About USEK

Use of USEK Computer Systems Policy

USEK policy, in terms of using information devices and networks by the students as well as the teachers and administrative personnel, was set in pursuance of the principle of respect for the person, a principle that is at the core of the Catholic and Maronite identity of this institution.

Guiding principles

The computer tools and networks are powerful communication tools between the members of the university community, as well as between the university and the external arena. When properly used, they stimulate dialogue and interactivity; on the other hand, when illegally used, they can detract from the opinions and rights of others.

Therefore, the computer network at USEK should only be used for studies or for research purposes, with the intention of enriching knowledge and general culture, or promulgating academic or administrative information.
In addition, the computer equipment at USEK, which is put at the disposal of the university community, should be judiciously used with care, respecting the needs of each individual.

Finally, e-mail users, or those downloading information for their personal use must be warned that USEK cannot protect them against any possible threat to their private life or other, which results from the broadcasting of personal information.

Responsibilities and obligations

Without exception, the following cases indicate certain obligations to be filled by the users of computers, or networks, to which USEK is linked :
  • Users must not modify or attempt to destroy the computer system or network at USEK. They must not impair the protection software or the limitations applied to the computer applications or files.
  • Users must use their own account and must not attempt to exceed the applied restrictions to the latter.
  • Users are responsible for their own computer account. They must be careful not to permit possible access to their computer resources by other users. Securing a password and modifying it on a regular basis is the responsibility of every user.
  • The University imposes limits, regarding the use of computer resources. The following activities are considered to surpass these limits:
    • Blocking the access or jamming the use of the computers or network for games purposes, or activities which have no relation to university studies or research.
    • Sending undesirable, excessive or frivolous messages, such as chain letters, unsolicited mails (junk mails) and other general messages (locally sent or via internet).
    • Exceeding the messages storage limits.
    • Intentionally introducing computer viruses (Worms, Trojan horse) or programs which can damage the hard discs and software of USEK.
    • Causing material damages to systems.
    • Carelessly running non valid programs while valid ones are available.
  • Users must not use computer resources, such as e-mails, Web services or other electronic support, to broadcast information with the intention of promoting or encouraging political causes, without the prior written authorization of the Secretary General.
  • Users must abstain from sending massive e-mails (bulk mails: messages to be sent to a wide group of predefined persons), unless the content of these messages serves the objectives of USEK.
  • Users are responsible for all software and electronic equipment use, in accordance with the copyright, the formulated restrictions in the exploitation licenses and the policy in force at the University.
  • It is necessary to recall that the information exchanged by means of the communication computer network of the University, is a form of publication. Thus, the same standards apply; for example, the fact that any product of USEK which is available on the Internet, represents USEK as a whole and not just an individual. The University is represented by its students, its faculties and its personnel; an appropriate language, attitude and a suitable style are, therefore, required.

Users must comply with these responsibilities and obligations set by USEK. The University can limit the access to its computers and networks for electronic communications, if it is confronted by evident violations of its policy or laws in this regard. In addition, any obvious abuse will be subject to disciplinary measures.
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
Tel.: (+961) 9 600 000
Fax : (+961) 9 600 100
© Copyright USEK 2025
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