ARS431Architectural & Planning religious edifices
3 credits | Pre-requisite: ARI242 Or ARC240 Or DAA342
General introduction and initiation into the inner characteristics of Christian churches (plans, forms, religious objects and materials).
AGP410Architectural Computer Skills
2 credits
In this course, the students will learn to manipulate images on software to be applied in architecture and to implement them in the real world of urban and/or rural spaces.
PHO464Architecture Photography
2 credits
Students will demonstrate understanding of volume, texture and form. Students will implement techniques acquired through hands-on assignments.
ARCH225Basic Design II
2 credits | Pre-requisite: ARCH205 Or ARC205
Analyze and deduce logically the abstract notion of orders and structures while applying it in 2D and 3D formats with chromatic variations.
ARS211Ceramics I
2 credits
Introduction and history of the various techniques of ceramics. Applying these techniques, from the turning, to coloring and cooking.
ARS214Ceramics I
2 credits
History of the different techniques of mosaics through the ages. Practical application: geometrical composition of a non- figurative subject, coloring, cutting and putting on the tesserae.
ARS445Cultural Properties
3 credits | Pre-requisite: ARI242 Or ARC240 Or DAA342
General introduction and awareness of the influence of architectural styles in history, and of the various building systems of places of worship (churches and monasteries). Analytical and critical study of Christian religious edifices in Lebanon and the Middle East.
DAA432Detail in Interior Design Projects
2 credits | Pre-requisite: ARI202 Or DAA372
The objective of this workshop is to prepare the future practitioners by introducing them into the logic of construction inherent in interior architectural work. Using applied real cases, the students are initiated into the different arrangements that tie in constructive elements. The projects relate to the three aspects of technical competence, representational drawings and creativity in proposed solutions
DAA304Draftings II
2 credits | Pre-requisite: (ARI212 Or DAA212) And (ARI203 Or DAA303) And ARCH225
Learning how to rapidly formalize a project. A series of projects (spaces or objects) aid students in analyzing a situation, defining their intentions using pictograms, texts and diagrams and finally, graphically communicating the project (plans, sectional drawings, sketches) formalized in a design.
DAA330Elements of Construction Projects
2 credits | Pre-requisite: ARCH230
Developing the technical knowhow crucial for the understanding and conception of building systems and techniques. Gaining expertise in the execution of architectural projects and interior design.
ARS316Engraving I
2 credits
Introduction and history of different techniques of engraving. Applying these techniques: woodcut, lithography, linoleum, etching, screen printing and others.
DAA433Equipments and Services
3 credits | Pre-requisite: ARI202 Or DAA372
This course is a study of building solutions for the technical elements of projects: sanitary equipment, plumbing, management of thermic energy, air conditioning, and fire safety.
2 credits
Introductory workshop for painting and aesthetic perception principles. It is a series of exercises on different painting techniques, mixtures, contrast, color schemes, as well as colors, shades, intensity and harmony, from still life, photos or reproduction of works.
DAA216Plastic Expressions
2 credits | Pre-requisite: ARS213
The objective of the workshop is to give students the occasion for personal plastic exploration and experimentation. The workshop generally uses recycled elements and found objects and applies the visual and technical tools of the plastic arts.
DAA312Sketching and Drawing III
2 credits | Pre-requisite: ARI212 Or DAA212
Principles of anatomy and studies in the canons of human anatomy. A study of the relationship between human proportions and the natural and built environments.
DAA412Sketching and Drawing IV
2 credits | Pre-requisite: ARI212 Or DAA212
A workshop developing drawing, deepening applied technical expressions in architectural representations, by exploring interior views, architectural sites, figures, and utilitarian objects.
ARS314Stained Glass I
2 credits
Historical introduction to the different techniques of stained glass. Practical applications: composition, layout, grading, cutting, leading, welding, and grouting.
2 credits | Pre-requisite: ARI202 Or DAA372
This course is an introduction to textile technologies and their application in the fields of architecture, furniture and clothing. The objective is to understand the different technical aspects at the base of textile design (weaving, meshing, felt, printing, dyeing, etc.), the application of every field, and the use of materials (cotton, nylon, silk, etc.).
DAA209Volume I
2 credits | Pre-requisite: ARI211 Or DAA211
This workshop is a first introduction to the third dimension, the students’ first passage from surface to volume (low reliefs), from 2D representation to the architectural model. In it they learn and apply the uses and finality of said model. The objective is to give students the occasion to experiment with, create and explore plasticity. The workshop generally uses recycled elements and found objects and applies the visual and technical tools of the plastic arts.
DAA213Volume II
2 credits
The workshop explores basic notions of volume and mass, structure and envelop, interior and exterior. It shows through the development of architectural models how form expressed through different materials leads towards differing technological solutions (stratification, knotting, folding, etc.)