Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities

(To become Faculty of Arts and Science starting September 2019)

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology - Clinical Psychology

96 credits
For students entering the program at the Sophomore level
(holders of a recognized Baccalaureate or Freshman diploma - equivalent to 30 credits)


General Education Common Core
PSY325Introduction to Psychosomatics
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: PSY311
The course focuses on the field of psychosomatics and introduces different perspectives and schools examining somatic manifestations that are strongly associated with the psychological development of the individual. The course also studies symptomatology of psychosomatic disorders from early childhood to adulthood, resulting from psychological development. It also explains the different aspects of the therapeutic procedure addressing psychosomatic symptoms.
SOC325Psycho Sociology of Communication
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: PSY201
This course is divided into two parts: The first part includes a base of theoretical and conceptual skills of communication. This is how the communication will be detailed as a psycho sociological object with its theories and ideologies, analyses of mass communication, psycho sociological perspective, critique of contemporary currents analysis of communication and information, psycho­sociological reading of communication and professions. Analytical openings will be made on the study of public discourse in the media, and the media itself, through its policies, its positioning and audience. The second part focuses on practical skills. It includes listening, reformulation, argumentation, face to face communication, in groups or general public, as well as the mastery of oral intervention techniques to different types of audience and familiarization with media practices.
PSY330Social Psychology
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: PSY201 Or SOC201
Firstly this course explains the basic concepts in the various fields of social psychology, namely values, norms, opinions, attitudes and roles, social interactions, communication and information. The course then develops the group notion and covers its theoretical perspectives (cohesion, interaction process, conflicts and resistances, etc.) and group animation (methods, techniques and applications). The practice of social interactions is inherent to this teaching (role play, information clips, case simulations etc).
SOC218Statistics Applied to Human Sciences I
3 credits
Most of the analysis within Human and Social Sciences and decision­making is founded on statistical data. Students work individually on data collected either in their research or in their professional lives. This course provides students with the tools and knowledge required to present, in tables and graphs, the data they have to handle, to analyze the characteristics of a statistical distribution to a character and to study the correlations between two variables. Particular attention is devoted to the choice of statistical methods and interpretation of results.
SOC318Statistics applied to Human Sciences II
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: STA201 or SOC218
This course introduces students to the concepts of statistical inference essential to research in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Students are often required to collect information on samples of individuals and not on the entire population. They learn to draw conclusions about the population they are Interested, in from the data collected on samples with prudence and necessary rigor. For this purpose, this course introduces the students to the laws of probability, the estimation of population parameters by an interval of confidence and benchmark testing of two, as well as many mediums, by analysis of variance.
MTR222University Working Methodology
3 credits
This course will provide 1st year students in Humanities with essential methods for the preparation of their work during the years of study at the University. These methods are common to all material and address different levels, ranging from exercises promoting correct educational attitudes in the introduction to the methods of work, the investigation of a text, and finally, to the mastery of speech essential to establish one Exchange with others, orally and in writing, and to assert with confidence and autonomy. In addition, the objectives of this course will address data essential for the design, drafting and the realization of research work.
PSY470Adult psychological exam
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: PSY335
This course enables the recognition and use of the psychometric tests adapted to adults: intelligence test, personality, recruitment or referral, psychopathology rating scale etc. It also allows analysis, data processing and interpretation, in order to establish a diagnosis of mental functioning and evaluation prognosis. The student will learn to write a report (or psychological assessment) and to communicate the results as appropriate.
PSY437Adult Psychopathology
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: PSY335
This course identifies the psychiatric disorders of the adult; specifically their symptoms, etiologies, and the different modalities of management and treatment. It allows students to differentiate psychotic disorders (schizophrenia, delusional disorders), mood disorders (depression and bipolar disorders), anxiety and conversion disorders (OCD, phobia, panic disorder, GAD, conversion), alcohol and substance use disorders, as well as personality disorders. Another student objective for this course is to identify disorders, make differential diagnoses, and be introduced to the treatments used in psychiatry, in order to have a comprehensive understanding of adult psychopathology.
PSY337Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: PSY214
This course defines the theoretical bases of Child and Adolescent psychopathology. Themes are selected with respect of the priority of hereditary, congenital or acquired pathologies and progressing to other psychiatric disorders. A recurrent therapeutic overview follows the definition and identification of various psychological disorders that allows the student to reinforce any understanding of the psychopathology.
PSY305Clinical Psychoanalytic 1
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: PSY201
This course is divided into two segments: The 1st segment allows students: to recognize essential psychoanalytical notions based on Sigmund Freud’s theories, particularly the discovery of the unconscious, psychic apparatus, psychosexual development and fundamentals of analytical therapy; The 2nd segment allows students: to identify leading figures in psychoanalysis, namely the post­Freudian authors (Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, etc.), as well as neo­Freudians (Alfred Adler, Carl G. Jung, etc.) The course aims to offer the students a means to adopt a psychoanalytical method of interpretation that can be applied in clinical psychology.
PSY445Clinical Psychoanalytic 2
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: PSY305
The aim of this course is to develop further theories regarding personality structures and psychological disorders based on Freudian and post­Freudian concepts within contemporary psychoanalysis. More specifically, students will comprehend the relationship between theory and practice in the clinical framework, through a variety of theoretical constructs amongst current authors of the Psychoanalytical Society of Paris (Jean Bergeret, Pierre Marty, Françoise Dolto and others), the International Lacanian Association (Jacques Lacan). Students will also be introduced to recent researches from the European and American psychoanalytical schools, thus benefiting from the scientific activities and the recent publications of these schools.
PSY422Cognitive Psychology
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: PSY311
The course demonstrates how intelligence is implemented in cognitive activities such as attention, perception, memory, problem solving, decision­making and reasoning. For each of these core activities, the information processing theories will be determined, as well the methods and techniques used by psychologists to understand, analyze and assess cognitive functioning.
PSY469Communication Techniques and Clinical Examination
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: PSY337
This course is twofold: Validate the clinical approach, maintenance procedures and clinical examination and the method of testing at the level of the child and adolescent. Use and review data analysis of different tests: intelligence test (verbal and non verbal), personality tests (questionnaire, scales etc.), projective tests (CAT, Black Legs, scéno ­test, drawings etc.), in order to establish a diagnosis of mental and psychic functioning and prognosis of evolution, adapted to children and adolescents
PSY370Counseling and Ethics
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: SOC325
This course consists of two parts as follows: Part 1: 2 credits ­ It raises awareness of the models and methods of guidance counseling to education, training and occupations. ­ It develops the concept of guidance and counseling as a helping relationship that supports young people in their educational and eventually professional paths, and adults in their working lives. ­ It allows the young psychologist in training to master the theories and the frameworks of the orientation (concept of professional project, representation of professional stereotypes, theories and strategies of the aid relation in counseling). 2nd part: 1 credit reserved for the ethics of psychologist Workplace (code of ethics of the internationally recognized psychologist).
PSY335Developmental Clinical Psychology
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: PSY214
This course identifies the characteristics of the adult stage, crises and problems encountered during the different ages of the adult, maturity and crises (mid­life crisis, generational conflict, identity and professional problems of man and women, loss and mourning etc.). In the second part, this course targets and analyzes the influence of environmental and cultural factors, attitudes, values and social representations.
PSY214Developmental Psychology
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: PSY201
The course has two segments given in two sequential phases: Childhood and Adolescence 1st segment: Childhood allows students to: get familiar with basic concepts and notions of childhood developmental psychology (stages, phases and developmental factors); understand the major theoretical approaches (maturational, behavioral, psychoanalytical, cognitive constructivism and psychosocial approaches); identify the main characteristics belonging to each developmental stage on the biological, intellectual, affective, sexual, social and moral level. 2nd segment: Adolescence allows students to: understand the adolescent phase in the developmental process, note each function belonging to this stage, pinpoint the process of self­consolidation, the construction of the identity, achieving maturity as well as choices and decision­making processes.
PSY433Fundamental psychobiology
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: PSY311
This course studies the physiological study of the human being, especially the biological human constitution and its influence on its psychological characteristics: emotions, intellect, imagination, belief etc., taking into account the important contribution of neurosciences. The course allows students to understand, from biology and neurobiology, the psyche and human behavior.
PSY467Group Management Functioning and Dynamics
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: PSY311 and PSY330
The course focuses on theoretical models of the functioning and management of groups, as well as on notions of inter­ group communication and its application on different levels: group, family, individual and organizational. Students will be required to participate in a group dynamics session and write a summary report of their personal experience within the group.
PSY480Personality Study with Projective Techniques
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: PSY311
The course is divided into two distinct but complementary parts: Psychodiagnostic Rorschach and the Thematic Apperception Test 1. Psychodiagnostic Rorschach aims to examine the theoretical models that govern the diagnostic range, prognosis and treatment of the Rorschach test, wherein all ages and issues are involved; learn the basics of trading the Rorschach and acquire technical interpretation of the different indices of Rorschach. 2. The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) aims to understand the foundations of psychoanalytic interpretation of TAT by the method of Vica Shentoub and its successors; and counting chart developed by the school without excluding other interpretations. After a theoretical overview of the two projective tests, an application will be based on a case study of clinical protocols of children, adolescents and adults on a normality and pathology level.
PSY315Psychology and Health
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: PSY201
This course develops the following: recognition of the theoretical and empirical foundations in psychology of health, their application on the dimensions and the psychological behaviour of health and disease (styles and habits of life) in the predisposition, development and maintenance of physical illness, in health and the management of certain diseases. The identification of themes related to the psychology of health (pain, stress, cancer, obesity, addictions, vulnerability, and others).
PSY311Theories and Models of Personality
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: PSY201
The course consists of two complementary sections: The 1st section concerns a personality study through different standpoints of psychoanalysis and dynamic psychology, existential and humanistic psychology, psychometrics and factor analysis, behavioral psychology and through theories of learning including various affiliated methods and theories. The 2nd section helps students in learning the application of various personality assessment methods.
PSY475Internship of Clinical Psychology
3 credits
This internship aims to guide students who, at the end of their third academic year, chooses the access to the Master of Clinical Psychology. Students, in agreement with the Head of Department, provides an internship in an institution that supports the various cases and offers students the opportunity to observe them, to become familiar with the clinical territory rich in problems whose solutions fall within the competence of the clinical psychologist. The duration of the internship lasts for one semester for four days a week and five hours a day, from 8:00 am to 13h. 20 hours per week; in other words, an hourly volume of 300 hours per semester.
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