Institute of History

Bachelor of Arts in History

96 credits
For students entering the program at the Sophomore level
(holders of a recognized Baccalaureate or Freshman diploma - equivalent to 30 credits)


General Education
Arts and Humanities (6 cr.)
6 credits
Behavioral and Social Sciences (6 cr.)
6 credits
Civic Engagement (2 cr.)
2 credits
English Communication (3 cr.)
3 credits
HIS215Lebanon in the Ancient Period
3 credits
Students will be introduced to the ancient history and antique archaeology of Lebanon, including the main historical events and the archeological sites that make this period important for Lebanon. Student will present, through the written and material testimonies, the diverse civilizations and the cultures of Lebanon, having gained knowledge and experience through working on archeological sites and studying several themes: arts, crafts, trade, religion, politics, and society. The period treated, distributed over six chronological phases, starts with pre­history and ends at antiquity / the pro­Byzantine era.
Quantitative Reasoning (3 cr.)
3 credits
Religious Sciences (3 cr.)
3 credits
Science and Health (3 cr.)
3 credits
Sports (1 cr.)
1 credits
Common Core
AAR360Archeology / Tourism in Lebanon: archeological and touristic sites
2 credits
The purpose of this course is to make students aware of the values of Lebanon’s archeological heritage. Important historical sites of Lebanon will be studied. The cultural, architectural and artistic characteristics of every period will be underlined. The main discoveries preserved in Beirut National Museum and in the regional museums of Baalbek, Beiteddine and Byblos, as well as the major works preserved in the international museums, will be included. This highly visual course will be illustrated with projected images.
AAR355Art History in Lebanon
3 credits
This course presents art in Lebanon since the origins until the present day. By conducting comparative studies, students explore its sources, its interactions, the influences it has undergone, its originality and its geographical, historic characteristics and close and distant cultural context.
AAR340Former Language: Greek or Latin (Indo-European group)
3 credits
This course enables students to decipher inscriptions and to read the classic texts as well get acquainted with the use of tools: grammar, dictionaries, corpus of texts, etc.
AAR335Former Semitic languages: Semitic group (Phoenician, Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac)
3 credits
Students of history and archeology will study the Semitic languages, Grammar books, dictionaries, corpus of texts. In this course students will learn how to read inscriptions and texts.
2 credits
Geography is a science, which is interested in the habited earth. It analyzes the natural facts in relation to human beings, their distribution, their movements, their activities and their actions. Beyond the influence of the natural mechanisms on life, geography studies the great contemporary problems: social and economic globalization, inequalities of development, ecological risks, and the overcrowding of cities, etc.
HIS301Historical criticism
3 credits
This course approaches history as an experimental science within the constellation of human sciences. It teaches the student-historian how to apply rigorous thought processes, which consists of a series of critical examinations on a variety of testimonies (material, oral and written sources), and on information gathered. The historian masters the research processes through independent analysis, the use of supplementary material and the application of critical apparatus (authenticity, origin, restitution, originality), to begin in developing the chosen subject. This fundamental course suggests teaches student-historian to work independently with a critical mind.
AAR320Introduction to Pre-History
2 credits
In this course students will study the period before history, known as pre­history, and consider all the events which marked human beings before the invention of writing. This course is a multidisciplinary science, which includes geology, anthropology, climatology, zoology, etc, Students will examine material, mute traces and lifeless remnants of the past, which will provoke questions and enable students to draw information from multiple arenas.
HIS485Islam: open questions: doctrines, institutions, rites, law, Sufism, brotherhood, western trends
2 credits
This course presents the different theological interpretations and current legal issues, as well as and examining the current myths about Islam, the brotherhoods and the different contemporary movements questing an ideal. Students will be studying the papers and the works of contemporary Muslim intellectuals throughout this course.
HIS230Lebanon in the Contemporary Period
3 credits
This course covers the history of contemporary Lebanon from the eve of World War I until the present day. This history counts the formation of the State of Lebanon and the struggle to maintain its integrity and independence. Lebanon was the first political entity established in the Near­East since the 16th century. The roots of its political institutions were built during the Mutasarifiya, under the guarantee of major powers. Namely, the Lebanese political entity is confirmed through the declaration of the Lebanese Republic in 1926 and its independence. Independent Lebanon, since 1943, has experienced periods of stability and prosperity as well as periods of disturbances and socio­political agitations on the local scale, depending on regional and international rivarlies.
HIS220Lebanon in the Medieval Period
3 credits
Students are introduced to the history of medieval Lebanon, a very important period, which begins with the Arab­Muslim conquest of Lebanon in 636 and which ends in 1516 with the victory of the Ottomans over the Mamelukes. Students will become familiar with research while using primary sources.
HIS225Lebanon in the Modern Period
3 credits
The history of modern Lebanon extends from the date of the Ottoman victory over the Mamelukes during the battle of Marj Dabek in 1516 to the beginning of First World War in 1914. Students will chronologically learn about the great periods and events in Lebanon’s history, as well as the reign of the Maan and Chehab dynasties, and both Caïmacamias, Moutasarifiya (from 1861 to 1915), and the evolution of Lebanese society.
AAR305Museology and Archeology
2 credits
The course introduces students to the methods of museology, including conservation, restoration, and publishing. They are trained to substantiate the heritage of the Near East by using traditional tools and new technologies during excavations. They will conduct field work at the national museum of Beirut, and compare theories of different methods of conservation used and deployed by international museums; such as, Le Louvre in Paris, or Pergamon museum in Berlin.
HIS385Ancient Near-East: Egypt
2 credits
This course introduces students to the history of Egypt in ancient times, focusing on the chronology of the Pharaos and their power in the Near East. Students will learn how to read and even to translate hieroglyphs. Students should be able to use primary sources and contextualize the topic in drawing a comparative chronology between Egypt and the rest of the eastern world.
HIS390Ancient Near-East: Mesopotamia
2 credits
This course focuses on the history of Mesopotamia in the Ancient Times. It’s a fundamental course which allows students to understand the context of the establishment of the first state-cities in the world. Students will use classical methods of learning, such as the chronology and scale analysis. They should be able to establish the link between the history of Mesopotamia and the history of Egypt and other countries during the same period.
HIS395Ancient Near-East: Syria
2 credits
This course intends to focus on the idea that ancient Syria has never been a centralized and strong state. Students will use methods of contextualization to understand that throughout history its cities have been influenced by empires and neighboring kingdoms: the Hittite Empire in the North, Assyria in the East, and Egypt in the South. This course will also consider the geography of Syria and its geopolitical situation. Finally, it will refer to archaeological fields in order to enhance the importance of Syria at a certain time of History.
AAR415Art of Modern Times
3 credits
The course covers the period from the 14th century up to the first half of 18th century. It studies the transformations in art throughout the centuries in compliance with the sociocultural context, from early antiquity in the West, until when paintings and sculptures began to illustrate real characters in real places. Students will learn how to analyze a work of art (painting, sculpture, drawings, etc) and how to compare the techniques used by the artists in different periods of time.
AAR460Contemporary Art
3 credits
Contemporary Art begins in the last half of the 20th century, and this course explains the causes of transformations in art, and the trends, forms and tools which resulted in the contemporary arts. Students learn how to give value to a contemporary work of art in a time when there are not fixed standards anymore and where everything seems allowed. We consider the role of a work of art in society and its impact on the observer, as well as explore real and virtual museums.
HIS460Contemporary Middle East
3 credits
The expression “Middle East” concerns the area including the states of the Fertile Crescent and those of the Arab Peninsula, and Turkey, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, and sometimes India. The course limits the study to states of the eastern Mediterranean Sea and on Iraq. Students will examine themes dealing with the political and economical evolution, social mutations, demographic dynamics and some geopolitical questions focusing on contemporary issues, such as conflicts related to the water management and the Arab Spring.
HIS400Greek and Byzantine History
2 credits
Greek history lives on thanks to its rich heritage, especially in the Mediterranean area. The course will present the constitutive elements of this long history since the emergence of the Minoan and Mycenaean “palatial” civilizations up to the fall of the Byzantine Empire in 1453. Students will study the cultural aspect of the Greek civilization, which reaches its apogee with Hellenism. The course will help the students to analyze the process of the diffusion of Christianity all around the Mediterranean coast, realized by the foundation of the Byzantine Empire and the uniqueness of the Basileus. A political approach will be adopted, analyzing the different regimes in the Greek and Byzantine world, from democracy to the powerful Empire, through tyranny. Attention will be given to the evolution of the city of Constantinople in the course.
HIS480History of Christianity: birth and doctrines
3 credits
This course focuses on the inauguration of the New Alliance by Jesus, and the New testament which records the words and actions of this period. When Apostles proclaimed the good news by the kerygma it validated the evangelic mission of the Church, and from it, the first Christian communities were developed and organized. Their emergence causes different reactions and they were attacked by the upholders of Judaism and adherents of paganism. The course focuses on the dialectic of the integration of the Christians. The account of the genesis of Christianity is examined in this course along with the elaboration of the corpus of the first texts, and questioning minutely about the essence of the message that it brings to its understanding, its transmission, its evolution and its interpretation.
HIS425Islam, from Mahomet to 1516
3 credits
Gathered under the leadership of the prophet Mahomet, in the 7th century, the Arabs dominated the Near­East within a few years and continue the conquest in Africa and in Europe. The Caliph Rachidoun (632­661) yielded power to dynasties, which governed Dar­el­Islam of various capitals. Students will closely follow the stages of the expansion, the moments of the transfer of the power, the organization of the administration and the governmental institutions from social, economic, cultural and scientific perspective of the Arab community.
HIS450Modern Europe
3 credits
This course deals with the history of Europe since the Renaissance until the end of the Monarchy. Students will examine financial and economic questions, the political regimes, religious reforms, the Industrial Revolution, as wellas the psychological and social structures of the period.
HIS405Roman History
2 credits
The course examines through the history of the roman entities the different factors, which enhance the role of Rome as a Mediterranean power. The development and enlargement of the roman influence will be explained during both periods: period of the Roman Republic and then the period of roman imperialism. Students will use a comparative approache of the roman influence during these two periods and in different areas. Students will furthermore be able to define the process of Romanization and to develop a critical approach concerning the heritage of the Romans.
HIS455The Contemporary World
2 credits
This course will focus first on the Interwar period of the 20th century. It will then deal with the main reasons that disturbed the world order during the second half of the 20th century: bipolarization, positive neutrality, decolonization, the European construction, the end of communism, the role of The USA as superpower, globalization, international organizations, etc.
HIS435The Ottoman Empire
3 credits
The interest in writing about the Ottoman period in history was renewed when local archives were made accessible in the second half of the 20th century. The image of a tyrannical and fanatical power, which made Europe tremble was sweetened and the emphasis was put on the internal organization of the Empire. Defeated in Lepante in 1570, stopped in Vienna in 1683, and overruled in the Treaty of Kaynardji in 1774, the Empire weakened and became “the sick man of Europe” throughout the 19th century and had disappeared by the end of World War I.
HIS430Western Middle Ages
2 credits
The course describes the western Middle Ages period with a social, political, military and cultural approach. Students will be introduced to the first theories of modern States, which contribute to transform Europe from the 5th to the 14th centuries. Primary sources and works of Art will help the Students to understand the different representations of the societies, their leaders and the new-born States. A comparative approach is necessary to understand the different evolutions in the European areas.
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