School of Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering

211 credits
For students entering the program at the Sophomore level
(holders of a recognized Baccalaureate or Freshman diploma - equivalent to 30 credits)


General Education
Behavioral and Social Sciences (3 cr.)
3 credits
Civic Engagement (2 cr.)
2 credits
GEN302Engineering Ethics
1 credits
This course studies the theories of rational justification, of the moral judgments and the relation between the concept of liberty, and the one of the responsibility, while covering the principles of basis of deontology of engineer's profession.
English Communication (3 cr.)
3 credits
GCV302History of Architecture
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: LFR120
Based mainly on the architectural timeline, the course focuses on the construction periods, their key events, their most important buildings, technical inventions, sociohistorical contexts, and symbolic meanings. It locates the most important milestones in the discipline and gives the students a comprehensive global view about architecture evolution, its technical and aesthetical correlation as well as its connection with other disciplines.
History of Lebanon (3 cr.)
3 credits
GEN301Law for Engineers
2 credits
This course is designed to provide the students with fundamental knowledge of legal principles and terminology, to understand the basic foundations and theories of law, and to explain the legal concepts and terminology in substantive areas of law (i.e., Contract Law,   Liability Law, Labor Law, Commercial Law etc.) It is also designed to help prepare engineering students for careers in fields which are impacted by the law and to demonstrate an understanding of the interaction between the fields of law and the application of laws and legal strategy in engineering This course will also help engineering students to understand their rights and responsibilitiesas a contractor (Application of Contract law), an employee (Application Labor law) and as a partner (Application of commercial law)
Religious Sciences (3 cr.)
3 credits
GEN300Scientific English
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: ENG240
This course is designed to give the students the opportunity to enhance their writing abilities and develop their critical thinking. It is also designed to provide rigorous training in advanced reading, critiquing, synthesizing and researching. It attempts to help students achieve greater competency in reading, writing, reflection, and discussion emphasizing the responsibilities of written inquiry and structured reasoning.  Students are expected to investigate questions that are at issue for themselves and their audience and for which they don’t already have answers. In other words, this course should help students write about what they have learned through their research rather than simply write an argument supporting one side of an issue or another. In addition, students deliver one oral power point presentation based on their writings.
Sports (1 cr.)
1 credits
Mathematics and Sciences
MAT207Algebra for Engineers 1
3 credits
The course aims at providing the necessary tools and the mathematical maturity for engineers, for the design and analysis of abstract mathematical models. Subjects covered: complex numbers, Logic and proofs, propositional calculus, Sets and mappings, Relations and ordered sets, An introduction to algebraic structures, groups, rings and fields,  polynomials, counting, finite and transfinite cardinals.
MAT307Algebra for Engineers 2
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT207
The main objective of this course is to continue the study of algebra, covering mainly linear systems and matrices, matrix algebra, inverses, Gauss elimination, elementary matrices, computing inverses, determinants, vector spaces, definition and examples of spaces and subspaces, linear independence, basis and dimension, change of basis, linear applications, reduction of an endomorphism, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, characteristic polynomial, eigenvalues, solving linear systems of differential equations, diagonalization and applications, bilinear and quadratic forms, Gauss method, scalar and cross product, euclidean and Hermitian spaces, Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization process, geometric transformations.
STA307Applied Statistics and probability for Engineers
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT217
This course aims to provide students with the most common concepts of probability theory and statistical inference, with a unique balance between theory and methodology. Interesting relevant applications using real data will be used to show how the concepts and methods can be applied to solve problems in the different fields of engineering in practice.
MAT217Calculus for Engineers 1
3 credits
The course covers integration methods to compute integrals, improper integrals. We will study the, the infinite series, Taylor expansion, Parametric curves and Polar curves, double integrals.
MAT227Calculus for Engineers 2
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT217
This course teaches basic theory and techniques of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). Topics include: Solution of non-linear first-order ODE's; Linear ODE's, especially second order with constant and variable coefficients; Delta functions, convolution, and Laplace transform methods; Power series and resolution of differential equations using power series; Real and complex Fourier series; Introduction to partial differential equations.
MAT337Calculus for Engineers 3
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT217
The main objective of this course is to continue the study of calculus, covering mainly parametric and polar curves, three dimensional analytic geometry, differentiation and integration of functions of several variables, and vector calculus. Line integrals, and Green's theorem.
CHM212General Chemistry
3 credits
The purpose of this course is to present a general outline on chemistry. Through this course chemistry is introduced in its various aspects: the structure of the atom, the various models, and the properties of the elements in the periodic table; various chemical bonds, the Lewis structure, VSEPR rules; thermochemistry, thermodynamics and chemical equilibrium; kinetic chemistry, reactions rate orders, the Arrhenius law; solutions chemistry, acids and bases and various acid­base equilibrium; complexation, liquid solid equilibrium and solubility product; and redox titration and electrochemical cells.
CHM270Laboratory of General Chemistry
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: CHM212 Or CHE212 Or CHM210 Or CHE210
The general chemistry laboratory aims to develop different skills for the practical application of theoretical knowledge of general chemistry. Techniques to be learned: preparation and dilution of solutions, experimental verification of the Nernst equation, realization of different types of acid­ base and redox titration by volumetric, calorimetric, pH­metric or potentiometric monitoring, and the study of solubility and precipitation reactions and characterization of ions present in a given matrix. The goal of the lab course is to ensure that students are capable of understanding the chemical concepts and to carry out experiments safely and carefully in the laboratory, to obtain data accurately and to manipulate the data correctly.
GEN350Mathematics for Engineers
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT227 And MAT307 And MAT337
The main objective of this course is to complete the knowledge of mathematics for the student-engineer. It mainly covers the following themes: Functions of a Complex Variable, analytical functions Cauchy-Riemann conditions. Harmonic functions. Cauchy integrals Formulas, Taylor series, Singular points. Inverse Laplace transformation. Special functions: Gamma and Beta functions. Bessel function. Orthogonal functions (Tchebychev, Legendre, Hermite, Laguerre). Discrete-time Markov Chains
GEN250Modern Physics
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT227
The course covers principles and concepts of Relativity, Quantum mechanics and their applications. The following topics will be covered along with their applications : The failure of Classical Physics, the special theory of relativity, the particle properties of electromagnetic radiation, the wave properties of particles, the Schr & ouml; dinger equation, the Rutherford-Bohr Model of the atom and the Hydrogen atom in wave mechanics
GEN428Numerical Analysis
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT227 And MAT307 And GIN231 or GIN222
The purpose of this course is to provide numerical concepts and methods needed by students solve different engineering problems. Topics covered include: Resolution of non-linear equations; Numerical integration; Data approximation and interpolation; Numerical resolution of differential equations. Many numerical methods are implemented and test using Matlab software.
GEN270Physics Laboratory
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEN250
Tell me, I'll forget. Show me, I may remember. But, involve me, and I'll understand. Chinese proverb. The laws of physics are based on experimental and observational facts. Laboratory work is therefore an important part of a course in general physics, helping you develop skill in fundamental scientific measurements and increasing your understanding of the physical concepts. It is profitable for you to experience the difficulties of making quantitative measurements in the real world and to learn how to record and process experimental data.
Engineering courses
GCV450Architectural Project
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV302 And GCV320
It is key for civil engineers to acquire the basics of architecture projects (concept, development, and drawings). This course prepares students to properly understand, read and develop architectural plans, helping them coordinate on projects with architects in the future.
GCV462Building Legislation
1 credits
This course defines the regulations and the relevant requirements to be achieved and provided in order to get the construction permit from the Lebanese authorities (Urbanism Agency) based on the construction law and the OEA law.
GCV430Construction Materials
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GMC440
This course will familiarize students with the basic construction materials used in the building construction process such as aggregates, cement, concrete, steel, wood and ceramics... The fundamental principles of the behavior, physical and engineering properties of various common civil engineering materials will be introduced. Students learn about material and product manufacturing techniques and how they relate to mechanical and non-mechanical properties of the various materials. Resulting from this course, students will gain a comparative knowledge of material properties and possible applications in construction.
GCV472Construction Materials Lab
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV430
This course aims to introduce the student to the fundamentals of laboratory testing of construction materials. Make measurements of behavior of various materials used in Civil Engineering among many tests. Provide physical observations. Introduce experimental procedures and common measurement equipment. Exposure to a variety of established material testing techniques. A dual approach characterizes these experiments: discovery / control of equipment and measurement / interpretation.
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT227
This course presents the fundamentals of engineering dynamics. It covers the following topics: Kinematics of a particle: absolute and relative motion, description of motion in various systems of coordinates. Kinetics of a particle: force and acceleration: Newtons second law of motion; work and energy: principle of conservation of energy; impulse and momentum: conservation of linear momentum.
GEL211Electric Circuits
3 credits
This course presents the basics of electric circuits’ analysis: Introduction to theory, circuit variables and elements (dependent and independent voltage and current sources, resistors, inductors, capacitors…), basic analysis and design of resistive circuits and different analysis techniques: Node-Voltage analysis, Mesh-Current analysis, Source transformations, Thevenin’s and Norton’s equivalent, Maximum power transfer, and Superposition methods.Introduction to capacitance, inductance, and mutual inductance; current-voltage relation; RC, RL and RLC circuits analysis: natural and step responses.Topics also include ideal operational amplifiers; circuit simplification, steady-state and transient analysis, phasors, frequency response, Kirchhoff’s laws and Thevenin’s and Norton’s equivalent represented in the frequency domain, Laplace transform and an introduction to Transfer functions.
GEL271Electric Circuits Lab
1 credits
This course presents the basics of electric circuits’ analysis: Introduction to theory, circuit variables and elements (dependent and independent voltage and current sources, resistors, inductors, capacitors…), basic analysis and design of resistive circuits and different analysis techniques: Node-Voltage analysis, Mesh-Current analysis, Source transformations, Thevenins and Nortons equivalent, Maximum power transfer, and Superposition methods. Introduction to capacitance, inductance, and mutual inductance; current-voltage relation; RC, RL and RLC circuits analysis: natural and step responses. Topics also include ideal operational amplifiers; circuit simplification, steady-state and transient analysis, phasors, frequency response, Kirchhoffs laws and Thevenins and Nortons equivalent represented in the frequency domain, Laplace transform and an introduction to Transfer functions.
GCV596Final Project I
1 credits
A major project in engineering analysis, design, development or research carried out by individual or group of students and a faculty research supervisor. The objective is to provide an opportunity to develop initiative, self-reliance, creative ability and engineering judgment. A project proposal, an interim report, and an oral presentation are required
GCV597Final Project II
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV596
This course provides the students with the opportunity to learnb how to apply engineering design principles in a major group design project. While working on the projects, the students will learn how to effectively plan, schedule, search for data and information, communicate and cooperate in a team environment
GEN450Finite Elements
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEN428
The objectives of this course is to analyse real world structural mechanics problems using the finite element method. The mathematical roots of FEA will be covered extensively in this course, on which nearly all structural analysis software is built. The course will provide to the specific challenges of engineers across all mechanical disciplines (Aerospace, Manufacturing, Mechanical and Mechatronic). Also, this course provides deep insight into the operation of finite element analysis software by training the students to implement a detailed FE study including planning, modelling, meshing, solving, evaluating results and validating against real world data.
GMC430Fluid Mechanics
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GMC340
This course consists of a concise and clear presentation of fundamental topics in fluid mechanics, which deals with energy transportation by a fluid. These topics concern the development and application of control volume and differential form analysis and applications of fluid flows. Topics include fundamental concepts, basic equations in integral form for a control volume, introduction to differential analysis of fluid motion, potential flow, incompressible flow, and internal and external viscous flows including boundary layers concepts.
GCV465Foundations and Retaining Walls
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV310 And GCV420
Focuses on geotechnical design of shallow and deep foundations, including spread footings, mats, driven piles, and drilled piers. Coverage includes bearing capacity, settlement, group effects, and lateral load capacity of the various foundation types. Additional topics include subsurface exploration, construction of deep foundations, and analysis of pile behavior using wave equation and dynamic monitoring methods.
GCV461General Procedures of Construction
1 credits
Introduce students to onsite construction operations, with a focus on construction methods, equipment, and safety considerations. And train students to consider alternative solutions, this includes selection of most suitable equipment and methods to operations at hand. Case examples are introduced to familiarize students with good construction practices. Topics include site preparation and earthwork, wood frame, masonry, Concrete formwork, shoring and underpinning work excavation at depth. Design, assembly and dismantling of temporary construction works. The course also aims at introducing students to soft skills, including teamwork and communication skills.
GCV410Geology and Geophysics
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV440
This course introduces the students to the Earth as a dynamic planet, and provides basic knowledge of the various processes shaping the Earth’s surface and interior. Students will thus have specific knowledge of the theories and principles governing the natural systems. It will also enable them to understand how humans affect their natural environment and vice versa. This course also introduces the concepts of geophysical investigations, mapping and satellite image interpretation.
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GMC430
This course deals with basic concepts of hydraulics, namely, the continuity, energy and momentum equations. This includes Hydrostatics, internal viscous with application of Bernoulli equation and losses. Further, it covers physical modeling (dimensionless analysis and similarities), hydraulic pumps, and turbines.
GMC477Hydraulics Lab
1 credits
The objective of this laboratory is to expose the student to different experiments in fluids and hydraulics sciences. The student will investigate the laws and theories of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and hydraulics using diverse methods of measurements including limitations and boundaries of each theory.
GCV440Infrastructures and Roads
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV430 And GCV320
Transportation functions; transportation systems, including land, air, and marine modes; transportation system elements, including traveled way, vehicle, controls, and terminals; techniques of transportation system planning, design, and operation.
GCV480Internship I
1 credits
The objective of this course is to introduce the student to the real work of the engineer on the site project and to the real work in the consultant engineering offices.
GCV581Internship II
1 credits
The objective of this course is to carry out a professional training and experience in civil engineering environment, either in a consultant office or on a construction site.
GIN221Introduction to Programming
3 credits
This introductory course in programming allows engineering students to learn the methods of rigorous software development solutions in the object-oriented paradigm. The course is supplemented by laboratory sessions for the application of programming concepts studied in the Eclipse integrated development environment.
GCV460Management and Site Organization
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV405
This course is to consider the responsibilities for planning, organizing, monitoring, controlling and administering groups of staff e.g. site manager.
GCV310Reinforced Concrete I
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV401
Students completing this course will be able to explain and apply the principles of reinforced concrete; Assign and assess proper dead, live and other structural loads; They will have capability to design and analyze reinforced concrete beams, slabs, columns, and footings for flexure, shear and axial loads using ACI standard (ACI 318); Use and understand the functionality of the design and analyze reinforced concrete elements using a design software; Coordination, Elaboration and work in a team during the group course project and then the students will be able to write a group project report and present parts of the results in front of the class.
GCV405Reinforced Concrete II
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV310
This course covers the analysis and design of the bond, development lengths, and splices; slender columns, and biaxially bent columns; wall footings, concentrically and eccentrically loaded single column footings, and combined footings; staircases; bearing walls; cantilever retaining walls; One way and two way slab design; Introduction to the Seismic resistance and shear wall design.
GEN499Seminars and Conferences
Each semester, the Faculty of Engineering organizes several seminars and conferences in which leading figures in the professional and academic world target future engineers with a speech presenting scientific, technical, and/or industrial topics, etc. and showing them the various aspects of the engineering profession.
GCV420Soil Mechanics
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GMC410
This course aims to introduce the student to the fundamentals of soil mechanics parameters which will be useful for the design of the geotechnical components. It includes all basic requirements needed by the student in order to classify the soil type, to define the related parameters, the soil resistance and to evaluate the soil behavior when it will be subjected to external stresses.
GCV471Soil Mechanics Lab
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV420
This course aims to introduce the student to the fundamentals of laboratory testing of soil. It includes a laboratory teaching to familiarize student with standard soil testing which are considered as a must for the determination of soil parameters needed to design the geotechnical components.
GMC330Solid Mechanics
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT307 And GMC310 And GMC320
Dynamics of Rigid Bodies is a sub-branch of the general field of study known as Engineering Mechanics. It is very closely related to—and often combined with—the study of Statics, which you encountered in GMC 310, with the study of the Mechanics Engineering Dynamics GMC 320 where we have covered the dynamics of particles. In this subject, we will thus study accelerated motion of Rigid Bodies. We will then take a step towards the more realistic engineering problems by considering the size, shape, and orientation of objects as they accelerate. We term this type of motion “Rigid Body Motion.” We begin, with the Kinematics of Rigid Bodies, looking first at the rotational motion of objects. We will then introduce the possibility that objects can move (and accelerate) by translating and rotating at the same time. Furthermore, GMC 330 covers many of the three-dimensional Kinematics and kinetics of a Rigid Body principles. Finally, an introduction of the Vibrational Motion, or what happens when objects oscillate about a neutral state will be covered.
GCV463Specifications and Bill of Quantities
1 credits
A course on the structure of construction documents and their interrelationships; bidding requirements; general and particular contract conditions; administrative and procedural requirements for construction; technical specifications; breakdown structure and BOQ; construction cost estimation processes; and unit rates determination and pricing.
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT217
Covers fundamental concepts of mechanics relating to forces acting on rigid bodies. Includes problems involving actions and reactions on structures and machines in two and three dimensions. Shear and moment diagrams. Centroids, Center of Mass/Gravity, Moments of inertia. Friction, dry friction and friction forces on screws. Introduction to principle of virtual work.
GMC440Strength of Materials
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT227 And GMC310
This course presents the theory and application of the fundamentals of mechanics of materials: stress and strain; tension, compression, and shear; Hooke's law, Mohr's circle, combined stresses, strain-energy; beams, columns, shafts, and continuous beams; deflections, shear and moment diagrams. Thin walled structures, buckling and columns and energy methods (Castiglianos). Moreover, this course
GMC472Strength of Materials Lab
1 credits
This course starts with a brief introduction about the safety procedures of lab. Reliability of measurements and statistical analysis for experimental data is provided to the students. Verification of theoretical models through testing. Trusses, Tension Test: stress-strain diagram, determination of yield strength, ultimate strength, modulus of elasticity, percentage elongation and percentage reduction in areas, Buckling Test; Hardness Tests, Impact tests, Parabolic  arc, Suspension bridges.
GCV401Structural Analysis
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GMC440
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to: identify the types of structures (beams, frames, arches, trusses) and describe their behavior; determine, according to the codes, different design loads to be considered in the design of structures; calculate the support reactions and internal forces
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT337 And GCV320
Surveying may be defined as the art of making measurements of the relative positions of natural and manmade features on the earth’s surface and the presentation of this information either graphically or numerically. On completion of this course the surveying student will be able to demonstrate competency in the following areas: Explain the meaning of a number of common terms used in surveying and mapping, Utilize horizontal and vertical references, Prepare and apply the use of survey field notes, Theory of measurements, linear measurements, angles, topographic surveys, Construct alignment sheets for construction design, Construct a topographic map utilizing horizontal and vertical values.
GCV320Technical Drawing
1 credits
The objective of these practical works is to initiate the student to the use of the software AutoCAD. It is in a first time about learning the fundamental operations nevertheless sufficient to achieve technical drawings in 2D. The student is initiated thereafter in the software AutoCAD in the objective of realization of projects in civil engineering. We insist on the tools and the available modules (management of project, insertion of block of components, realization of report.) permitting a fast realization of projects and plans of electric facilities.
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: CHM212 Or CHE212
This course is designed to provide a fundamental understanding of the transformation of thermal energy and the behavior of its physical quantities. Such transformation is the conversion of heat into work. Engineers are generally interested in studying systems and how they interact with their surroundings. Its use becomes indispensable in our society.
Technical Electives
GCV505Advanced Structural Analysis
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV401
This course covers the analysis of statically indeterminate structures by flexibility (force) and stiffness methods; introduction to the direct stiffness method, Cross method; influence lines for indeterminate structures. computer structural analysis applications; project building modeling and assessment. Introduction to the nonlinear analysis, PD analysis.
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV405
This course discusses types of bridges; influence lines; loads and their distribution on bridges; serviceability of bridges; methods of design of bridge deck, superstructure, and substructure. Standards and norms (i.e AASHTO).
GCV526Building Project
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV522 And GCV524 And GCV462
This course provides the common rules to be applied in order to achieve a successful building project. Coordination between different disciplines will be attempted.
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV430 And GCV320
Finishes and Materials introduces the building materials and finishes used in interior and exterior applications in the context of their environmental impact, their implications for human health and safety, and their potential contribution to the design of architectural elements. This course learns students to explore the diversity of interior building and finish materials, and provide the technical vocabulary and scientific concepts associated with procedures used for their fabrication, testing and evaluation.
GCV536Geotechnics of Roads
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV465
This course covers an advanced technics in Geomechanics. Subsurface exploration and soil investigation for the roads. Ground Improvement techniques under the roads.
2 credits
An introductory course on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and their applications in the planning and engineering fields, alternatives in computer based graphics, data concepts and tools, network data management and planning applications, and implementation issues. This course satisfies the departmental requirements in all graduate engineering programs.
GCV550Highway and Road Design
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV440
Contemporary road design approach; The speed parameter; Design consistency; 3‐D design controls; Aesthetic road design criteria; Energy and environmental impacts of highway design; Design for heavy vehicles and powered two wheelers; at grade unsignalized intersections; Roundabouts; Interchanges; Standards and practices in Lebanon.
GCV554Highway Construction
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV550
Project management ; Health and security at work ; Construction of tunnels and underground structures; Construction of bridges; Construction of road structure, pavements, hydraulic structures, and retaining walls ; Automation in construction ; Standards and practices in Lebanon.
GCV555Highway Safety
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV550
Safety issues in the Mediterranean Area ; The role of the driver-vehicle‐ road‐environment system in the highway safety ; Crash data ; Safety performance functions ; Empirical Bayes method ; Crash modification factors ; Safety performance based highway design ; Network screening ; Diagnosis ; Selection of countermeasures ; Economic appraisal and prioritization ; Road safety impact assessment ; Road safety audits ; Road safety inspections ; Network safety management based on road safety inspections.
GCV518Hydraulic Structures
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEN450 And GCV405
This course covers closed conduit flow, water distribution systems, transient analysis, open channel flow, flood control, culvert hydraulics, and design of various hydraulic structures.
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV410
This course will provide a basic understanding of the physical and chemical aspects of hydrogeology. The emphasis will be on low temperature groundwater and groundwater surface Water systems. This course included a module on hydrogeology of geothermal systems, volcanoes, etc.. This course will address the occurrence, movement, and reactions of water within the Earth’s subsurface. We will emphasize the evaluation of flow directions and rates, calculation of hydraulic properties, and processes controlling the composition of ground water.
GCV543Irrigation Network
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV502
Source materials for irrigation projecting, hydrological, climatic, geological and hydrogeological. Preparation of irrigation constructions, standardization, construction documentation. Investment goal. Preparation documentation, projecting task. Documentation of real type of constructions. Projecting of soil unit. Proposal of irrigation detail, proposal of water distribution, its flow capacity and dimension of pipe network. Application of linear programming for optimization of pipe network. Reviewing of irrigation equipment characteristics from viewpoint of suitability for plants and soil. Drawing documentation of operational project, its realization.
GCV525Maintenance, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting of Buildings
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV462
This is a course on assessment of materials and structural deficiency using field test or analytical methods; repair and strengthening materials; strengthening and repair techniques; strengthening of structural members in flexure, shear and axial load; and upgrading of gravity loaddesigned buildings for earthquake load resistance.
GCV542Management and Economy of Water
2 credits
This course provides an introduction to water resource management challenges and The many complex factors that contribute to them. Some topics that will be discussed are: water supply concerns given population growth and increasing demand, uncertainty in light of climate change, water quality issues stemming from point and nonpoint sources of pollution and from a lack of sanitation, and the geopolitics surrounding bulk water exports and sharing transboundary waters. Approaches for addressing waterrelated issues will be explored, including Conceptual frameworks like Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) and the human right to water, and management tools like pricing and privatization.
GMC441Mechanics of Continuous Medium
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GMC330
The continuum mechanics carries out the principles that are mutual to both solid and fluid mechanics. This subject provides advanced treatment of the fundamental, unifying concepts of the mechanics of continua in order to simplify further study in specialized fields such as aerodynamics, mechanics of viscous fluids, elasticity, plasticity, and continuum damage mechanics. The topics covered in this course are devised into two parts. The first part will cover the advanced solid mechanics (will be covered in 25 lectures): Stress and Strains in 3-D, Cauchy formula, Principal Stress, hydrostatic stress, deviatoric stress, stress transformations, Mohr circle, octahedral shear stress, strain energy densities, theories of failure, Beam on elastic foundations, Bending of curved beams, theory of elasticity. The second part will cover the advanced topics in fluid dynamics (will be covered in 10 lectures): Fundamental principles of conservation, Reynolds transport theorem, Conservation of mass, Conservation of linear momentum: Navier-Stokes equation, Conservation of Energy, General scalar transport equation, classification of Partial Differential Equations and Physical Behavior, Approximate Solutions of Differential Equations
GCV522MEP Systems
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GMC340 And GEL211 And GCV450
This course will allow students to learn about Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and Fire (MEP) systems in buildings. It is required a special coordination and planning to minimize delays and interferences. This course will allow you to understand these systems and also to schedule, estimate and coordinate them within the general construction process.
GCV517Offshore Structures
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEN450 And GCV405
Design of offshore platforms: Introduction, fixed and floating platforms. Case studies and general features elements of hydrodynamics and wave theory fluid structure interaction, Steel, concrete and hybrid platforms. Design criteria. Environmental loading, Wind, wave and current loads after installation. Stability during towing. Foundations: Site investigations. Piled foundation. Foundations for gravity structures Behavior under dynamic loading. Static and dynamic analysis of platforms and components. Dynamic response in deterministic and in deterministic environment, codes of practice, analysis of fixed platform and semisubmersible related topics.
GCV514Pavement Analysis, Design, and Maintenance
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV440
Traffic Analysis, environmental conditions, soil and drainage; Material characterization and mix design ; Structural design; Maintenance and rehabilitation; Pavement monitoring; Pavement management systems.
GCV500Prestressed Concrete
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV405
This course describes the design methods and the material characteristics of the prestressed elements; prestress losses; working strength design procedures; composite construction; ultimate flexural strength and behavior; shear design; continuous prestressed concrete members. Case study/project.
GCV532Rock Mechanics
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEN450 And GCV420
This course provides general analytical tools and experimental methods that are used in rock mechanics. Theoretical topics covered in the lectures include: fundamental concepts of stresses and strains, linear elastic constitutive model of rocks, failure modes and models of rocks, fracture mechanisms and models of rocks, inelastic behavior of rocks, seismic waves.
GCV501Seismic Design
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEN450 And GCV405
This course examines the nature of earthquake ground motion; seismic hazard evaluation in engineering practice; response analysis of structures and effect of soil conditions on structural response and behavior under earthquake ground motion; design of structures under earthquake loading. Introduction to the UBC, IBC and PS standards.
GCV535Slope Stability, Excavation and Shoring
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV465
Design and construction of earth and rockfill dams. Seepage problems, flow nets, seepage control, soil compaction and stabilization. Computer analysis of slope stability, factor of safety. Measures taken to limit and accommodate settlements.
GCV534Soil Dynamics
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV501
Geotechnical considerations of earthquake engineering and foundation vibrations. Seismic surveying; ground motion during earthquakes; determination of soil properties for ground response analysis; dynamic properties of soils; soil structure interaction effects; soil liquefaction; dynamic analysis of earth dams; settlements resulting from earthquakes, lateral earth pressures during earthquakes; foundation vibrations.
GCV516Special Structures
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEN450 And GCV405
Special structures are true three-dimensional representations of our equilibrium equations and affirmations of our analytical techniques, design standards and construction practices. They include many types of structures, such as: space frames or grids; cable and strut and tensegrity; self-erecting and deployable; cable net; tension membrane; lightweight geodesic domes; folded plates; and thin shells.
GCV552Statistical Methods for Transportation Data Analysis
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: STA307 And GCV551
Data management and data editing; Descriptive and exploratory statistics; Probability models and statistical inference; Multivariate statistics; statistical learning methods.
GCV521Steel and Mixed Structures
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV405
This Course examines loads on structures; philosophies of design: LRFD versus ASD; behavior, analysis, and design (according to AISC) of tension members, bolted connections, welded connections, compression members, and beams. Introduction to composite section and mixed structure design.
GCV553Traffic Management Systems
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV550
Introduction to Intelligent Transportation Systems ; Traffic surveillance methods ; Automatic vehicle identification systems ; Advanced traveler information systems ; Active traffic management ; Traffic flow‐metering ; Incident management ; GIS technologies and applications ; Traffic flow simulation.
GCV551Transportation Systems and Traffic Analysis
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV550
Transportation planning; The four step method; Discrete choice models in transportation systems analysis ; Intermodal transport; Freight and logistics ; Project evaluation and cost‐benefit analysis; Traffic flow characteristics; Traffic flow models; Highway capacity and level of service.
GCV515Underground structures
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEN450 And GCV405
This course covers an introduction to tunneling with its geological aspects; tunneling methods in soft and rock ground; drilling and blastering; ground treatment in tunneling; design and supports; rock reinforcement, concrete and shot Crete linings.
GCV544Urban Hydraulics
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GMC435
The aim of the course is to study the hydrology and drainage requirements of urban areas. Throughout the course, we introduce the effects of urbanization on the hydrological cycle; develop basic methods of hydrological analysis including rainfall runoff models and flood frequency analysis. We review the basics of rainfall analysis and hydraulics, and apply this to storm, foul and combined sewer design. We explore sewer flow and quality models, storm water management and the increasing influence of 'sustainability principles.
GCV502Urban Planning
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GCV440
This course presents concepts, methods, and techniques that are used for urban Planning and treats the urban area as a system for the purpose of planning infrastructure (e.g., transportation, water supply, waste water disposal).
GCV541Waste Water Treatment
3 credits
A course that examines the quality and treatment methods of water and wastewater; testing for physical, chemical, and biological parameters.
Approved Faculty Electives
GIN222Applied Programming for Engineers
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GIN221
This course emphasizes problem solving, algorithms, and an introduction to object oriented programming. By the end of this course, students will be able to:·         break down computational problems into a series of easily managed steps;·         process data and perform input and output operations on it; implement, test, and debug a designed solution to a problem in Java, Matlab or C language·         demonstrate a good understanding of libraries and use them for program development
GIN231Data Structures and Algorithms
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GIN221
The first part of this course introduces some concepts of object-oriented programming as well as the recursion as a programming technique. In the second part, the following data structures are studied: Static arrays, dynamic arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues and trees. In addition, an introduction to computational complexity is introduced in this course which allows making a reasonable comparison between the different implementations of the above data structures.
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