News & Media

February 21, 2014
Closing Ceremony of the International Master of University Cooperation for Peace and Development

On Friday February 21, 2014, the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK) and the Lebanese University held a close ceremony for the International Master for University Cooperation for Peace and Development, undertaken in collaboration with La Sapienza University of Rome, funded by the Italian Embassy and the Italian Development Cooperation Office. The event took place at USEK Main Campus and included the graduation of the third set of 20 students from USEK and the Lebanese University.

Rev. Fr. Hady Mahfouz, USEK President, Lieutenant Colonel Ricardo Brizi, representative of Major General Paolo Serra, the Force Commander and Head of Mission of UNIFIL, Mr. Flavio Lovisolo, the representative of H.E. Mr. Giuseppe Morabito, Italian Ambassador to Lebanon, Prof. Nina Saadallah Zeidan, Dean of the Faculty of Public Health and representative of Dr. Adnan El Sayed Hsein, the President of the Lebanese University, Professors Caneva and Manuel Castillo from La Sapienza University, the General Secretary of USEK, Rev. Fr. Michel Abou Tacca, the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, Prof. Hoda Nehme, the Director of the International Relations Office at USEK, Dr. Rima Mattar, and the parents of the graduates all attended the ceremony.

Following the Lebanese and Italian National Anthems, Prof. Caneva from La Sapienza University took the floor and emphasized that “the students constitute the present and the future, not only for Lebanon, but for the entire Middle East.” He stated that “The diplomatic world, the international organizations, the European Union and the United Nations need our decision in taking an immediate decision in developing a new approach and a new vision towards world peace, especially in this region which share the same roots with Europe…”

Professor Castillo, from La Sapienza University, declared that the Institution to which he is affiliated has been established since 1303, which makes it one of the oldest and biggest universities of Rome in terms of number of enrolled students. Then he explained the importance of this Master program.
The representative of the Force Commander and Head of Mission of UNIFIL, Major General Paolo Serra, Lieutenant Colonel Ricardo Brizi, said that “…It is crystal clear that peace, coexistence and development are the aim of the majority of the Lebanese people…Lebanon can rely on the continuous support of the international community. In fact, the UNIFIL, which includes 38 countries and supported by the UN Security Council is a living proof of that.” He concluded: “Initiatives, such as this Master program, are the outcome of the cooperation between different national and international educational institutions and between civil and military partners and aim to promote a more understanding and integrated society. We, in UNIFIL, wish that you will all become ambassadors of cooperation and dialogue in your country and in the region.”

The representative of the Italian Ambassador to Lebanon, H.E. Mr. Giuseppe Morabito, Mr. Flavio Lovisolo stated that “The Italian government has supported the three sessions of the Master program based on its conviction that the academic sector is an important actor in the development and change processes…The recent revolutions in the Arab world demonstrated the need for youth policies that respond to the aspirations of youth for freedom, job opportunities and specialized knowledge.”

The representative of the President of the Lebanese University, Dr. Adnan El Sayed Hsein, the Dean of the Faculty of Public Health, Prof. Nina Saadallah Zeidan indicated that “There is a close link between peace and development. In fact it is impossible to building peace in internal conflicts and wars without tangible development plans shedding light on human rights, especially… peace remains the noble goal that we all aim to for Lebanon and the region.” She added: “The Lebanese University and the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik play an active role in ensuring the academic and scientific platform for different economic, cultural, ecological and scientific projects…”

Finally, the USEK President, Rev. Fr. Hady Mahfouz, pointed out that: “It is overwhelming to see such a number of students who are willing to advocate for peace and to work towards its fulfillment especially in times of national and regional turmoil…Amidst all the events that are taking place nowadays, it is up to us to cling to our positive spirit and to work towards the enforcement of human values in order to overcome the various types of setbacks we face on various levels.” He continued: “The cooperation between La Sapienza, the Lebanese University and the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik is a tangible proof of such an attachment to the values of positivity. We do believe that we need to cooperate and work together in order to make a change and to promote the growth and the development of our youth.” 
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