All USEK registered students automatically have access to the Banner self-service university information and management system, which allows them to consult their academic transcripts as well as their studies fees account, and they can benefit from an USEK e-mail address (FName.InitialOfFather’*, which is the privileged and official means of communication and information between administration, teachers and students at the University.
The default password is the first letter of the name of the student in capitals and first letter of the last name in lower case, underscore, and then the last three numbers of the student ID.
USEK e-mail address, as well as the relevant password, can be retrieved from (must be a link).
The user can change his/her password and PIN code by accessing the same link or by consulting the IT Service Desk - Room P 102, Building P.
*FName = First Name and LName = Last Name.