School of Architecture and Design

Bachelor of Arts in Visual and Performing Arts - Audio-Visual: Multimedia

108 credits
For students entering the program at the Sophomore level
(holders of a recognized Baccalaureate or Freshman diploma - equivalent to 30 credits)


General Education
Behavioral and Social Sciences (6 cr.)
6 credits
Civic Engagement (2 cr.)
2 credits
English Communication (3 cr.)
3 credits
DAA241General History of Art
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: LFR120
The objective of the course is to give students an understanding of the chronological order of events that constitute the history of art. They will use the methodological tools of the discipline, to learn how to situate, compare and understand the relationships between them through a study of their stylistic characteristics and their socio­historical context.
History of Lebanon (3 cr.)
3 credits
PHO224Introduction to Photography
3 credits
Students will acquire the tools needed to manipulate and control cameras. Students will apply these tools to achieve a specific effect in photographic digital images. Students will understand the principles of framing, composing and balance.
Quantitative Reasoning (3 cr.)
3 credits
Religious Sciences (3 cr.)
3 credits
Science and Health (3 cr.)
3 credits
Sports (1 cr.)
1 credits
Common Core
TLV351Introduction to Editing
3 credits
Students will understand the various theories of montage (Eisenstein, Bazin, Deleuze, etc.), as well as the different styles of montage. Students will be able to use the different tools of nonlinear editing, as well as implement them by making several short videos.
TLV431Sound Techniques
3 credits
Students will understand the different techniques of acquiring sound in film and television. Students will develop skills in sound pick­up and recording using the appropriate microphones for indoor and outdoor sound recordings.
AGP210Typography I
3 credits
In this course students will become aware of typography as a part of daily life, and they will learn about the different contexts and manipulation of the letters which make texts more legible whatever their format is and their ultimate purpose (reading, posters, screens, etc.).
AUV461Advanced Graphic Design
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: AUV201 Or AUV361
The students will apply techniques of graphic design on real world situations, whether it is print, web, mobile applications or tablets. The students will initiate a project from scratch and develop it through all the phases. The students will apply knowledge from different fields like photography, interface design, and video.
AUV410Animated Cartoons
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: (AUV130 Or AUV335) And (AGP101 Or AGP210)
Students will draw and render the human figure as well as animals. Students will use traditional methods of figure drawing and will implement the basics of understructure for animation using line and shape for maintaining volume.
AUV433Art Direction
3 credits
Students will understand concepts and find solutions for problems encountered in different media including the printing and digital processes. Students will integrate knowledge from different fields like marketing production and promotion of products and create ideas and apply them to a specific project.
AUV342Design Web Page
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: (AUV123 Or AUV323) And (AUV140 Or AUV240)
Students will create and design a web page from scratch. Students will manage the process from client to final product, including page content, graphics, grid and interactive architecture.
AUV223Digital Illustration
3 credits
The students will create, draw and illustrate using techniques tools from different software. The students will be able to integrate different shapes and forms into a cohesive work of art.
AUV335Digital Page Layout
3 credits
Students will apply fundamental layout and design techniques by manipulating software tools to arrange visual elements effectively. Students will be able to compose and integrate images, illustrations, videos, and texts.
AUV457Digital Photographic Production
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: PHO120 Or PHO224
Students will be able to manipulate digital images from production to print by applying techniques of digital photography. Students will manage the different phases in the process, depending on the end use of the image, whether it is a print or digital image, for web mobile application or tablets.
AUV438Digital Video Production
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: TLV230 Or TLV351
Students will demonstrate knowledge of technical terms used in digital video including formats and digital files. Students will be able to implement various cinematic techniques to produce moving images.
AUV425Interface Design
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: (AUV201 Or AUV361) And (AUV140 Or AUV240)
Students will acquire deeper knowledge of concepts and principles from the field of human­computer interaction. Students will create user­centered interface design by creating better grids and layouts for mobile, and web and improved techniques in tablets. Students will demonstrate knowledge of appropriate architecture, content design and wireframes design for prospective users.
AUV449Introduction to 3D Animation
3 credits
Students will implement 3D modeling techniques using a computerized environment. Students will create their own models and graphics to which they will apply effective lighting and materials.
AUV361Introduction to Graphic Design
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: AUV131 Or AUV204
Students will acquire the fundamentals of artistic design, including the concepts of color theory, balance, visual weight, scale and eye direction for both print and electronic media. Students will apply effective means through use of typography, illustrations and page layout applications.
AUV204Introduction to Graphic tools
3 credits
The students will acquire the fundamental techniques and tools used in a graphic environment whether it is print or digital.
AUV240Introduction to Interactive Design
3 credits
The students will understand the different principles and techniques of interactive design. Students will develop the appropriate interface for clear and efficient communication between the user and the device. Students will create a detailed interface, mainly for mobile, tablets and web, and test out the process.
AUV323Multimedia and Page Web
3 credits
Students will be able to build and create a multimedia project from the beginning till the end. Students will select a platform, whether web, TV or mobile. Students will acquire the knowledge to manage and organize the different phases in their project.
AUV451Sound Design
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: TLV331 Or TLV431
The students will understand the various means of designing sound for film, using acquired techniques. The students will be able to integrate different sound tracks into a cohesive and well-balanced track.
AUV334Special Effects
3 credits
Students will be able to implement and manipulate tools from different software and apply them to moving and still images. Students will manipulate color correction, contrast, create layers, and use green screen techniques.
AUV245Survey of Media
3 credits
Students will be able to understand the different types of media, analog and digital formats, (text, images, sound, video, etc.). They will be able to use technological tools, QR code, storage hardware and software, and different types of connectivity and I/O devices.
PHO225Advanced Black and White
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: PHO120 Or PHO224
Students will acquire advanced skills in black and white photography, both by manipulation of film exposure and processing or through digital tools. The students will apply zone system know-how to control contrast.
TLV352Advanced Editing
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: TLV230 Or TLV351
Students will apply and reinforce techniques of editing on already existing footage. Students will create from these footages a short narrative film.
AUV536Animation 3DII
3 credits
Advanced organization and integration of various creative arts used in animation, resulting in production of a complete animated film.
PHO235Introduction to Photography Story-telling
3 credits
Students will acquire techniques and tools to produce still images with sound tracks. Students will apply these techniques on a visual and audio project.
AUV441Technical English
3 credits
Students will develop skills and techniques in how to express themselves in English (spoken and written), specifically in a professional environment. Key areas include self-promotion, job application, job interview, brief­taking and client presentations.
AUV470Final Project
3 credits
The students will produce a complete product, whether it is a short animation, website, or mobile application.
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