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December 18, 2011
Album Signing of The Gospel, Word and Hymn

Rev. Fr. Marwan Azar, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), signed his album The Gospel, Word and Hymn (1st and 2nd volumes) in a ceremony organized on December 18, 2011, the album signing falling within the framework of Christmas. Mrs. Abir Nehme, accompanied by professional musicians and the internationally renowned Greek clarinetist Vasilis Saleas performed the lyrics.

Following the welcome speech by Ms. Pamela Maalouf, in which she shed light on the educational, academic, and musical journey of Fr. Marwan Azar, the audience was clearly delighted with the angelic voice of Mrs. Abir Nehme, who performed a number of Christmas hymns and carols along with the clarinetist Vasilis Saleas.

The ceremony included a speech by Rev. Fr. Georges Hobeika, Vice President of International Relations, in which he dwelt on the scenes of the 2nd volume of the album concerning the “Passion of Jesus”. He indicated that in the first scene for instance, “Fr. Azar evokes different patterns of musical composition, to indicate that the whole Humanity, with all its cultural discrepancies, reverently contemplates the Passion of Jesus. Then, he launches an inspirational creative, melodic dialogue between the dramatic polyphonic operatic melody, so turbulent on the tonic scale, and the oriental grieving and chantlike mourning on the dominant scale”.

Fr. Hobeika concluded that “such artistic achievement in sacred music by Fr. Marwan Azar owes its influence and radiance to the spiritual words of Fr. Yuhanna El Khawand, a man exhilarated by God. Also to the extraordinary solo performance of Abir Nehme, who is capable of joining, in a previously unprecedented way, the dreamy and tender oriental singing with beautiful adornments of the oriental modes, along with professional operatic singing techniques; in addition of course to George Nehme’s marvelous tender and affectionate voice”.

Prof. Nicole Chalhoub, President of the Doctoral College, considered in her speech that “Fr. Marwan Azar conveyed in his album the greatness of the birth of Jesus Christ and His glory throughout music and singing”. She underlined that “by combining the symphonic orchestra with Eastern melodies inspired by Maronite liturgy and monastic traditions, the composer knew how to fuse the East and the West through an overwhelming musical movement wherein tonal music embraces modal music, and wherein all conflicts and clashes fade until they perish”. “Tonight, Jesus is born, not in a manger, but in the warm and loving arms of music which embraces the Divine Child; music with which the composer wanted to bring hope for tomorrow’s world, a better world, and perhaps a world finally reconciled”, Prof. Chalhoub concluded.

At the end of the ceremony, Rev. Fr. Marwan Azar took the floor to thank God for all His continuous blessings, praising the voice of Abir Nehme “who has a rare voice that takes you to the world of art, creation and innovation”. He also thanked the audience for their presence and all those who had contributed in the making of the album and the organization of the ceremony. Finally, Fr. Azar hoped that The Gospel, Word and Hymn could reach every home in order to change the life of everyone with its music.
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