EDU305Class Management
3 credits
This course is an opportunity to analyze what happens in the classroom and guide future teachers to the development of the first elements of a class management model. It aims to familiarize the students with all the elements of planning, organization and supervision in the conduct of the class, which can prevent discipline problems in the classroom and to create an atmosphere and environment conducive to learning (how to motivate, encourage curiosity, stimulate; how to function in daily life or adapt its operation through a variety of group dynamics to increase the maximum participation of students, autonomy and commitment to work, school). In another more relational aspect, this course aims to develop the competence to manage the relationships between actors in a class group, while respecting each individual in the group, to regulate conflict and establish a consistent operation attuned to all learning in the classroom. For this, an understanding of the behavior of difficult students and an identification of communication strategies with these students is of importance.
EDU310Learning Theories
3 credits
This course is given with the purpose of developing a classification of large trends found in contemporary theories of education, starting from a descriptive and critical study of the theories (academic, social, psychocognitive, technological and sociocognitive) to come up with strategies serving as contextual references to the learning process.
3 credits
This course will develop diction competencies of future teachers. Students will first be asked to distinguish between phonetics and phonology. They will then learn the International Phonetic Alphabet; knowledge that will give them access to all the features of the phonetics of the French language. All the rules of pronunciation and diction will be subsequently addressed (pronunciation of sounds, letters, accents, links, intonation) to finally reach a correct and expressive reading of a poetic corpus - narrative or theatrical. All theoretical information will be immediately followed by practical exercises that will be based on the very practice of students. These, through listening exercises and diction, will be asked to identify their shortcomings and those of others, to explain and to address them gradually.
EDU325Digital Resources for School Education
3 credits
This course provides a concrete discovery of digital resources for education namely typology of digital resources for education, online research methodology, and the analysis of digital resources for education and problems of their pedagogical uses. Today the modes of course preparation at all levels of education and training are based increasingly on consultation and integration of educational resources found online. Training institutions are facing the emergence of teaching practices of communities, personal sites of all kinds and commercial offers, resources where the proliferation does not facilitate the teacher's task. This course's main purpose is to present the diversity of these resources, access modes to the latter, but also to give future teachers the key to analyze, in order to help them integrate these into their teaching practices.
EDU330General Didactics
3 credits
This course covers the basic concepts of general didactics and pedagogical principles to be understood in the ideas of curriculum, curriculum development and planning of learning situations. It also provides the basic data essential for the development of didactic situations, the analysis of the links between the elements of the educational triangle and principles essential to make the teaching contract successful in various school settings. The course allows the student to apply teaching from the competencybased approach and the problem situation, and specify the use of educational objectives; their classification and formulation, as well as their integration into different learning situations.
EDU345Applied Linguistics to Teaching French
3 credits
The course focuses on didactics/linguistics relationships, on the application of linguistic theories in the teaching and learning of second languages and on linguistic intervention fields in the class of language. The topics covered address fundamental concepts related to general linguistics, lexical semantics, morphology, syntax and the use of the statements in oral and written texts. In addition, this course provides criteria to be considered in the teaching of a second language and the analysis of errors made by students during their learning, to remedy and even prevent them.
EDU419Specialized Didactics in Mathematics I
3 credits
This course will enable students to develop professional skills to teach math according to the methods of active teaching, to introduce young students to transform the basic math skills into intellectual instruments, which will enable them to build solid knowledge and develop critical thinking and synthesis.
EDU420Specialized Didactics of Mathematics II
3 credits | Pre-requisite: EDU419
This course seeks to deepen didactic concepts such as differentiated instruction, interdisciplinarity, project based pedagogy, etc. It aims to develop in students the skills, which will enable them to design, build and manage learning situations; thereby ensuring the intellectual, psychic, moral, and social development of students.
EDU423Evaluation in Education
3 credits
The content of this course will develop the conceptual notions in evaluation in light of the various theories. It initiates the future teachers into the process of evaluation, exploring taxonomy, docimological rules, forms and functions of evaluation and terms of interpretation. It prepares students for mastering the techniques of evaluation, notably the evaluation grids, addressing the objects of measurement that structure the education system (namely, the operating targets, or how to assess a teacher's skills), and also the textbook or the school.
EDU425ICT and Professional Teacher Development
3 credits
The course introduces the mastery of observation techniques, natural and manipulated, and necessary for the comprehension of the meaning of the practices of users of ICT in the teaching world. At all levels of training, the use of technology for the teacher provokes pedagogical upheavals that question the postures of the actors in the educational system. Professional postures are facing, on the one hand, the new “cultural” uses of "digital nature"; on the other hand, the tools and programs developed by the training systems. If the myth of the suppression of teachers is no longer appropriate, what are the new competencies of teachers? What is the new knowledge? What are the new professions? This course will put these issues in perspective. It will address certification issues as well as the study of collaborative online practices and uses of digital work environments.
EDU434French Language Specialized Didactics I
3 credits
Students preparing a degree in Educational Sciences Basic Education, will be called upon to address issues related to specialized didactics of the French language and prepare practical sheets for classroom application. The areas covered will be those of understanding and speaking and those of reading literacy, covering all classroom activities with language lessons (listening, comprehension and oral expression) and reading (text and iconographic documents). A methodology offering an inductive approach will be applied in the preparation of lessons and assessment criteria will be proposed in respect of each activity.
EDU440Pedagogical Analysis of Texts
3 credits
The course aims, as a first step, to appropriate the fundamental data for the processing and analysis of educational texts, with an emphasis on the different levels of study and representative patterns. The pedagogical analysis is based on a linguistic approach and the study of the context in which the statements are produced. Secondly the course covers the fundamental data that highlight the characteristics of different types and kinds of texts and the elements essential for the structuring of ideas around various situations of writing, in order to produce a variety of texts.
EDU454French Language Specialized Didactics II
3 credits | Pre-requisite: EDU434
This course will present a working approach relating to areas of written expression and knowledge of the language. Students preparing a degree in Educational Sciences Primary school level, will be required to deepen their knowledge of theoretical concepts in the specialized didactics of the French language, particularly in literacy, and to acquire work processes ready to prepare fact sheets relating to preparing lessons in targeted areas. The work done by students in this course will aim to realize the application of theoretical and practical knowledge in the school context, through an internship conducted in schools.
EDU469Video / Serious Games in Schools
3 credits
The course presents video games created at the forefront of technology, but which leave a serious impact on the concept of leisure and Ludo science. The course objective is to demonstrate the educational interest of an activity called "video game creation at school" to make students understand the potentialities and the difficulties associated with the use of video games for learning. Students learn to develop competencies of analysis and design of pedagogical video games to define learning objectives and write synopses of audio visual materials to achieve the desired objectives. The term "Serious Games" is used to refer to games for utility purposes and within a formative goal. The time component to the "Serious Games" video focuses on online games, on the computer, or on a gaming console, that have a combined educational objective in a ludic operation. Beyond the theoretical approach, the course allows students to create games, from scratch, through relatively simple software.