Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities

(To become Faculty of Arts and Science starting September 2019)

Master in Social Sciences

36 credits


Common Core
MTR681Quantitative methods in Humanities
2 credits
This course introduces students to the multiple uses of statistics and contexts from which data is drawn. It allows them to acquire mastery of statistical concepts used in the context of their research and be able to conduct proper investigations. This course provides the Master’s students with the basic knowledge that enables them to act with autonomy iin surveys and data processing. It allows them to systematize the stages of an investigation through: data collection, data organization, analysis and interpretation of data. Students also learn to use statistical tools for compiling the data and analysis of results.
MTR575Research Methodology in Humanities
3 credits
The course aims to introduce a working method, in order to conduct scientific research. It is mainly about conducting research required at the level of Master’s thesis and implementing the different stages of scientific research, ranging from the position of the problem until the drafting and final presentation of the research: Furthermore, regarding a research topic; how to raise a problematic and relevant hypotheses, choose an appropriate technique and apply it. Communicate the results of research in the form of a clear, rigorous and scientific text. The purpose of this course is to master the design, drafting and submission of the dissertation.
3 credits
This course highlights the major themes of ethnology. Thus, it deals in the form of reading, with a historical analysis of various research in Arabic ethnology; particularly Middle Eastern ethnology. The course offers some topics for study about the familial, cultural, political, social and economic plan, such as beliefs, the concept of democracy, development and underdevelopment, etc. The main focus of the course covers the pluralistic identity of the Middle East where the various components have been rather supportive for thousands of years, despite the differences that distinguish and characterize the widely diverse social fabric.
SOC506Institutional Sociology
3 credits
This course focuses on the central role of institutions, in order to: a) Understand social, economic, political, cultural and religious phenomena; b) Define regularities in the behavior of individuals; c) Reduce uncertainty; d) Render the aforementioned phenomena more predictable. It is articulated around three components: a) Analysis of institutions through their various forms and functions; b) Comprehension of the operational framework of institutions, such as frames of action, socialization forums, social hierarchy factors etc.; c) Analysis of fitness levels that institutions exert on the individual and collective behavior in an evaluative perspective of the mutations and crises faced by some large contemporary institutions.
SOC683Internship in social sciences
1 credits
This course allows students to experiment and perform their teaching and leadership skills related to social science subjects. To do this, they will be integrated in teaching and coordination spaces where they will have to build their own educational module of teaching and their strategic proposals of framing.
SOC596Project/internship in Social Sciences
3 credits
a) Pre­project design in TIS (1cr) This is a seminar which leads to a pre-project in terms of methodological approach (preparatory phase, implementation phase, evaluation phase). It allows the student to set a subject in social sciences, identify tools and ideas leading to concrete results. The knowledge required, with reference to the application of research, will also be developed. Upon completion of the seminar, the student is required to prepare a typescript draft of twenty pages. b) Internship (2cr) The two credits assigned to the course propose putting into practice, in terms of action, the topic chosen by students in social sciences. In this phase, students develop their internship in accordance with their subject and methodological bases specific to the design and evaluation of the pre project in SCO acquired in the internship seminar. A prospective director appointed by the department will be responsible to supervise the student in the delimitation of theoretical and practical foundations and in the conceptualization and evaluation of the corresponding response.
SOC511Short­term and Structural Adjustment of Economic policies
3 credits
The analysis of certain economic, cyclical and structural policies built, allows examination through a strategic rationale for both the permanence of public and economic intervention and the transformations of its purposes and modalities. On the one hand, state economic intervention is questioned as much about its objectives and legitimacy rather than its effectiveness. On the other hand, the economic intervention of other subnational actors, such as local and supranational authorities with the European Union and international organizations, is advanced to raise the issue of coordination of these policies.
SOC639Sociology of culture and leisure
3 credits
The course is designed to research culture and leisure, in terms of theories, relevant sociological approaches, and also cultural practices and interculturalism. This course is built around the following axes: a) Problematization of culture and leisure concepts based on an analytical presentation of the main theoretical currents in sociology, and the relationship between the cultural, economic and political spheres ; b) Analysis of the relationships between leisure ­ society ­ culture through the perspective of links between the main features of culture, recreation and sustainable development main features of leisure and its relationship with the family fields: political, educational, socio­cultural, etc..; c) Proposition of analysis tools and cultural practices through the individual dimensions, institutional and political; d) Putting in theoretical and practical terms; d) Analysis of contemporary approaches of interculturalism and intercultural dialogue; e) Reflection on mass culture; its place and its impact within contemporary societies.
SOC638Sociology of minorities
3 credits
This course aims at the acquisition of theoretical and empirical knowledge regarding issues of the sociology of ethno-cultural minorities and interethnic relations. It allows students to define the minor situation in various societies by appealing to designs, visions and studies of a number of sociologists, in particular the German sociologist Max Weber and French sociologist Pierre­Jean Simon.
SOC637Specialized Didactics in Social Sciences
3 credits
This course explores ways in which to build, to teach and impart knowledge concerning the Social and explore the place occupied by social sciences within the heart of society. The didactic of these disciplines in analyzing approaches are understood according to the different empirical investigation methods, so that students are able to choose adequate tools for analyzing situations.
SOC521Urban and rural sociology
3 credits
This course locates the rural and urban worlds within the general framework of human activities and changes thereto. It synthesizes teachings on rural social environments and urban ones. It touches upon the main sociological currents that are interested in rural as well as urban sociology. Therefore, this course pays special attention to learning the conceptual tools that characterize a sociological approach applied to the problem of space. In this manner, it analyzes the dynamics of different urban functions (housing, industry, services, travel, and communication) by describing their interaction on the ground (especially urban), the way in which the evolution of these different functions and structures operate and deconstructs the territory in general and the city in particular. It also focuses on the reconstruction of cities.
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