MGT665Bank Strategic Management and Decision Making
3 credits
The objective of this course is to bring together the concepts of strategic management and strategic marketing and their application in the local and international banking industry, based on field experience. We will then link them to the process of decision making in the local banking industry. The course covers, in particular strategic planning and its implementation in the bank, profitability improvement, retail banking/commercial banking strategies, and involvement on bank’s organizational structure.
ACT540Cost and Managerial Accounting in Banking
3 credits
In an environment that has become increasingly very competitive, accurate measurement of returns, performance monitoring and management planning condition the development of banking and financial institutions as well as the decisions of their policymakers. This course reviews all the techniques used in the field of management control and how to use them in a bank context such as profitability per Division/Product/Employee, transfer pricing models and cost control measures.
BAN590Credit – Beginner
3 credits
Traditionally, lenders have faced credit risk in the form of default by borrowers. To this date, credit risk assessment remains major concern for lenders worldwide. The more they know about the creditworthiness of a potential borrower, the greater the chance they can maximize profits, increase market share, minimize risk, and reduce the financial provision that must be made for bad debt. The objective of this course is two-fold. Firstly it intends to introduce credit risk concepts and key elements to manage and measure risk. On the other hand, it will promote an understanding of the techniques used to measure the financial strength of companies. As such, students will be introduced to practical analytical methods, clear and useful, as well as all the necessary elements to carry out the full study of a given credit file. This course provides fundamental understanding of the credit risk analysis process and discusses in detail, various aspects of financial statement analysis, including ratio and cash flow analysis, among others to help in making better credit-related decisions. It also looks at various non-financial factors such as Business Plan, Industry/Sector, Top Management, etc. that could affect the creditworthiness. However, the complexity, variety and uniqueness of accounting standards and financial statements in banking, plus the requirement for banks to provide the market with an ever more detailed information on their activities, double the pressure on the analysts to master a complex set of information and techniques as well as to assess the liquidity and solvency of an institution to determine its value.
BAN595Credit- Intermerdiate
3 credits | Pre-requisite: BAN590
Traditionally, lenders have faced credit risk in the form of default by borrowers. To this date, credit risk assessment remains major concern for lenders worldwide. The more they know about the creditworthiness of a potential borrower, the greater the chance they can maximize profits, increase market share, minimize risk, and reduce the financial provision that must be made for bad debt. The objective of this course is two-fold. Firstly it intends to introduce credit risk concepts and key elements to manage and measure risk. On the other hand, it will promote an understanding of the techniques used to measure the financial strength of companies. As such, students will be introduced to practical analytical methods, clear and useful, as well as all the necessary elements to carry out the full study of a given credit file. This course provides fundamental understanding of the credit risk analysis process and discusses in detail, various aspects of financial statement analysis, including ratio and cash flow analysis, among others to help in making better credit-related decisions. It also looks at various non-financial factors such as Business Plan, Industry/Sector, Top Management, etc. that could affect the creditworthiness. However, the complexity, variety and uniqueness of accounting standards and financial statements in banking, plus the requirement for banks to provide the market with an ever more detailed information on their activities, double the pressure on the analysts to master a complex set of information and techniques as well as to assess the liquidity and solvency of an institution to determine its value.
BAN570Front and Back Office Operations
3 credits
The number of banks in Lebanon stands at 71 with more than 1,100 domestic outlets, and yet what do we know about how they conduct their operations? Focusing on the Lebanese experience, the objective of this course is to enable students to understand the peculiarity of the banking business in the most concrete way possible. The course covers topics that include: Front office activities in a Bank, to help Management maximize relationship with customers, by enabling the Bank to provide banking services across multiple delivery channels, from branch, ATM and call center to internet and mobile, across a multitude of devices. Back office operations within a branch or Head Office function, including administration and support personnel, who carry out functions like settlements, clearances, record maintenance, regulatory compliance, and accounting/booking; in addition to new trends in straight through processing mechanisms which reduces operating costs through enhanced automated/system processing, ensuring compliance procedures and improving client service performance. Middle Office functions including the monitoring and management of the bank's risk exposures. In order to manage global market and credit risk through continuous monitoring of set limits, the middle office liaises closely with the front office responsible for trading operations and also with the back office which handles the administration associated with the settlement of trades.
BAN695Legal Compliance and Corporate Governance
3 credits
With the new set of regulations in place at local and international levels, effective compliance on one hand and corporate governance on the other have become vital to organizational durability and success. Legal compliance is defined today as the process and procedure to ensure that an organization follows relevant laws, regulations and business rules, while corporate governance is defined as the system (rules, practices and processes) by which the institution is directed and controlled in a manner that ensures accountability, fairness and transparency with all its stakeholders. Pro-active compliance improves productivity and competitiveness and fosters sound relations with local regulators and the international community. Corporate governance essentially involves balancing the interests of the many stakeholders in a company, and provides the framework for attaining its objectives. It encompasses management spheres, from action plans and internal controls to performance measurement and disclosures. This course introduces students to the main aspects of the compliance function. It is aimed at equipping compliance professionals in the financial services industry with basic technical skills and knowledge to achieve the objectives of the compliance function. It teaches the fundamentals of corporate governance from a variety of angles – the board of directors, senior management, investors and customers, the media, the regulators and other stakeholders – and focuses on assessing the effectiveness and execution of governance roles and responsibilities. The objective of this part is to teach students how to achieve a balance and alignment among external and internal controls, risks and competitive constraints.
FIN610Risk Management
3 credits
The courses objective is to provide students with a tangible education that will allow them to acquire the know-how and management control of tools and processes of the organization risks management. Therefore, students will learn how to identify the main risks of a project, estimate their impacts and propose suitable plans of action.
BAN690Treasury Management
3 credits
This course, technical as a whole, deals with bank treasury operations. Therefore, it starts with defining the general principles of bank balances and the main hedging, arbitrage, speculation and interbank loans and borrowings. It addresses risk management and compliance with regulatory standards. The course also visits the area of management of bank treasury operations (Nostro and Vostro accounts; liquidity management) and the area of control of bank treasury operations and the concept of limit-related risks. It provides an overview of the various stakeholders in this market. It reviews trading and investment in fixed income securities, capital markets’ instruments (equities, derivatives) foreign exchange management and risk control, hedging techniques and strategies, management and monitoring of different positions.