Faculty of Sciences

(To become Faculty of Arts and Science starting September 2019)

Bachelor of Sciences in Actuarial and Financial Mathematics

96 credits
For students entering the program at the Sophomore level
(holders of a recognized Baccalaureate or Freshman diploma - equivalent to 30 credits)


General Education Common Core
MAC400Actuarial Mathematics
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT312 And STA320
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the reality of the actuarial calculation through essential mathematical tools as interest theory and the theory of probabilities. At the end of this course, the student becomes familiar with mortality tables, actuarial notation, force of mortality, the calculation of the expected value, the calculation of the pure premium of certain types of insurance contracts as well as with the calculation of reserves.
INF217Applicative Programming
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: INF216 Or INF214 Or INF219
This course introduces many techniques used to organize, search, sort and manipulate data after completing new notions of Visual Basic language (Multidimensionals Arrays, Procedures, functions and files). It emphasizes sorting methods, recursion, linked lists, stacks and queues.
MAT213Calculus III
3 credits
The objective of this first analysis course is to give students of scientific fields the required foundations for understanding higher courses in mathematics, computer science, physics, economics, finance, etc. The subjects covered are the following: review of the functions of a real variable, simple integral and integration methods; suites and numerical series; functions of several variables, continuity, partial derivative, differential, the chain rule, Taylor expansion of 2 variables; introduction to double integrals, integration methods, change of variables, Jacobean, polar coordinates; and linear differential equations of the first order.
MAC421Demography and actuarial science
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT312
The course introduces the quantitative longitudinal and transverse methods of analysis to apply them in the actuarial risk models and demographic tables construction. Topics covered: Lexis diagram: study of nuptiality, fertility, morbidity and mortality. Construction of demographic tables. Theories of mortality. Practical methods for the estimation of mortality from census data, construction of mortality tables, case studies. Survival models and implications on the actuarial practices.
MAT220Differential equations
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT213 Or MAH220
In this course, students will study differential nonlinear equations of the first order and linear equations of the second order, with some electrical and mechanical applications. Students will also study the transformation of Laplace and apply it to solving differential equations and linear differential systems. This course covers the concepts of power series and Fourier’s series and their applications.
CSC211Discrete Methods
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT202
This course introduces the discrete methods used in computer science and applied mathematics. The topics that will be covered are regular languages, regular expressions, finite automata and non-regular languages. It also discusses the basic elements in number theory and introduces the graph theory. It introduces induction proof and recurrence relations.
ECO310Economy of Health
3 credits
Health Economics is a branch of Economics concerned with the rational allocation of resources to ensure a better level of health for populations. This course is designed to familiarize the student with the supply and demand for care, different health systems and economic evaluations of health strategies in these economic systems as well as the ethical environment of the economy's health.
MAC315Insurance contracts
1 credits
This course is designed to familiarize students to the different types of life and non­life insurance contracts as well as to accounting and their application in various types of insurance companies. In addition, by the end of this course, the student will have acquired the practice of life insurance. All these concepts will be addressed through workshops so students will be able to understand theoretically and practically information.
INF216Introduction to programming
3 credits
This course provides students with a practical method for resolving problems using the programming language Visual Basic. It covers: methods for problems analysis; an introduction to the Visual Basic language, basic concepts of the language, types, expressions, control structures (selection, repetition), one dimensional array, two dimensional arrays, strings, procedures and functions; and writing and executing programs.
MAT310Linear Algebra
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT213 Or MAH213
In this course students will study the concepts and the basic results of matrix calculus and linear algebra, a very useful discipline in many other fields. The subjects covered are: matrix algebra, linear systems, determinant, spaces and vector subspaces, scalar products and orthogonality, eigenvalues and eigenvectors; Euclidean spaces, scalar product; and linear transformations.
3 credits
This course gives an insight into macroeconomics, portraying the economy as a whole. It is by developing an understanding of fundamental economic terminology, and concepts and principles that we are able to interpret economic changes and their impact on a country’s situation.
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: BUS210 Or MAT206 Or MAT213 Or MAT310 Or MAT217 or MAT216
This course gives students an insight into microeconomics, which is a key component to designing and understanding public policy and is an essential tool for managerial decision­-making, while offering an understanding of the operation of modern economy.
MAT313Vector analysis
3 credits
Parametric curves and curves in polar coordinates; concept of surfaces, gradient; plane tangent, normal right to a surface; Optimization; Lagrange multipliers; Triple integrals; change of variables; theories of fields and Vector calculus: curl and divergence. Line integrals; Green­Riemann formulas; Integrals of surfaces; Formulas of Stokes and divergence theorem.
MAC430Accounting of insurance and mathematical reserves
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAC400
This course is designed to enable students to understand the principles of insurance accounting and determine appropriate reserves according to the actuarial criteria. It allows serving the objectives of accounting standards adapted to the particular activity of insurance companies and integrates in its quality of sectoral plan, in the context of the general provisions and the system of national accounts.
STA320Applied probability and statistics
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT213 Or MAH213 And (MAT202 Or MAH202)
This course covers the following topics: probabilities, independence; random variables; expectation; two­dimensional random vectors, marginal, and conditional laws; probability distribution (Bernoulli, binomial, geometric, Poisson process, uniform distribution, gamma, distribution and normal distribution); multivariate random variables; The weak law of large numbers, and central theorem limits; statistics and sampling distribution; reliability; and applications.
ECO410Banking and Finance
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: ECO222
This course aims at expanding knowledge in economics with an emphasis on accounting, financial intermediaries, banking and their public policies.
STA321Descriptive statistic
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAT213 Or MAH213
Descriptive statistics aims to quantitatively summarize data gathered on a concrete universe by means of an exhaustive investigation, such as the population of a country studied through a general census. Its purpose is not to explain but to describe, identify essentially achieve syntheses using the numerical language. Statistical distributions of one and two characters, graphic representations, main numerical summaries of a distribution, time series and theory of indices are studied in this course.
MAT312Economical and financial Calculus
3 credits
This course allows the student to become familiar with the main tools and mathematical models used in economics, finance and actuarial science. A first part focuses on the theory of interest: discount and capitalization, different measures of relevance, equivalency rate, instantaneous rate, annuity, actuarial notation and use of tables, numerical methods. The second part deals with optimizing with and without constraints of functions of several variables, linear regression and application of matrix algebra. Last part focuses on the differential and integral calculus and recurrence equations.
MAC216Ethics of insurance
3 credits
Insurance law course begins with a historical overview and insight into the technical and actuarial foundations, as well as some important boundaries, particularly with regard to social insurance. State of the business of insurance supervision is a chapter, and the new law on this object is commented out. In private law, the course deals with the insurance contract and its essential terms. It ends with an overview of the reinsurance and insurance international business. The course is based on theoretical courses, as well as articles news, practice and jurisprudence; It's links with the law of civil liability.
CSC416Graph theory& operations research
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: (MAH310 Or MAT310) And (CSC211 Or INF211)
The aim of this course is to formulate a wide variety of real­life problems and to solve them using methods based on graph theory and linear methods. Concerning graph theory, we will particularly study the following problems: shortest path, minimum spanning tree, maximal flow network, and finding a critical path in a project network. As for linear methods, linear programming problems will be solved graphically and by using the Simplex algorithm and duality. We will also see how to solve integer programming problems using the branch­and­ bound method.
MAT418Numerical Methods
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: (MAT310 Or MAH310) And (MAT312 Or MAT220 Or MAH220) And (INF214 Or INF216 Or INF219)
This course will introduce the students to numerical computation allowing them to acquire the necessary tools to gain a better understanding of the modelling problems that they will meet later. The subjects covered are the following: introduction to numerical algorithms; non­linear equations, the bisection method, the fixed point method, Newton method, secant method, and systems of nonlinear equations; interpolation techniques of Lagrange, Newton, least squares, and splines; derivation and numerical integration, numerical solution of differential equations; and various applications with MATLAB (matrix algebra, linear systems, direct methods, iterative methods, eigenvalues).
STA331Statistical Analysis
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: STA320 Or STS320
Elements of descriptive statistics. Concepts of probabilities, normal distribution, sampling methods. Point estimate and interval estimate. Hypothesis test, the risk of first and second case. Comparison between two groups, the chi­squared test. Correlation and regression. Analysis of variance. Introduction to a statistical software package such as SPSS.
STA335Statistical survey & analysis
1 credits
Under the direction of the teacher, students will exploit a statistical survey on small sample and prepare one or more documents that are a synthesis of the results. The methods will be adapted to the size of the sample. An attention will be paid to criticism and interpretation of the results as well as to the relationship between the statistical results and other sources (qualitative observations, literature).
MAC438Internship Report
1 credits    |    Pre-requisite: MAC400
The student has to do an internship in an Insurance company or a Bank. He/She will work with his/her advisors to identify the internship of mutual interest and prepares a significant written document or other work of scholarship that outlines the learning and professional development experiences of the internship. Formal presentation of the results of the internship is required.
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