School of Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering

177 credits
For students entering the program at the Sophomore level
(holders of a recognized Baccalaureate or Freshman diploma - equivalent to 30 credits)


Approved Faculty Electives - Group 3
GCH365Unit Operation
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GMC340
Introduce the principles governing the transport of momentum (fluid flow), energy (heat transfer) and mass transfer in chemical engineering. Apply these principles to simple systems and reinforce the application of the general differential balance equations to steady problems, and become familiar with the solutions of unsteady state.
Approved Faculty Electives - Group 4
GCH375Process Control Lab
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEL425
Process control using computer simulation: develop mathematical models of chemical processes by writing unsteady state mass and energy balances, transient response of closed loop sampled data systems. Analysis and design of sampled data controllers, digital PI and PID controllers.
Approved Faculty Electives - Group 5
GCH430Instrumentation and Measurement Lab
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEL211 And GIN221
The aim of this lab is to provide information about the types of sensors used in chemical engineering. The sensors will be used in the chain acquisition-instrumentation. An introduction of LABVIEW is also presented.
Approved Faculty Electives - Group 6
GEL312Electric Power Systems
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEL211
This course introduces first the concepts of sinusoidal steady-state analysis in order to prepare the students for the balanced three-phase electric circuits’ analysis: current, voltage, and power as well as power factor compensation are calculated. Then, special cases of unbalanced three-phase electric circuits are studied with the method of symmetrical components. Finally, an overview of magnetic theory is presented and the transformer explained.
Approved Faculty Electives - Group 7
GEL373Electric Power Systems laboratory
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEL312
The course introduces first PSim software, then the RLC resonant circuits. Single-phase circuits are implemented: currents, voltages, powers, power factors are measured and simulated. Boucherot Theorem and power factor compensation are applied. Balanced three-phase circuits are then analyzed and simulated along with the Two-Wattmeter method and Delta-To-Wye transformation. Unbalanced three-phase circuits are also studied, measured and simulated with PSIM software. Determination of the elements of the equivalent circuit model of a single-phase transformer is also applied.
General Education
Behavioral and Social Sciences (3 cr.)
3 credits
Civic Engagement (2 cr.)
2 credits
GEN302Engineering Ethics
1 credits
This course studies the theories of rational justification, of the moral judgments and the relation between the concept of liberty, and the one of the responsibility, while covering the principles of basis of deontology of engineer's profession.
GEN410Engineering Projects Management
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEN350
This course covers the basics of project management where students learn: what project management involves and how to approach it successfully. Why a plan is so important to the success of a project and how to implement risk management successfully in each phase of the project. This course covers the basics of project management. We define all tools and techniques for planning and controlling. We cover the major subject areas of the topic Quality of Project Management and provide valuable information. This course is essential for future Engineer working in industries environment needing to gain a recognized qualification within Project Management. This course prepares students to apply proven methodologies to projects within their individual fields.
English Communication (3 cr.)
3 credits
History of Lebanon (3 cr.)
3 credits
GEN301Law for Engineers
2 credits
This course is designed to provide the students with fundamental knowledge of legal principles and terminology, to understand the basic foundations and theories of law, and to explain the legal concepts and terminology in substantive areas of law (i.e., Contract Law,   Liability Law, Labor Law, Commercial Law etc.) It is also designed to help prepare engineering students for careers in fields which are impacted by the law and to demonstrate an understanding of the interaction between the fields of law and the application of laws and legal strategy in engineering This course will also help engineering students to understand their rights and responsibilitiesas a contractor (Application of Contract law), an employee (Application Labor law) and as a partner (Application of commercial law)
Religious Sciences (3 cr.)
3 credits
GEN300Scientific English
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: ENG240
This course is designed to give the students the opportunity to enhance their writing abilities and develop their critical thinking. It is also designed to provide rigorous training in advanced reading, critiquing, synthesizing and researching. It attempts to help students achieve greater competency in reading, writing, reflection, and discussion emphasizing the responsibilities of written inquiry and structured reasoning.  Students are expected to investigate questions that are at issue for themselves and their audience and for which they don’t already have answers. In other words, this course should help students write about what they have learned through their research rather than simply write an argument supporting one side of an issue or another. In addition, students deliver one oral power point presentation based on their writings.
Sports (1 cr.)
1 credits
Mathematics and Sciences
MAT207Algebra for Engineers 1
3 credits
The course aims at providing the necessary tools and the mathematical maturity for engineers, for the design and analysis of abstract mathematical models. Subjects covered: complex numbers, Logic and proofs, propositional calculus, Sets and mappings, Relations and ordered sets, An introduction to algebraic structures, groups, rings and fields,  polynomials, counting, finite and transfinite cardinals.
MAT307Algebra for Engineers 2
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT207
The main objective of this course is to continue the study of algebra, covering mainly linear systems and matrices, matrix algebra, inverses, Gauss elimination, elementary matrices, computing inverses, determinants, vector spaces, definition and examples of spaces and subspaces, linear independence, basis and dimension, change of basis, linear applications, reduction of an endomorphism, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, characteristic polynomial, eigenvalues, solving linear systems of differential equations, diagonalization and applications, bilinear and quadratic forms, Gauss method, scalar and cross product, euclidean and Hermitian spaces, Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization process, geometric transformations.
STA307Applied Statistics and probability for Engineers
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT217
This course aims to provide students with the most common concepts of probability theory and statistical inference, with a unique balance between theory and methodology. Interesting relevant applications using real data will be used to show how the concepts and methods can be applied to solve problems in the different fields of engineering in practice.
MAT217Calculus for Engineers 1
3 credits
The course covers integration methods to compute integrals, improper integrals. We will study the, the infinite series, Taylor expansion, Parametric curves and Polar curves, double integrals.
MAT227Calculus for Engineers 2
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT217
This course teaches basic theory and techniques of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). Topics include: Solution of non-linear first-order ODE's; Linear ODE's, especially second order with constant and variable coefficients; Delta functions, convolution, and Laplace transform methods; Power series and resolution of differential equations using power series; Real and complex Fourier series; Introduction to partial differential equations.
MAT337Calculus for Engineers 3
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT217
The main objective of this course is to continue the study of calculus, covering mainly parametric and polar curves, three dimensional analytic geometry, differentiation and integration of functions of several variables, and vector calculus. Line integrals, and Green's theorem.
CHM212General Chemistry
3 credits
The purpose of this course is to present a general outline on chemistry. Through this course chemistry is introduced in its various aspects: the structure of the atom, the various models, and the properties of the elements in the periodic table; various chemical bonds, the Lewis structure, VSEPR rules; thermochemistry, thermodynamics and chemical equilibrium; kinetic chemistry, reactions rate orders, the Arrhenius law; solutions chemistry, acids and bases and various acid­base equilibrium; complexation, liquid solid equilibrium and solubility product; and redox titration and electrochemical cells.
CHM270Laboratory of General Chemistry
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: CHM212 Or CHE212 Or CHM210 Or CHE210
The general chemistry laboratory aims to develop different skills for the practical application of theoretical knowledge of general chemistry. Techniques to be learned: preparation and dilution of solutions, experimental verification of the Nernst equation, realization of different types of acid­ base and redox titration by volumetric, calorimetric, pH­metric or potentiometric monitoring, and the study of solubility and precipitation reactions and characterization of ions present in a given matrix. The goal of the lab course is to ensure that students are capable of understanding the chemical concepts and to carry out experiments safely and carefully in the laboratory, to obtain data accurately and to manipulate the data correctly.
GEN350Mathematics for Engineers
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT227 And MAT307 And MAT337
The main objective of this course is to complete the knowledge of mathematics for the student-engineer. It mainly covers the following themes: Functions of a Complex Variable, analytical functions Cauchy-Riemann conditions. Harmonic functions. Cauchy integrals Formulas, Taylor series, Singular points. Inverse Laplace transformation. Special functions: Gamma and Beta functions. Bessel function. Orthogonal functions (Tchebychev, Legendre, Hermite, Laguerre). Discrete-time Markov Chains
GEN250Modern Physics
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT227
The course covers principles and concepts of Relativity, Quantum mechanics and their applications. The following topics will be covered along with their applications : The failure of Classical Physics, the special theory of relativity, the particle properties of electromagnetic radiation, the wave properties of particles, the Schr & ouml; dinger equation, the Rutherford-Bohr Model of the atom and the Hydrogen atom in wave mechanics
GEN428Numerical Analysis
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT227 And MAT307 And GIN231 or GIN222
The purpose of this course is to provide numerical concepts and methods needed by students solve different engineering problems. Topics covered include: Resolution of non-linear equations; Numerical integration; Data approximation and interpolation; Numerical resolution of differential equations. Many numerical methods are implemented and test using Matlab software.
GEN270Physics Laboratory
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEN250
Tell me, I'll forget. Show me, I may remember. But, involve me, and I'll understand. Chinese proverb. The laws of physics are based on experimental and observational facts. Laboratory work is therefore an important part of a course in general physics, helping you develop skill in fundamental scientific measurements and increasing your understanding of the physical concepts. It is profitable for you to experience the difficulties of making quantitative measurements in the real world and to learn how to record and process experimental data.
Engineering courses
GMC462Advanced Transport Phenomena
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GMC451
The course provides theoretical and practical basis for understanding and quantifying mass, momentum and energy transport motivated by examples and applications relevant to environmental engineering problems. Both molecular and macroscopic principles will be discussed highlighting unifying principles underlying transport processes and properties. Students will develop proficiency in problem formulation, making simplifying assumptions, and using a range of analytical and numerical solution methods. Coupled transport processes will be explored primarily through the self-study as part of class project requirements.
GCH415Applied Organic Chemistry
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCH310
Industry of organic chemistry: major sources of raw materials (coal, oil & petrochemstry,…). Classification of oils.Fractional distillation of petroleum. The olefins. Oxidized derivates of ethylene. Benzene hydrocarbons, production and processing. Synthetic polymers. The detergents.
GCH435Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCH350 And MAT227
Chemical reaction engineering is a combination of chemical kinetics and design and analysis of reactors to apply and optimize the desired reaction. A thorough understanding of the numerical aspects of chemical kinetics is fundamental to designing and selecting the appropriate chemical reactor for the studied system.This course presents first the kinetics of homogeneous and heterogeneous systems kinetic rate expressions are developed and integrated for simple reactions, multiple reactions systems. Adsorption isotherms may be introduced to develop kinetic rate expressions for heterogeneous catalytic systems.The course then proceeds with chemical reactor design of ideal, isothermal and non-isothermal reactors. The basic steady-state design principles and equations of different ideal reactors models (discontinuous, Continued Stirred Tank Reactor CSTR and plug flow). Selectivity is introduced to increase the yield of the desired product. The course discusses later the reactor safety through non steady state reactors.Throughout this course, the principles are illustrated using examples taken from organic chemistry, industrial, and/or catalytic reactions in the liquid phase and gaseous phase.
GCH465Design of Chemical Reactors
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCH435
This course deals with the interpretation of the evolution of different systems (with one reactor or multiple reactors), the ideal reactors designs and the possible shifts from ideal behaviors, the effect of transport phenomena in reactive systems, the definition of steady state and stability analysis. Another part will deal with reactors optimization, analysis of heterogeneous reactors and an introduction on industrial reactive system simulation and modeling.
GMC320Dynamics of particles
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT227
This course presents the fundamentals of engineering dynamics. It covers the following topics: Kinematics of a particle: absolute and relative motion, description of motion in various systems of coordinates. Kinetics of a particle: force and acceleration: Newtons second law of motion; work and energy: principle of conservation of energy; impulse and momentum: conservation of linear momentum.
GEL211Electric Circuits
3 credits
This course presents the basics of electric circuits’ analysis: Introduction to theory, circuit variables and elements (dependent and independent voltage and current sources, resistors, inductors, capacitors…), basic analysis and design of resistive circuits and different analysis techniques: Node-Voltage analysis, Mesh-Current analysis, Source transformations, Thevenin’s and Norton’s equivalent, Maximum power transfer, and Superposition methods.Introduction to capacitance, inductance, and mutual inductance; current-voltage relation; RC, RL and RLC circuits analysis: natural and step responses.Topics also include ideal operational amplifiers; circuit simplification, steady-state and transient analysis, phasors, frequency response, Kirchhoff’s laws and Thevenin’s and Norton’s equivalent represented in the frequency domain, Laplace transform and an introduction to Transfer functions.
GEL271Electric circuits Lab
1 credits
This course presents the basics of electric circuits’ analysis: Introduction to theory, circuit variables and elements (dependent and independent voltage and current sources, resistors, inductors, capacitors…), basic analysis and design of resistive circuits and different analysis techniques: Node-Voltage analysis, Mesh-Current analysis, Source transformations, Thevenins and Nortons equivalent, Maximum power transfer, and Superposition methods. Introduction to capacitance, inductance, and mutual inductance; current-voltage relation; RC, RL and RLC circuits analysis: natural and step responses. Topics also include ideal operational amplifiers; circuit simplification, steady-state and transient analysis, phasors, frequency response, Kirchhoffs laws and Thevenins and Nortons equivalent represented in the frequency domain, Laplace transform and an introduction to Transfer functions.
GCH440Environment and Security in chemical industry
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCH350
This aim of this course is to provide to students conceptual and practical tools to preserve the quality of the environment and avoid accidents in the industry. Risks and environmental indicators of air pollution, water and soil quality criteria and standards, methods and procedures for characterizing environments. Risk analysis, evaluation procedures, fault tree analysis, risk reduction and preventive remedies levels, corrective and curative.
GCH596Final Project I
1 credits
This course pushes the student to demonstrate your preparedness to start his career as a professional engineer by undertaking an investigation of a research topic relevant to the profession and by appraising its practical experience. The research topic will give the student the opportunity to marshal the relevant knowledge and skills from various courses and laboratories of the program and apply them to the investigation of an approved research topic and then to produce a report of a professional standard.
GCH597Final Project II
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCH596
This course pushes the student to demonstrate your preparedness to start his career as a professional engineer by undertaking an investigation of a research topic relevant to the profession and by appraising its practical experience. The research topic and applied developed product or study will give the student the opportunity to marshal the relevant knowledge and skills from various courses and laboratories of the program and apply them to the investigation of an approved research topic and then to produce a report of a professional standard.  This course requires from the student to exhibit / develop a proactive approach to manage, orient and present a project.
GMC430Fluid Mechanics
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GMC340
This course consists of a concise and clear presentation of fundamental topics in fluid mechanics, which deals with energy transportation by a fluid. These topics concern the development and application of control volume and differential form analysis and applications of fluid flows. Topics include fundamental concepts, basic equations in integral form for a control volume, introduction to differential analysis of fluid motion, potential flow, incompressible flow, and internal and external viscous flows including boundary layers concepts.
GMC451Heat Transfer
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GMC430
The objective of this course is to extend the thermodynamics and fluid analysis considering the rates of the heat transfer modes, namely, conduction, convection, and radiation and their applications. Thus, the course will cover steady and transient heat conduction, extended surfaces, external and internal forced convection of laminar and turbulent flows, natural convection, heat exchanger principles, thermal radiation, view factors and radiation exchange between diffuse and gray surfaces. Further, numerical simulations in one and two-dimensional problems will be developed.
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GMC430
This course deals with basic concepts of hydraulics, namely, the continuity, energy and momentum equations. This includes Hydrostatics, internal viscous with application of Bernoulli equation and losses. Further, it covers physical modeling (dimensionless analysis and similarities), hydraulic pumps, and turbines.
GCH480Industry Project
1 credits
In order to register to this course, the student spends first a minimum of two months experience in the industry or a company and lives a real practical experience in the field of practice that he or she has chosen. Afterwards, the student has to present his/her “job” and what he/she learned from it in a well-structured and well-written scientific report.  
GCH455Interfacial Phenomena and Colloids
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCH450 and GCH435
This course examines the factors underlying interfacial phenomena and focuses on the thermodynamics of surfaces, structural aspects, and electrical phenomena. Some applications are discussed in the domains of emulsion, detergency, foams, fluidization, sedimentation, nucleation, wetting, adhesion, flotation, and electrophoresis.
GCH581Internship II
1 credits
In order to register to this course, the student spends first a minimum of two months experience in the industry or a company and lives a real practical experience in the field of practice that he or she has chosen. Afterwards, the student has to present his/her “job” and what he/she learned from it in a well-structured and well-written scientific report.
GCH350Introduction to Chemical Engineering
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GMC340
This course deals with the following topics : it starts by the flow sheet symbols and drawings, followed by the mass and energy balances for steady-state reacting and non-reacting systems; Composition variables and mass and energy flow rates; Material balances in non-reacting systems and in systems with one or more chemical reactions; Degree of freedom analysis for non-reacting and reacting systems; Enthalpy of chemical reaction, heats of formation, heat capacities, dew points and bubble points; Numerous examples with process flow sheets to illustrate each topic. The student will learn to draw a flowsheet and construct and to solve chemical balance equations around multi-unit systems, and then extend it to other units.
GIN221Introduction to programming
3 credits
This introductory course in programming allows engineering students to learn the methods of rigorous software development solutions in the object-oriented paradigm. The course is supplemented by laboratory sessions for the application of programming concepts studied in the Eclipse integrated development environment.
GCH371Laboratory of organic Chemistry
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: CHM270
This course provides to students the principals’ techniques in organic chemistry. The experiments concern many examples of reactions having in interest in the industrial Organic chemistry.
GEL425Linear Control Systems
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEN428
This course is designed to provide the student with the fundamental principles of the control of dynamical systems. It covers the following topics: Linear system modelling (electrical systems, mechanical systems, electro-mechanical systems), transfer function; time response of first order and second order linear systems, error, stability of a feedback system; Root locus analysis; Frequency response, Bode diagram, Nyquist diagram; Correction of linear systems, gain and phase margins, P, PI, PD and PID corrections.
GCH347Materials Chemistry
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: CHM212 Or CHE212
This course introduces fundamental concepts in materials science. The main purpose of this course is to provide a good understanding of the materials science and engineering. Topics covered include: Introduction to materials science, atomic structure and interatomic bonding, crystalline structure, crystal defects, diffusion, phase diagrams, mechanical properties of metals, ceramics, polymers and composite materials, corrosion and degradation of materials.
GCH310Organic Chemistry
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: CHM212 Or CHE212
The aim of the course is to give students a basic knowledge of the nomenclature, the molecular structures and the reaction mechanisms of organic chemistry, as well as methods of organic synthesis. The following topics are covered: the structure of organic molecules, the geometry of organic molecules, stereoisomerism, the electronic structure of molecules, reactions and their mechanisms, nomenclature, alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, Aromatic hydrocarbon, derivatives halogens, aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids.
GCH410Physical Chemistry
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GMC340
This course covers the following topics: real gas: intermolecular interactions, molecular collisions, the critical temperature, the real gas state’s equation, gases liquefaction. The first principle of thermodynamics: definition of enthalpy, enthalpy of formation, enthalpy of chemical transformations. The second principle of thermodynamics: entropy, spontaneous transformation, the Gibbs energy, the equilibrium reactions. The equilibrium phase change: phase diagrams, properties of non-electrolytes, phase diagrams of mixtures. Fundamental links between electrochemistry and thermodynamics redox reaction, electrochemical affinity electrode potential.
GCH470Process Design and Control
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEL425 And GCH450 And GCH435
A course covering the concepts of feedback control systems in the chemical and process industry. The course involves dynamic modeling, design and analysis of dynamic control systems.
GCH472Process engineering Laboratory
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCH450
This laboratory offers to the student the opportunity to use all the basic knowledge to design, explore and optimize many basic operations. During this laboratory, the student will study the effect of corrosion on metals and desalting water by ion exchange columns. The student will use chemical reactors (tubular, continuous and discontinuous), he will learn as well how to control temperature, pressure and flows (manually and using digital programs). Another part of this lab deals with a deep bed filtration apparatus to study the pressure drop.
GEN499Seminars and Conferences
Each semester, the Faculty of Engineering organizes several seminars and conferences in which leading figures in the professional and academic world target future engineers with a speech presenting scientific, technical, and/or industrial topics, etc. and showing them the various aspects of the engineering profession.
GCH471Separation and Spectroscopic Techniques Lab
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCH310
This module provides an overview of the current methods of analysis in diverse sectors as the chemical and food industries, medical analysis laboratories, environmental sciences, etc. The idea is to connect the practical aspects of each studied method to its basic scientific concepts. Students will learn through this module, good laboratory practices as well as the various separation methods (different chromatographic techniques) and spectroscopic techniques (IR, UV, NMR, fluorescence, atomic absorption and emission).
GCH450Separation processes
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCH350 And GCH410
The main topics discussed in this course represent the main unit operation in the Engineering fields: Distillation process (atmospheric and vacuum distillations, rectification,…) – the graphic method of Mc Cabe Thiele is largely discussed and applied with a material balance equations. Liquid – Liquid Extraction process (binary and ternary mixtures and diagrams) - Mc Cabe Thiele Methods to estimate the total number of theoretical successive extractions. Filtration: different types of filtrations and the mechanisms occurring and the parameters to control to achieve it. Mainly the deep bed filtration and cake filtration will be discussed. Decantation operation will be as well introduced.
GMC471Thermal Laboratory
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GMC435 And GMC451
The objective of this laboratory is to expose the student to different experiments in thermal sciences. The student will investigate the laws and theories of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer using diverse methods of measurements including limitations and boundaries of each theory.
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: CHM212 Or CHE212
This course is designed to provide a fundamental understanding of the transformation of thermal energy and the behavior of its physical quantities. Such transformation is the conversion of heat into work. Engineers are generally interested in studying systems and how they interact with their surroundings. Its use becomes indispensable in our society.
Technical Electives
GCH573Advanced Process Engineering Lab
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCH472
This laboratory offers to the student the opportunity to use advanced Knowledge on some operation units and their use in some application in the chemical Engineering field. It deals with: Gas-liquid absorption, ultrafiltration, Multi-function distillation, vacuum Ebulliometer, Distillation; Batch & Continuous column; Absorption with and without chemical reaction; Water cooler; Reverse osmosis. Some experiments deals also with the applications of some operation units in the Food Processing (e.g.  Driers; Tray, Rotary, Spray).
GCH579Analysis of Petroleum Products Lab
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCH575 Or GCH576 Or GCH577
This laboratory introduces various methods of analysis by using sophisticated instruments and analytical equipment to determine various physical properties of crude, natural gas, petroleum products and petro-chemicals. Through this module students will learn the theoretical principles and experimental procedures for quantitative estimation.
GCH551Applied Electrochemistry and Corrosion
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCH410 And GCH347
This course aims to introduce the fundamentals of electrochemistry for understanding electrochemical processes involving charge transfer and their applications: Accumulators and corrosion.
GCH550Catalytic Processes
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCH410
Catalysis improves the speed and selectivity of chemical reactions, and allows the production of reactions under optimized conditions (room temperature, atmospheric pressure).The aim of the course is to give students a basic knowledge of the catalysis technology: homogeneous catalysis, heterogeneous catalysis, enzyme catalysis (biocatalysis), photocatalysis. The different steps to synthesize a catalyst, different catalytic processes: typical refinery processes such as cracking, alkylation, reforming, hydrotreating, and petrochemical processes as epoxidation, ammonia synthesis, and prevention of pollution such as vehicle emissions (SCR of NOx and NOx trap) will be discussed in detail.
GCH576Conversion of Petroleum Products
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCH415
The objective of the course is to inform students about the chemistry and converting technology of petroleum fractions in order to obtain commercial petroleum products. The main technological units studied are: thermal cracking, catalytic cracking, catalytic reforming, alkylation, isomerization, obtaining sulfur obtaining hydrogen and the synthesis of MTBE.
GMC563Fluid Rheology
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCH430
The objectives of this course is to introduce the fundamentals of fluid-structure interaction (FSI) by a sequence of gradually complex problems. In the process, basics of fluid mechanics, wave hydrodynamics, floating system dynamics, and vibrations are also covered. Topics covered include linear wave theory, linear and nonlinear oscillators, potential flow methods, wave force prediction methods, vortex-induced vibration and seakeeping.
GCH565Food and Pharmaceutical Processes
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCH470
Food and Pharmaceutical Processes Food and medication analysis and quality control. Food safety and new product development. Regulations, quality assurance, production and evaluation of both foods and pharmaceuticals processes. 
GCH541Introduction to Petroleum Engineering
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCH415
This course will give an overview on the oil and gas value chain starting from the exploration stage till the marketing stage. An introductory level of knowledge will be gained by students on subjects such as Petroleum geology, formation evaluation, Drilling Engineering, Reservoir engineering, Production Engineering  and surface facilities engineering.
GCH578Oilfields and Drilling Techniques
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCH415
This course covers the fundamentals of oil and gas volumetric parameters of reservoirs, material balances, Darcy's law and the continuity equation, the current lines, models and testing of wells, reservoir properties, rocks and homogeneous and multiphase fluid flow, relative permeability, compressibility. This course also presents the methods and equipment of drilling techniques. Exploration Methods: Geological and geophysical (gravity, magnetic, electrical and telluric) seismic. The eruption of the wells and the pressure drops, drilling fluids, penetration, rotary drilling techniques, Getting well production, transportation of crude oil, ecological and economic aspects of drilling damage .
GCH575Petroleum Refining Techniques
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCH415
The objective of the course is to give students a working knowledge in the field of oil refining and gas. It will develop the following themes: oil exploration. Oilfields. Crude Oil - production and global reserves. Petroleum. Analysis methods for gaseous, liquid and solid derivatives of oil. Standards for testing petroleum products. Fractional distillation.
GCH562Process Simulation Lab
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCH472
This laboratory offers to the student the opportunity to use ProSim program, a computer-based process simulator, to study different industrial process. This includes : the dehydration of natural gas, LPG recovery, bioethanol production plant, naphthalene separation, heterogeneous extractive distillation, biofuel production plant, production of ethanol and production of cyclohexane.
GCH566Production and Processing of Metals
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GMC462
Production and Processing of Metals Metallurgy unit operations ( pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical facilities ) , the description of Unit Operations ( Mass and Energy Balance, thermodynamics , kinetics) , steel industry ( blast furnace , Conversion processes , alternative processes ) the metallurgy of non - ferrous metals (copper, zinc, lead, Reagents metals: aluminum, titanium ) , metal recycling.
GCH574Properties of Polymers
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCH415 And GCH347
Synthetic polymers have become an integral part of our lives and can be found in many everyday and advanced materials: rubber tires, bullet-proof vests, paints, fibers, contact lenses, drug delivery vehicles and many others..."Polymer Science" is a course that investigates these natural and man-made materials. We explore how these materials are synthesized, evaluated, and their commercial applications. We also review important properties that these materials possess, including their molecular, physical, chemical, thermal, mechanical, and electrical properties. Students will be introduced to the methods of preparation of advanced polymer structures, such as block, star and brush copolymers, semi-conducting and biodegradable polymers.Finally, the Forming techniques for Plastics (Compression molding, injection molding …) and the different parameters leading to the degradation of polymers will also be covered.Learning Outcomes :At the end of this course, students will be able to: Know all the details concerning the polymer structures Know the Characteristics, applications and Processing of Polymers Know the structure and synthesis of new polymers materials used in different research areas.Know the different forming techniques for Plastics. Knowing all the factors responsible for the degradation of Polymers.
GCH577Purification of Petroleum Products
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCH415
Desalting of crude oil. Purification of gases, solvents, fuels. Purification of lubricating oils. Precipitation of asphalt vacuum residue by propane. Extraction of aromatic hydrocarbons from lubricating cuts by extractive solvents. Dewaxing. Finishing treatments applied to lubricating oils and paraffin. Preparation of bitumen. Classification refineries. Production and distribution utilities in petroleum refineries.
GCH542Upstream and Downstream Petroleum Industry
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCH541
This course will cover various petroleum engineering disciplines within the upstream phase of oil & gas industry. An intermediate level of knowledge will be gained by students on subjects such as petroleum geology, formation evaluation, well testing, reservoir simulation, well performance and production management. Students will go through practical exercises of what they learnt in theory on respective modules of Ecrin Software developed by KAPPA Engineering.
GCH564Water and Waste Treatment
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCH455
Principles of treatment of domestic and industrial water, wastewater and sludge.Unit Operations in Water and Wastewater Treatment: Physical, chemical and biological unit operations for water treatment and pollution control problems.Industrial Wastewater Treatment: characteristics; methods of in-plant control; application of various biological, chemical, and physical processes in practical water pollution control systems.Drinking Water: Treatment and Public Health Issues. Fundamentals and applications of drinking water treatment processes, interactions among treatment processes, source water quality, and public health issues.
Approved Faculty Electives - Group 1
GIN222Applied Programming for Engineers
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GIN221
This course emphasizes problem solving, algorithms, and an introduction to object oriented programming. By the end of this course, students will be able to:·         break down computational problems into a series of easily managed steps;·         process data and perform input and output operations on it; implement, test, and debug a designed solution to a problem in Java, Matlab or C language·         demonstrate a good understanding of libraries and use them for program development
Approved Faculty Electives - Group 2
GIN231Data structures and Algorithms
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GIN221
The first part of this course introduces some concepts of object-oriented programming as well as the recursion as a programming technique. In the second part, the following data structures are studied: Static arrays, dynamic arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues and trees. In addition, an introduction to computational complexity is introduced in this course which allows making a reasonable comparison between the different implementations of the above data structures.
GCH360Engineering Graphics
1 credits
Engineering graphics, also known as drafting, is the act and discipline of composing plans that visually communicate how something functions or has to be constructed. Drafting is the visual language of industry and engineeringThis course is an introduction to the students about the basic and standard for drawing technique, including sizing and folded drawing. The drawing technique is emphasized in how to draw an object graphically, and projection point from surface and arch lines, and projection drawing from different point of view. It also helps student to draw and design using AUTOCAD.
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
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