News & Media

October 26, 2005
Conference " New techniques in engineering of mobile networks: software radio and localization ", presented by Mr. François Marx

Location: Conference Hall

During his mission at the Faculty of Sciences and Computer Engineering, Mr. François Marx gave a conference on “the new techniques in engineering of the mobile networks: software radio and localization”.

Mr. François Marx obtained the diploma in engineering from the Polytechnic School of Paris in 1999 as well as the diploma in Telecommunication Engineering from the ENST-Paris in 2001. He is holder of a DEA in Mathematics, Vision and Training of ENS-Cachan. He is the author of a great number of publications in magazines and international publications; he is also joint author of a book on the reconfigurable radio-mobiles networks. He is currently responsible for the project the “software radio and cognitive radio” with France Telecom R & D (Grenoble).

The Dean of the Faculty Prof Naïm Ouaini, Mr. Pascal Damien, Academic Secretary of the Faculty, Dr. Joumana Farah, Chief of the Department of Computer and Communication Engineering, the teachers of the Faculty and the aforementioned department were all present at the conference.
The purpose of this conference was to illustrate the work of France Telecom R & D on the site of Grenoble. France Telecom employs 3400 researchers in 15 laboratories in France, in the United States, in the United Kingdom, in Japan and in China. The company invests 1.5% of its sales turnover in Research and Development.

Two points were presented: the software/cognitive radio and the indoor localization in particular the contribution of the filtering techniques.

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