School of Law and Political Sciences

Master in Public Law

21 credits


Common Core
DRG500Research Methodology
3 credits
The course focuses on both the method and methodology of academic research and explains both how and why it is necessary to carry out academic research work. The method / methodology is the focus of this course.
DRG620Administrative Law
3 credits
The administration is subject to a law which regulates its activity and, thereby, its relationship with citizens. This course explains the unilateral administrative act, administrative contracts, various appeals and the liability of the public authority.
DRG621Constitutional Law
3 credits
The course presents the concepts of constitutional law based on two main ideas: authority and freedom. This vision is founded according to the bodies constituting the public powers, their functions and their relationships between each other and the governed population.
DRG622International Public Law
3 credits
This course allows students to learn about the subjects of international law and their legal status; such as, states, organizations, and private persons, and the sources of international law; such as, treaties, customs, general principles, unilateral acts, jurisprudence, etc. The course also discusses the general questions of international law, i.e. questions of law making, sovereignty, jurisdiction, responsibility, enforcement, the settlement of disputes, and specific topics such as the use of force.
DRG660AMaster Thesis
6 credits
DRG623Tax Law and Public Finances
3 credits
This course exposes the fundamental concepts relating to the budget of the State, its preparation, enforcement and control. On the other hand, the general theory of tax requires the study of the notion of tax, classification of taxes, tax techniques, and tax administration. Then it focuses on the three main taxes: tax on income, VAT, and the estate tax.
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