Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities

(To become Faculty of Arts and Science starting September 2019)

Master of Arts in Psychology - Clinical Psychology

39 credits


Common Core
PSY531Clinical Cognitive Neuropsychology
3 credits
This course aims to train students in the application of great concepts and methods of cognitive psychology in the study of the dysfunction of consecutive cognition in brain damage. It aims to describe and decipher the cognitive and emotional disturbances related to brain and mental dysfunctions, which underlie them: dyslexia, spatial representations, selective attention, spatial heminegligence of the knowledge of the object (agnosia etc.).The analysis of these alterations also allows testing theories of normal mental functioning.
PSY630Ethics and Deontology
1 credits
This course aims to introduce students and eventually practicing psychologist, to continuous ethical concerns, which must be part of the pratice of each psychologist. This course analyzes ethical problems pertaining to the practice of the psychologist (benevolent neutrality, professional secrecy, professional integration, professional identity, etc.)
PSY595Project of Psychology
2 credits
This training is a seminar aiming at making the student able to conduct a research project in the field of psychology (clinical, health, school and work). This seminar is linked to all courses and, in a special way, to the research methodology in Human Sciences. The student is assisted during the course in realizing the first steps of his research project. The main objective of this seminar is to build a research project which will be finalized in the Dissertation. After attending the seminar, the student is required to submit a final written project (20 typescript pages). Epistemology is a part of the course covering a study of concepts and methods of the various currents of modern epistemology initiated in the early 'epistemological breaks "that separate pre scientific period from classical rational science period and highlight their involvement in the renovation of the statuses of Science, epistemology and history of science.
3 credits
The course focuses on the different psychological therapeutic approaches, in terms of both the theoretical framework of their principles and application techniques: psychoanalysis, the psychotherapy of analytical inspiration, psychotherapy of humanistic inspiration (personalistic existential), the methods of relaxation, familial, sexual, institutional, behavioral and cognitive therapies, hypnosis, etc.
MTR681Quantitative methods in Humanities
2 credits
This course introduces students to the multiple uses of statistics and contexts from which data is drawn. It allows them to acquire mastery of statistical concepts used in the context of their research and be able to conduct proper investigations. This course provides the Master’s students with the basic knowledge that enables them to act with autonomy iin surveys and data processing. It allows them to systematize the stages of an investigation through: data collection, data organization, analysis and interpretation of data. Students also learn to use statistical tools for compiling the data and analysis of results.
MTR575Research Methodology in Humanities
3 credits
The course aims to introduce a working method, in order to conduct scientific research. It is mainly about conducting research required at the level of Master’s thesis and implementing the different stages of scientific research, ranging from the position of the problem until the drafting and final presentation of the research: Furthermore, regarding a research topic; how to raise a problematic and relevant hypotheses, choose an appropriate technique and apply it. Communicate the results of research in the form of a clear, rigorous and scientific text. The purpose of this course is to master the design, drafting and submission of the dissertation.
PSY635Thematic Seminar in Psychology
1 credits
Through this course, students will be able to follow a research seminar involving international speakers and specialists in Psychology (clinical, health, school and work). They may study concrete examples falling within the scope of current research in psychology focusing on the methodology (research systems designs, data analysis, etc.). Presentations will be organized to develop a given theme, each representing a specific disciplinary or methodological approach.
3 credits
Generalities about dependencies, the criteria of addiction, epidemiology of dependencies. Different drugs, addictions, psychopathology of drug addicts, the takeover of a cure and post cure, possible therapies in addictions. The alcoholic illness, psychopathology of dependent alcoholics, consumers at risk and problems, the care of alcohol addiction, eating disorders: bulimia, anorexia etc. The addiction to medication, tranquillizers and hypnotics, and mental illnesses that lead to abuse of medicines.
PSY576Clinical Issues
3 credits
Clinical psychology: exploring its definition, its history, its method, its boundaries and the many application fields by showing how the models (psychodynamic, cognitive­behavioral, neuropsychological) influence clinical practice. Such teaching will be done through a variety of clinical cases and illustrations and is crossed by a critical and constructivistic perspective.
PSY600Stress, Trauma and Disability
3 credits
I. The concept of stress ­ Evolution of conceptions on psychosocial determinants of health and disease: stress issues ­ the concept of stress: definitions. ­ Contribution of the epidemiological model (prospective research; retrospective, quasi­prospective, risk factors) ­ Contribution of the biological model (Pavlov, Cannon, Laborit, Selye) ­ Contribution of the psychoanalytic model (concept of trauma, conversion mechanism, the concept of protective shield, the concept of self­skin, post­stroke mechanism) ­ Contribution of the psychosomatic model (Groddeck, Alexander, critic of the typology of Dunbar; School of Marty, concept of operational thinking; contemporary American school,concept of alexithymia) ­Stress Assessment Methods (scales of "life events", of daily hassles, of perceived stress) ­ transactional stress approach (theories of Lazarus and Folkman, primary assessment, secondary assessment, identification and assessment methods of different concepts: perceived stress, perceived control, social support, coping strategies). ­ Links between personality traits (locus of control, expectation, sense of coherence, self­efficacy, etc.), coping and stress adjustment. II. Post­traumatic stress disorder. Definitions of trauma. The different approaches of trauma: ­ psychoanalytic approach (archaic trauma) ­ cognitive approach (conditioning model of fear) ­ neuropsychological approach (theory of Damasio) ­ Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The various sources of PTSD ­ PTSD diagnostic criteria ­ psychosocial determinants of PTSD ­ protective factors of PTSD - PTSD Evaluation Methods ­ Stress and war trauma ­Takeovers and prevention of PTSD ­ Debriefing, Hypnosis, EMDR, cognitive and behavioral therapies ­ Cells of Medico­Psychological Emergency (WAC) ­ Specificities of takeovers in children and adolescents.
PSY552Taxonomy and psychopathology
3 credits
The objective of this seminar is to reflect on the history of classifications in Psychopathology. The seminar provides insight into how nosography has transformed and enriched for over a century. Similarly, it focuses on the first descriptions of mental illnesses, on the evolution of ideas in Psychopathology and the various etiologies found across the time. It takes its departure from the descriptions of Bleuler, Charcot, Serious Capgras, etc., passing through the extremely rich writings of Henri Ey, until reaching the DSM and ICD.
Specialization - Electives
PSY682Psychology of family ties
3 credits
The family will be addressed as institutional entity and place of transmission, psychic inheritance and identity crucible for individuals in their knowledge, beliefs, and hopes. The Lebanese fieldwork will focus on forms and structure of the family in the Lebanon link: study of the nature of the links between individuals to a family (children, parents, grandparents) and the representation they make will be apprehended as moral values, beliefs, changes in family models and identity changes arising therefrom, and the psychopathology of the inter and transgenerational.
PSY578The family Clinic
3 credits
This course focuses on the different conceptual frameworks and methods of study in the Psychology of family: I. The different approaches ­ Psychoanalytic: relationship and attachment. ­ Systemic: morphology of the family relationship, the genogram, transgenerational. 2. The pathology of family ties: pathology of intrafamilial communication. 3. The various therapies.
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