Within the framework of agreements signed between USEK and other Lebanese and foreign universities, a student may attend one or several courses during one or more semesters in another university, after having obtained first the authorization of his/her Department and the approval of the Dean/Director of his/her home Faculty/Institute.
Courses attended in another institution should be deemed equivalent to those of the current program.
In order to be able to follow external courses, the student must abide by the following conditions:
- The total amount of external credits added to the credits transferred upon the student’s admission, shall not exceed 49 % of the total required credits;
- The courses attended in Lebanon, albeit in another university, should not be taught within the student’s original Faculty/Institute during the semester in question;
- The final grade for each course should be directly reported by the host university, according to the grading system adopted by USEK, to the Registrar Office. This grade will be registered on the academic transcript and is accounted for with the remaining grades, when calculating the student’s Grade Point Average and General Average per Semester;
- In addition to the registration fees of USEK, the student should pay all the necessary fees of the host university.