Business School

Programs for Success: Beyond Geopolitical Boundaries

The George Washington University School of Business is proud to participate in a new partnership with an outstanding institution: The Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK) in Jounieh, Lebanon. USEK is not only a regional star at the intersection of East and West, but it is a world-class school. These joint certificate programs are the cornerstone of a growing collaboration that intertwines the values and academic expertise of both institutions. It will offer programming across several business disciplines.

Outstanding scholars, academics and practitioners among the GW School of Business (GWSB) faculty will lead and teach the program. They understand that international trade and an increasingly complex global economy demand business leaders who can operate beyond geopolitical boundaries and the constraints of provincial management training.

There is no better vehicle to prepare for the challenges of the fast-changing marketplace than these customized certificate programs. They are designed to provide the tools that executives need to successfully lead at a time of worldwide economic change.

Business leaders navigate a world marked by increasing innovation and collaboration. Our pioneering alliance with USEK acknowledges those challenges, building on the strengths of both academic institutions. Through the delivery of these courses at USEK, GW introduces a cutting-edge curriculum focused on ethics, globalization and social responsibility. The certificate programs provide the knowledge and skills that executives need to contribute to the economy and to society in unique and inspiring ways, regardless whether they work in a corporate, government, nonprofit or entrepreneurial arena.

Join us and position yourself at the center of powerful conversations and in a forum for positive change. This is exactly where you want to be.

Doug Guthrie
Professor of Management
Professor of International Business
The George Washington University School of Business
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
Tel.: (+961) 9 600 000
Fax : (+961) 9 600 100
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