamic epoch. It helps students to recognize various topics such as glory poetry, chivalry, wisdom, speech, and enthusiasm. Then the course covers the civilization and the literature of the Early Islamic and Umayyad Era. This course aims to distinguish between the development of poetry and prose in this period, and to describe the different methods and characteristics of Early Islamic and Umayyad literature such as Islamic poetry, Umayyad speech, and epistles.
LLA322Prosody and Poetic Harmony
2 credits
The aim of the course is to explore the melodic and rhythmic aspects of the languages of the word. Emphasis is placed on theoretical and experimental approaches to crosslinguistic typology. Specific topics include: syllables and syllableweight, rhythm and speech timing; stress and metrics; and tone and intonation.
2 credits
This course will examine meaning from a variety of perspectives, including how it is encoded in words and sentences, how native speakers interpret language, and how truth and falsehood can emerge from the complexity of the grammar. We will also touch on various aspects of pragmatics; the function of meaning in a communicative setting.
LLA426Translation: Themes and Versions
3 credits
This aim of this course is for students to exercise linguistic habits (competence and performance), to enable them to translate a French text into Arabic and vice versa, usually easy to read, avoiding as far as possible the usual interference. The students are warned against the conversion of code in the source language.