Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities

(To become Faculty of Arts and Science starting September 2019)

Teaching Diploma in Education (Basic Education)

27 credits
For students entering the program at the Sophomore level
(holders of a recognized Baccalaureate or Freshman diploma - equivalent to 30 credits)


Common Core
EDU312Philosophy of Education
3 credits
This course focuses on the main axes of the Philosophy of Education, which is a reflexive return concerning education as real human formation as it was designed by the great masters - Greek thinkers. Three axes are the backbone of the course: 1 ­ the first axis is that of Greek education and Greek philosophy­ Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. Special attention will be devoted to Seneca. 2 ­ The second axis focuses on education at the time of the Renaissance; 15th century and the end of the 16th century; Montaigne and Pascal. 3 ­ The 3rd axis focuses on education during the century of enlightenment ­ Rousseau and Kant.
SOC311Sociology of Education
3 credits
This course focuses on the key concepts and theoretical foundations of the Sociology of Education. It includes a historical overview of the functioning of the school. It also explains the report of school social institutions and socio­ economic and cultural parameters likely to influence the curriculum of students as well as their expectations and aspirations; reflecting "educational inequalities" and evaluating the role of policies and compensatory strategies. This course aims to develop the critical thinking of students about inequalities within the school system and enables them to undertake the documented analysis of 'social stratification' as ' school differentiator.
EDU485Specialized evaluation in Education
3 credits
This course covers essential data for the evaluation of learning and classroom assessment management. Key concepts falling within this domain will be presented, analyzed and discussed, in order to develop, within each discipline, the concept of evaluation that is appropriate. A thorough treatment of the tests will be the subject of an analysis at the level of certain notions related to tests: the validity of tests and their feasibility, analysis of the types of items, and the way to present them in trials. The way to manage classroom assessment will be addressed through the development of instruments and assessment tools, in accordance with the objectives of the curricula. This course includes various techniques for the preparation and correction of tests; the establishment of scales and scoring. The concept of competence is addressed in an evaluative context, related to formative assessment and in relation with the learning objectives, in order to form an assessment at the end of the educational sequences.
Common Core Electives
PSY400Group-Class Psychology and Educational Relationship
3 credits
This course designed specifically for teachers who manage a class in class. The course consists of two interrelated components: the dynamics of the class group locate the class in school context by studying its internal psychological functioning and laws governing it. Also to study the problem of the atmosphere of the class and the interactions that occur there. The psychology of the educational relationship consider first the psychological mechanisms at the base of the relationship, then study the foundations of the educational relationship, and clarify the criteria for a healthy educational relationship within the triad parents, students and teachers.
PSY334Psychology of Education
3 credits
The course objective is to introduce and train students in educational psychology and the different theoretical principles underlying such a discipline. The physiology of organic and psychological bases of cognitive functioning will be addressed (e.g. reading, language, memory, attention, etc.) as well as cognitive educability and the problem of motivation; in addition to the pathological elements that can impede proper psychic functioning.
EDU429Didactic of Life and Earth Science
3 credits
This course mainly addresses the epistemology that responds to questions relating to the means capable of fostering the transmission and appropriation of scientific knowledge. It includes techniques of science education, in order to know the specification of experiments or science book, which became the primary teaching tool accompanying learners during schooling. The course deals with the process of teaching and learning of science by “ situation­problem”.
EDU464French Language Didactics
3 credits
Students of specific educational issues relating to the teaching of the French language and in French language in cycles I and II primary are addressed. It deepens levels of analysis of the French language within the school context, and the specifics of the areas of teaching of this language plus the knowledge relating to the methods of language teaching. Didactic situations will be analyzed with reference to content and methodological opinions proposed by the Lebanese curriculum.
EDU517Mathematics Didactics
3 credits
The course introduces students to didactic approaches which, following various experiments, put at their disposal effective tools to address the mathematical concepts and practices of class within this discipline. Mathematical logic and, thereafter, appropriate language remain a concern accompanying the various phases of this course. The course allows students to be able to reason according to the criteria of formal logic, to analyze, assess and make a judgment based on a synthesis at all levels of the curriculum.
3 credits
As well as their achievements in teaching the students will address classes for: observation of educational practice within a school context and a descriptive and analytical report. Integration of technological tools into the educational scenario, in order to apply new techniques known and used in the world of ICT.
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