School of Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering in Telecommunications Engineering

184 credits
For students entering the program at the Sophomore level
(holders of a recognized Baccalaureate or Freshman diploma - equivalent to 30 credits)


Approved Faculty Electives - Group 3
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GIN231
Asymptotic notation, time and space complexities; Solving recurrences; Trees: traversing methods, balanced trees (AVL and red-black trees), heaps; Advanced sorting algorithms, methods of linear sort; Hashing : open and closed hashing ; Graphs: traversal in depth-first and breadth-first, finding of spanning trees and shortest paths; Huffman coding.
GIN300Database Systems
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GIN 231
Architecture and functions of a DBMS. Database design: conceptual model, logical and physical models. Entity-Relationship Model. Relational model and integrity constraints. Relational algebra. SQL language: Data Definition language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML). Functional dependencies, normalization and normal forms. Introduction to PL/SQL language: triggers, stored procedures and functions.The concepts studied in this course will be applied in dedicated laboratory sessions (GIN371).
Approved Faculty Electives - Group 4
GIN371Database Laboratory
1 credits
this laboratory covers the SQL language: Data Definition language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML). Oracles PL/SQL is used to code, test, and implement stored procedures, functions, triggers, and packages. Relational database projects will be built using PL/SQL. A brief overview of other DMBS (MS SQL Server, MS Access, MySQL) is also done.
GIN446Web Programming
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GIN300
This course aims to cover key concepts, technologies and skills in server-side and client-side Web programming, including HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, .Net, PHP and MySQL, session management, as well as XML, DTD and DOM. After the completion of this course, students will be able to develop a Web system using a particular Web programming language with dynamic and interactive contents. Students will learn the Web programming concepts and techniques via lectures, lab sessions and development projects. There will be an oral presentation of all term assignments and a final project demonstration. Students will be judged and graded on preparation and presentation skills as well as content and also on effective writing style and grammatical correctness. Course content changes frequently to incorporate new Internet technologies
Approved Faculty Electives - Group 5
GMC320Dynamics of particles
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT227
This course presents the fundamentals of engineering dynamics. It covers the following topics: Kinematics of a particle: absolute and relative motion, description of motion in various systems of coordinates. Kinetics of a particle: force and acceleration: Newtons second law of motion; work and energy: principle of conservation of energy; impulse and momentum: conservation of linear momentum.
General Education
Behavioral and Social Sciences (3 cr.)
3 credits
Civic Engagement (2 cr.)
2 credits
GEN302Engineering Ethics
1 credits
This course studies the theories of rational justification, of the moral judgments and the relation between the concept of liberty, and the one of the responsibility, while covering the principles of basis of deontology of engineer's profession.
GEN410Engineering Projects Management
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEN350
This course covers the basics of project management where students learn: what project management involves and how to approach it successfully. Why a plan is so important to the success of a project and how to implement risk management successfully in each phase of the project. This course covers the basics of project management. We define all tools and techniques for planning and controlling. We cover the major subject areas of the topic Quality of Project Management and provide valuable information. This course is essential for future Engineer working in industries environment needing to gain a recognized qualification within Project Management. This course prepares students to apply proven methodologies to projects within their individual fields.
English Communication (3 cr.)
3 credits
History of Lebanon (3 cr.)
3 credits
GEN301Law for Engineers
2 credits
This course is designed to provide the students with fundamental knowledge of legal principles and terminology, to understand the basic foundations and theories of law, and to explain the legal concepts and terminology in substantive areas of law (i.e., Contract Law,   Liability Law, Labor Law, Commercial Law etc.) It is also designed to help prepare engineering students for careers in fields which are impacted by the law and to demonstrate an understanding of the interaction between the fields of law and the application of laws and legal strategy in engineering This course will also help engineering students to understand their rights and responsibilitiesas a contractor (Application of Contract law), an employee (Application Labor law) and as a partner (Application of commercial law)
Religious Sciences (3 cr.)
3 credits
GEN300Scientific English
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: ENG240
This course is designed to give the students the opportunity to enhance their writing abilities and develop their critical thinking. It is also designed to provide rigorous training in advanced reading, critiquing, synthesizing and researching. It attempts to help students achieve greater competency in reading, writing, reflection, and discussion emphasizing the responsibilities of written inquiry and structured reasoning.  Students are expected to investigate questions that are at issue for themselves and their audience and for which they don’t already have answers. In other words, this course should help students write about what they have learned through their research rather than simply write an argument supporting one side of an issue or another. In addition, students deliver one oral power point presentation based on their writings.
Sports (1 cr.)
1 credits
Mathematics and Sciences
MAT207Algebra for Engineers 1
3 credits
The course aims at providing the necessary tools and the mathematical maturity for engineers, for the design and analysis of abstract mathematical models. Subjects covered: complex numbers, Logic and proofs, propositional calculus, Sets and mappings, Relations and ordered sets, An introduction to algebraic structures, groups, rings and fields,  polynomials, counting, finite and transfinite cardinals.
MAT307Algebra for Engineers 2
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT207
The main objective of this course is to continue the study of algebra, covering mainly linear systems and matrices, matrix algebra, inverses, Gauss elimination, elementary matrices, computing inverses, determinants, vector spaces, definition and examples of spaces and subspaces, linear independence, basis and dimension, change of basis, linear applications, reduction of an endomorphism, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, characteristic polynomial, eigenvalues, solving linear systems of differential equations, diagonalization and applications, bilinear and quadratic forms, Gauss method, scalar and cross product, euclidean and Hermitian spaces, Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization process, geometric transformations.
STA307Applied Statistics and probability for Engineers
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT217
This course aims to provide students with the most common concepts of probability theory and statistical inference, with a unique balance between theory and methodology. Interesting relevant applications using real data will be used to show how the concepts and methods can be applied to solve problems in the different fields of engineering in practice.
MAT217Calculus for Engineers 1
3 credits
The course covers integration methods to compute integrals, improper integrals. We will study the, the infinite series, Taylor expansion, Parametric curves and Polar curves, double integrals.
MAT227Calculus for Engineers 2
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT217
This course teaches basic theory and techniques of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). Topics include: Solution of non-linear first-order ODE's; Linear ODE's, especially second order with constant and variable coefficients; Delta functions, convolution, and Laplace transform methods; Power series and resolution of differential equations using power series; Real and complex Fourier series; Introduction to partial differential equations.
MAT337Calculus for Engineers 3
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT217
The main objective of this course is to continue the study of calculus, covering mainly parametric and polar curves, three dimensional analytic geometry, differentiation and integration of functions of several variables, and vector calculus. Line integrals, and Green's theorem.
CHM212General Chemistry
3 credits
The purpose of this course is to present a general outline on chemistry. Through this course chemistry is introduced in its various aspects: the structure of the atom, the various models, and the properties of the elements in the periodic table; various chemical bonds, the Lewis structure, VSEPR rules; thermochemistry, thermodynamics and chemical equilibrium; kinetic chemistry, reactions rate orders, the Arrhenius law; solutions chemistry, acids and bases and various acid­base equilibrium; complexation, liquid solid equilibrium and solubility product; and redox titration and electrochemical cells.
CHM270Laboratory of General Chemistry
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: CHM212 Or CHE212 Or CHM210 Or CHE210
The general chemistry laboratory aims to develop different skills for the practical application of theoretical knowledge of general chemistry. Techniques to be learned: preparation and dilution of solutions, experimental verification of the Nernst equation, realization of different types of acid­ base and redox titration by volumetric, calorimetric, pH­metric or potentiometric monitoring, and the study of solubility and precipitation reactions and characterization of ions present in a given matrix. The goal of the lab course is to ensure that students are capable of understanding the chemical concepts and to carry out experiments safely and carefully in the laboratory, to obtain data accurately and to manipulate the data correctly.
GEN350Mathematics for Engineers
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT227 And MAT307 And MAT337
The main objective of this course is to complete the knowledge of mathematics for the student-engineer. It mainly covers the following themes: Functions of a Complex Variable, analytical functions Cauchy-Riemann conditions. Harmonic functions. Cauchy integrals Formulas, Taylor series, Singular points. Inverse Laplace transformation. Special functions: Gamma and Beta functions. Bessel function. Orthogonal functions (Tchebychev, Legendre, Hermite, Laguerre). Discrete-time Markov Chains
GEN250Modern Physics
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT227
The course covers principles and concepts of Relativity, Quantum mechanics and their applications. The following topics will be covered along with their applications : The failure of Classical Physics, the special theory of relativity, the particle properties of electromagnetic radiation, the wave properties of particles, the Schr & ouml; dinger equation, the Rutherford-Bohr Model of the atom and the Hydrogen atom in wave mechanics
GEN428Numerical Analysis
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT227 And MAT307 And GIN231 or GIN222
The purpose of this course is to provide numerical concepts and methods needed by students solve different engineering problems. Topics covered include: Resolution of non-linear equations; Numerical integration; Data approximation and interpolation; Numerical resolution of differential equations. Many numerical methods are implemented and test using Matlab software.
GEN270Physics Laboratory
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEN250
Tell me, I'll forget. Show me, I may remember. But, involve me, and I'll understand. Chinese proverb. The laws of physics are based on experimental and observational facts. Laboratory work is therefore an important part of a course in general physics, helping you develop skill in fundamental scientific measurements and increasing your understanding of the physical concepts. It is profitable for you to experience the difficulties of making quantitative measurements in the real world and to learn how to record and process experimental data.
Engineering courses
GRT440Analog communications
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GRT420 And GEN428
Analysis of signals and systems - Hilbert Transform - Linear modulation techniques - Angle Modulation - Noise in modulation systems
GRT570Communications Laboratory
1 credits
Practice work for analogue communications (AM and FM modulations, SSB, noise, etc ...) and digital communications (ASK, PSK and FSK modulations, matched filtering, etc.).
GIN231Data structures and Algorithms
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GIN221
The first part of this course introduces some concepts of object-oriented programming as well as the recursion as a programming technique. In the second part, the following data structures are studied: Static arrays, dynamic arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues and trees. In addition, an introduction to computational complexity is introduced in this course which allows making a reasonable comparison between the different implementations of the above data structures.
GEL314Digital Electronics
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEL311
Reminder of synchronous, asynchronous and shift registers counters. Summary: Moore and Mealy machine. Digital integrated circuits. Elements programmable logic PAL and PLA. Random access memory RAM. ROM read-only memories. Analog to digital conversion, analog and digital conversion applications.
GEL372Digital Electronics laboratory
1 credits
This laboratory consists of first an introduction to logic gates, and function implementation using logic gates and logic circuits, second an introduction to VHDL language as well as using it for function implementation, and third function implementation using the Xilinx card.
GRT560Digital Image Processing
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GRT421
This course consists of an introduction to digital image processing as well as video compression. The first part covers image acquisition, sampling, and quantization, gray scale image transforms, histogram processing, spatial filtering, 2D Fourier transform, filtering in the frequency domain, image degradations, enhancement techniques, and mathematical morphology. The second part introduces video coding: spatial and temporal sampling, motion estimation and compensation, transforms (KLT, DCT, and wavelets), differential coding and predictive coding (intra and inter frames).
GRT573Digital Image Processing Lab
1 credits
This lab consists of an application to the concepts learned in the digital image processing and video compression course. The first part consists of an introduction to the image processing toolbox in MATLAB. Afterwards, image processing techniques will be studied, spatial and frequency domain filtering, image restoration, as well as color image processing. Finally, a video signal will be studied.
GRT421Digital Signal Processing
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GRT420 And GEN428
The course starts by a study of the sampling theory, followed by an analysis of discrete-time signals and systems. The Z-Transform and its applications are then studied. Frequency Analysis of signals and systems is then considered, followed by the Discrete Fourier Transform and the Fast Fourier Transform. The course ends with the synthesis techniques of digital filters.
GRT470Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
1 credits
The aim of this practical work is the implementation of the various theoretical concepts learned in the course: Z-Transform, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT), Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), filtering methods etc.
GEL211Electric Circuits
3 credits
This course presents the basics of electric circuits’ analysis: Introduction to theory, circuit variables and elements (dependent and independent voltage and current sources, resistors, inductors, capacitors…), basic analysis and design of resistive circuits and different analysis techniques: Node-Voltage analysis, Mesh-Current analysis, Source transformations, Thevenin’s and Norton’s equivalent, Maximum power transfer, and Superposition methods.Introduction to capacitance, inductance, and mutual inductance; current-voltage relation; RC, RL and RLC circuits analysis: natural and step responses.Topics also include ideal operational amplifiers; circuit simplification, steady-state and transient analysis, phasors, frequency response, Kirchhoff’s laws and Thevenin’s and Norton’s equivalent represented in the frequency domain, Laplace transform and an introduction to Transfer functions.
GEL271Electric circuits Lab
1 credits
This course presents the basics of electric circuits’ analysis: Introduction to theory, circuit variables and elements (dependent and independent voltage and current sources, resistors, inductors, capacitors…), basic analysis and design of resistive circuits and different analysis techniques: Node-Voltage analysis, Mesh-Current analysis, Source transformations, Thevenins and Nortons equivalent, Maximum power transfer, and Superposition methods. Introduction to capacitance, inductance, and mutual inductance; current-voltage relation; RC, RL and RLC circuits analysis: natural and step responses. Topics also include ideal operational amplifiers; circuit simplification, steady-state and transient analysis, phasors, frequency response, Kirchhoffs laws and Thevenins and Nortons equivalent represented in the frequency domain, Laplace transform and an introduction to Transfer functions.
GEL312Electric Power Systems
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEL211
This course introduces first the concepts of sinusoidal steady-state analysis in order to prepare the students for the balanced three-phase electric circuits’ analysis: current, voltage, and power as well as power factor compensation are calculated. Then, special cases of unbalanced three-phase electric circuits are studied with the method of symmetrical components. Finally, an overview of magnetic theory is presented and the transformer explained.
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEL211
This course begins with an introduction of the physics of semiconductors and of the p-type and n-type semiconductors. Then, we introduce the PN junction, the diode, the Zener diode, their equivalent electrical models and their applications (rectifying circuits, limiting and clamping circuits, voltage regulators, etc…).The second part of this course treats the bipolar transistors in both NPN and PNP configurations. We define the different functioning modes (blocked, linear and saturated) and then we study the DC aspect of these transistors considering different biasing circuits. Afterwards, we do an AC analysis of the BJT amplifier circuits studying the small signal models, the current gain, the voltage gain, the input and output impedances. We finally study all three amplification configurations in common base, common emitter and common collector as well as in multi-stage amplifiers.The last part of this course addresses the subject of MOSFET transistors (the p-channel and the n-channel, depletion-type and enrichment-type), defining different functioning modes and their corresponding models in DC and in small signals.
GEL371Electronics Lab
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEL271
First, we remind the students of the measuring devices and we introduce Multisim software. Then, students study the characteristics of different types of diodes and circuits … The characteristics of the bipolar junction transistor and the phototransistor are elaborated as well as the characteristics of the FET and MOSFET. Different configurations of transistor-based circuits are also analyzed. The work is simulated with Multisim and an electronic project ends the course.
GRT320Electrostatics and magnetism.
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT337
Frictional electricity, charges and their conservation, Coulomb’s law, static electric fields, Gauss’s law, divergence, Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations, capacitance calculations, electric currents, resistance calculations, Ohm’s law, static magnetic fields, Biot-Savart law, Faraday’s law, electromagnetic induction, inductance calculations, Maxwell’s equations.
GRT596Final Project I
1 credits
This course is the first half of the Final Year Project that each student must succeed to obtain the engineering degree. The student is required to select a topic in telecommunications engineering or a related field, perform bibliographic study and propose solutions for further investigations.
GRT597Final Project II
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GRT596
This course is the second half of the Final Year Project that each student must succeed to obtain the engineering degree. The student is required develop advanced studies on the topic selected in the course GRT696, finalize the proposed solutions and submit a detailed report of all the work done.
GRT480Industry Project
1 credits
After spending one to two months in a company, living the real-world professional experience outside the academic environment of the university, the student enrolls in this course and submits a report containing all what he has learnt, the difficulties he has faced, and the correlation with the courses he has studied.
GRT581Internship II
1 credits
After spending one to two months in a company, living the real-world professional experience outside the academic environment of the university, the student enrolls in this course and submits a report containing all what he has learnt, the difficulties he has faced, and the correlation with the courses he has studied.
GIN221Introduction to programming
3 credits
This introductory course in programming allows engineering students to learn the methods of rigorous software development solutions in the object-oriented paradigm. The course is supplemented by laboratory sessions for the application of programming concepts studied in the Eclipse integrated development environment.
GEL311Logic design
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GIN221
This course introduces the circuits composed of elements used for basic logical operations. These circuits are the basis for digital systems. The course also focuses on reasoning methods that allow the analysis or synthesis of logical systems that are combinatorial or sequential. It enables students to realize the importance of concepts related to logic circuits in the field of information technology, telecommunications, industrial control, and other areas.
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEL314
This course introduces basic computer architecture and assembly language programming. The Intel 8088 and 8086 microprocessors are considered as a practical example. After describing the software architecture of the microprocessor, the instruction set (assembly language), addressing modes and machine language are then presented. Input / output types and interfaces are then discussed. Interrupts are explained last.
GEL474Microprocessors Laboratory
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEL445
The aim of the practical work is the implementation of the instruction set of a microprocessor, loops, arithmetic and logical operations and input-output ports.
GRT545Mobile Communications
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GRT540
Introduction to mobile communications. Wireless transmission, Medium access control, Cellular radio systems. ATM architecture. Wireless LANs. Mobile IP, Mobile TCP.
GRT572Mobile Communications Lab
1 credits
The purpose of this lab is to provide an introduction to mobile communications, starting with an introduction to the simulator ns-2. Then we study wireless transmissions, medium access protocols, cellular networks, WLAN, mobile IP, TCP in wireless environments, and some other mobile applications.
GRT431Network Architecture and Protocols
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEL311 And GIN231
The purpose of this course is to give strong and clear basis regarding technical characteristics of networks and their functioning. References model of the network architecture as OSI and TCP/IP will be described. Then, we will detail the different level of this architecture. In brief, we will see:  transmission basics, protocols for link control and media access control, network equipment, Ethernet and IP networks, routing, transport protocols and application protocols for the Internet.
GRT473Network Architecture and Protocols Lab
1 credits
The purpose of this lab is to apply the information given in the course using different approaches: configuration of network equipments and network installation, network supervising and troubleshooting using different tools, then performance evaluation. For that, we will mainly use network specialized simulators like CISCO Packet Tracer and the wireshark software used for packets capture and protocol analysis. In brief, we will see: some protocols from application layer (HTTP, DNS), TCP protocol, ARP protocol, Ethernet network, static and dynamic routing protocols and VLAN.
GEL472Non Linear Electronics Lab
1 credits
We introduce first the linear and non-linear operational amplifiers and we calculate the offset voltage and offset current. Then we implement different types of op amp circuits and we thoroughly study low pass, high pass, band pass and stop pass active filters of different orders. Many other applications are implemented like log and anti-log circuits, comparators, Schmitt trigger, stable and astable multivibrators, oscillators and the Phase-Locked Loop (PLL).
GEL420Nonlinear Electronics
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEL313
Operational Amplifier: ideal and real models, linear operation (op-amp) and nonlinear operation (comparator, circuit Hysteresis, etc.). Function generator (square wave and triangular wave generator), sinusoidal oscillator circuits (LC and RC) and Phase Locked Loop (PLL) circuit. Filters design: low-pass, high-pass, band pass and stop band.
GRT540Numeric Communication
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GRT440 And GRT421
This course starts by an overview of stochastic processes. Signal digitization (PCM) and line coding are then considered. Digital modulations (ASK, PSK, FSK, M-ary modulations, etc.), matched filtering, and system performance evaluation are then studied.  Advanced topics (e.g. spread spectrum) are then introduced.
GEN499Seminars and Conferences
Each semester, the Faculty of Engineering organizes several seminars and conferences in which leading figures in the professional and academic world target future engineers with a speech presenting scientific, technical, and/or industrial topics, etc. and showing them the various aspects of the engineering profession.
GRT420Signal Theory
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEN350 And STA307
This course aims at analyzing continuous deterministic signals and LTIS systems. Students are first introduced to the Fourier series. Fourier transform, correlations and spectral densities are studied next. Random signals, random processes, filtering of stationary stochastic processes and Hilbert transform are introduced as well.
GRT423Waves and propagation
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GRT320
Fundamental concepts of electromagnetic waves, Maxwell’s equations, propagation of plane waves in lossless and lossy media, Poynting vector, waves incident on conducting and dielectric boundaries. Theory and application of transmission lines, matching, Smith Chart. Theory of hollow waveguides with application to rectangular waveguides.
Technical Electives
GRT564Advanced Communication Systems
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GRT540
This course aims at introducing advanced topics in communications to Telecommunications Engineering students. Students are first introduced to detection theory. Synchronization and equalization techniques are studied next. Fading channels are introduced, with emphasis on practical channel models and applications in the wireless world. The topics covered next are multicarrier systems, diversity techniques and MIMO systems.
GIN450Advanced Computer Architecture
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEL445
This course first reviews general computer architecture and presents the concept of cache memory and pipelining in single processor systems. Multiprocessing systems are then discussed, starting with a global overview to tackle next advanced topics: interconnection networks, shared memory and cache coherence, abstract models and algorithms for multiprocessor systems, the parallel virtual machine and message passing.
GRT531Advanced Networks Architectures
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GRT431
Internal routing protocols (RIP, OSPF, EIGRP). External routing protocol (BGP4), evolution. Architecture of IP multicast and group management protocol (IGMP) and multicast routing protocols (DVMRP, PIM-SM, PIM-DM). IP networks multi-service, IP and Quality of Service (QoS). DiffServ and differentiated quality of service, architecture. IntServ, architecture and protocols. Voice and telephony over IP. Optical IP/ MPLS and GMPLS : architecture, main concepts, traffic engineering. METRO Ethernet. VPN services evolution. VPN architectures (layer 2 and layer 3). Mobility in IP networks (Internet and private). Mobility mechanisms in IPv4 networks. IPv6 basic mechanisms. Mobile IPv6. Hierarchical Mobile IP (HMIP). Handover mechanisms based on IPv6. Overlay networks: caches, CDN and peer-to-peer.
GRT532Advanced Networks Architectures Lab
1 credits
Advanced routing techniques. IP Multicast. IP and Quality of Service. Voice and telephony over IP. VPN. Mobility mechanism in IP networks. Basic IPv6 mechanisms. Peer-to-peer networks.
GRT566Advanced Transmission Systems Lab
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GRT554 And GRT543 And GRT541
Practice work for antenna theory, fibre optics and telephony communications. Antenna gain, polarization, impedance etc. Fibre optic characteristics, laser diode, PIN etc. Telephone systems, signalling, transmitter-receiver, TDM, PCM, etc.
GRT554Antennas, Radars and GPS
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GRT423
This course covers antenna and Radar principles. It starts with the fundamental parameters of antennas, then moves on to the radiation integral used for antenna analysis. Detailed treatment of wire antennas and antenna arrays will be presented next. After the antenna part is done, The course tackles some radar topics like the Radar equation, Radar Cross Section (RCS) of simple and complicated targets. Range and Doppler ambiguity in pulse radar. Probability of detection and probability of false alarm. GPS overview will be covered at the end of the term.
GIN473Applied Programming Lab
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GIN231
This laboratory allows engineering students to create applications that address real problems. It complements their knowledge with intensive sessions covering event-driven and object-oriented programming. It covers topics such as Rapid Application Development (RAD), Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD) development and Graphical User Interface (GUI). The technologies covered are: Visual, Windows platform, and the development environment is MS Visual Studio.
GIN527Distributed Systems
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GRT431
The objective of this course is to explain the principles of distributed systems and their different hardware and software architectures. The concepts discussed are: C/S and P2P architectures, inter-process communication, distributed file system, sockets programming, calling procedures and methods remotely: RPC and RMI, CORBA architecture, Time  synchronization in distributed systems, logical time, coordination algorithms, mutual exclusion, cloud computing, grid computing, clusters, and an introduction to parallel programming.
GRT565Information Theory and Coding
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GRT540
This course starts with an overview of Information theory: discrete and continuous sources, source coding and channel coding theorems, channel matrix, channel capacity, Kraft inequality, lossless coding. Then, we study linear block codes and cyclic codes. Convolutional codes are then considered, including trellis diagrams, Viterbi decoding, etc. Turbo-codes are also studied (concatenation, interleaving, iterative decoding algorithms, etc.). We end by an introduction to LDPC codes.
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEL445
The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to microcontroller families: Motorola, Intel, Microchip. We will be studying the internal resources and programming of Microchip PIC microcontrollers, as well as developing multiple practical applications.
GEL575Microcontrollers Lab
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEL474
The main objective of this course is to apply differ microcontroller topics and peripherals, introduced using the assembly language, physically. To do so, the EasyPic6 board is used along with the MikroBasic program to write down the program. A simulator and a conversion to assembly language are found within this program.
GIN528Mobile Devices Programming
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GIN446 Or GIN473
Programming mobile devices with an emphasis on the environment and the Android platform. This course focuses on research and projects. The main themes of the course revolve around the design of applications for mobile devices with unique challenges: user interface, mobile-specific technologies, and the importance of performance. The Android SDK has its own interesting aspects to learn: the multi-touch model, accelerometer, and other important API receive significant attention. Students will learn the concepts of development applicable to any type of mobile environment: iOS, BlackBerry, Symbian, Windows Phone.
GRT542Network Modeling
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GRT431
Network modelling of information transfer, telephone networks, land mobile systems or satellites. Simulation of different layers of systems and exchange protocols.
GRT571Networks Modeling Laboratory
1 credits
The aim of the practical work is the implementation of the various theoretical concepts of networks modelling and processing. Problems and practical examples are examined using the ns simulator and the Matlab software.
GRT541Optical Communications
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GRT423 And GRT450
In this course, optical communication systems are first introduced. Optical fibers are studied next (step-index, graded-index, multimode, single-mode) as well as signal propagation and degradation… Optical sources (LASER, LED) and receivers (PIN, APD) are then discussed, with the probabilistic theory behind receiver operation. Finally, the design of a complete optical communication system is considered, taking into account attenuation, error probability, SNR, power constraints, etc.
GRT549Security of fixed and mobile networks
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GRT431
The purpose of this course is to introduce the principles of security in fixed and mobile networks. The course starts with an introduction to information security concepts, security services and security mechanisms.  In the second part, we discuss the concepts of symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, the hash function and the signature and key sharing procedures and we apply these concepts to secure the data communication using the SSL and the IPSec protocols. In the third part, we discuss security in wireless networks, intrusions and filtering mechanisms through the use of firewalls. Finally, we discuss security management and risk management concepts.
GRT546Telecommunications Regulations
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GRT540
To expose Telecom Engineer Students to the evolution of Telecom markets, the drivers of Telecom Regulations, the impact on the Telecom sector at a national level. The course will provide the students with an opportunity to understand the market drivers for the Telecom sector, the key stakeholders, investors prospective, and be able to benchmark and compare different models.
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GRT540
Establishment of calls. Traffic study and design of telephony systems. Switching systems. Signalling, CS7. ISDN networks. PDH and SDH hierarchies. Intelligent networks. Voice over IP.
GRT563Video Compression
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GRT560
This course introduces video coding concepts with emphasis on the H.264 standard. Advanced topics such as distributed video coding, multiview coding, unequal error protection, etc… are also discussed.
Approved Faculty Electives - Group 1
GEL425Linear Control Systems
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GEN428
This course is designed to provide the student with the fundamental principles of the control of dynamical systems. It covers the following topics: Linear system modelling (electrical systems, mechanical systems, electro-mechanical systems), transfer function; time response of first order and second order linear systems, error, stability of a feedback system; Root locus analysis; Frequency response, Bode diagram, Nyquist diagram; Correction of linear systems, gain and phase margins, P, PI, PD and PID corrections.
Approved Faculty Electives - Group 2
GEL475Electric Instrumentation Laboratory
1 credits
This laboratory introduces the properties of different sensors. Students will learn to use a computer as a measuring instrument for physical quantities such as light, temperature….Students will first learn to use LabView as a graphical programming tool. Then, the data acquisition board is introduced. Once familiar with LabView and the acquisition board, students will develop multiple acquisition and monitoring applications in order to measure different physical quantities.
GIN314Object Oriented Design
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: GIN231
Fundamental concepts of Object Oriented Programming: classes, objects, abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic links, inter-classes relations, inter-objects communication.Object Oriented Modeling and Design using UML (Unified Modeling Language). Design Patterns: their intent, applicability (including benefits and drawbacks), structure and implementation. Advanced object‐oriented programming needed in implementation of certain patterns: in Java (dynamic class loading, static blocks, interfaces, inner class tricks) and in C++ (abstract base classes, virtual functions, private and public multiple inheritance mixtures). Use of OCL (Object Constraint language).  Use of UML modeling tools (AgroUML, Visio, etc.).
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