Higher Institute of Political and Administrative Sciences

(Affiliated to the School of Law and Political Sciences)

Master in International Relations

45 credits


Common Core
POL515Challenges of Globalization
3 credits
This course provides a multidisciplinary approach to the challenges of globalization, with a particular emphasis placed on its scope and its economic consequences. We will discuss the much debated theoretical questions about globalization, and combine it with an analysis of changes in the balance between powers in the 20th and 21th centuries, including the decline of traditional powers, the emergence of new regional powers, the multiplication of decision centers, and the role of international governance in organizations.
POL510Comparative Political Systems
3 credits
The comparative study of contemporary systems is relatively recent development in the field political systems and this course focuses on the comparative analysis of different Western political systems in particular. There will be an emphasis on the practice of comparing systems, comparing and classifying what is studied in order to achieve a generalization or a developing better explanation. Political science is no exception to the rule and comparative work makes up a significant part of the analysis conducted on the diversity of socio­political phenomena around which the discipline is built. The methodological approach of this course will combine comparative analysis by subject and then by country. Throughout this course students will be invited to participate in an active way.
POL520Current Events Issues
3 credits
This course is a set of practical activities focused on current issues. Presentations and press releases, the writing book of reviews and synthesis, participation in simulation debates are all exercises that will allow students to gain practical and working methods in close contact with the current themes of international, regional and national politics.
POL530Political Communication
3 credits
This course aims to give students a theoretical analysis framework to understand the practical issues of political communication. Thus, the seminar aims to assess the different types of political effects and to understand strategies and communication practices during the development, elaboration and the implementation of public policy.
POL505Political Theories, Methodology and Political Science Challenges
3 credits
This course is devoted to issues of political science research, from theoretical and methodological points of view, and it proposes to revisit the major themes that characterize the discipline. What are the main research areas favored by political scientists today? What are the theoretical implications? What impact can political science research have on the societies studied?
POL525Politics and Societies in the Mediterranean Area
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: POL211 And POL336 And POL213 And SPO431 And POL321 And POL212
The Mediterranean area is now at the center of international and European policy. Mediterranean societies have a long and rich history, but it is their contemporary problems and issues that interest us the most in this class. We will also pay special attention to their common points and differences in order to better understand this region.
RIN542Foreign Policy: Analysis of the Decision­making Process and Case Studies
3 credits
This is a theoretical and practical course that aims to decipher the decision­making process in foreign policy through case studies. This course focuses on practices and instruments of foreign policy. Diplomats and experts in the field will bring a practical dimension to the topics covered.
RIN552International Economy
3 credits
International economics deals with economic relations between nations. It seeks essentially to account for the reasons for their exchange and for the effects of international trade on the structure of economies. The most simple questions are directly related to foreign trade analysis: why exchange? Is this a gain or loss? What determines the structure of foreign trade of the countries? How are fix the prices of traded goods fixed, while production costs are not the same in different countries? Other issues, more elaborated, relate to the interaction between trade and economic and social development: how international integration will affect inequalities between nations? What are the interrelationships between external openness and growth? , and, furthermore, normative trade policy issues, such as: should imports to be taxed and should we promote exports? These questions are addressed throughout the course.
RIN544International Migrations and Identity Issues
3 credits
International migration motivated by economic, political and/or security reasons are among the most striking phenomena of the modern world, especially in the Middle East region.
RIN548International Organizations, NGO’s and Non­state Actors
3 credits
International organizations, governmental and nongovernmental play an increasingly important role in the world and in the region in particular. This course offers students practical knowledge about the functioning of key international organizations, as well as the practical details and governance of the countries in which they operate, in humanitarian work, public assistance development or international cooperation.
RIN546Mediation and Conflict Resolution
3 credits
The demand for expertise in mediation and conflict resolution is under constant development, because conflicts and tensions are on the increase in our society, whether at the political level or in other fields. This seminar aims at answering this demand by providing highly practical tools and methods to help our students become more efficient negotiators.
RIN540Sociology of International Relations
3 credits
This course addresses the major issues of the sociology of international relations and aims to provide students with the appropriate tools for analyzing the complexity of power relations in the world.
RIN550Terrorism and International Security
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: POL211 And POL336 And POL213 And SPO431 And POL321 And POL212
This course discusses some theories of the causes and consequences of Terrorism. The first part of the course provides a good background concerning the discipline of Terrorism and Counterterrorism studies. Indeed, this course offers the chance to develop an understanding of the scope and nature of terrorism as it relates to the Middle East. Students will develop the ability to differentiate between varying forms of terrorism in relation to the political and societal context from which they originate and the differing domestic, regional and international responses they provoke. The last part of this course provides the tools to analyze and to understand the new kind of terrorism (Cyberterrorism, Bioterrorism, etc…) and the new counterterrorism strategies.
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