On Wednesday May 17, 2013, the Faculty of Law at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK) organized a conference entitled: “Human Rights and the Duties of the Legal Expert”, given by the President of the Higher Judicial Council, Judge Jean Fahed. This event was held within the framework of the series of conferences and seminars on human rights and it included the graduation of the first promotion of the students of the Human Rights Center at the Faculty.
This conference dealt with the fundamental rights of all, as members of the human family, and as individuals, and stressed the dignity and value of every human being. Its emphasis was particularly on issues of human rights before Lebanese courts, and the duties incumbent on judicial actors in Lebanon in the promotion and defense of these rights.
Following the Lebanese National Anthem, the Associate Dean of the Faculty of Law, Rev. Fr. Talal Hachem pointed out that “Human rights, rather the human being, are at the core of the mission of our Faculty which aims to promote the culture of human rights among youth so they can become the good example in the society…”
Then, the President of the Higher Judicial Council, Judge Jean Fahed took the floor and declared that “We can examine human rights from two points of view, the first is the beneficiary’s point and the second is the one bound to respect them. The first includes a series of privileges and guarantees that every person earns just because they are humans. The second is constituted by principles recognized by everyone on the fundamental value and dignity of human beings.” He added: “Lebanon has a great history in terms of the contribution in drafting and consecrating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)… In fact, Lebanon, through Charles Malek, in the United Nations, participated in the struggle to consecrate human dignity, rights and freedoms in the UDHR. This is especially related to Article 18 about the freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and Article 20 about the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association and the fact that no one can be compelled to belong to an association, along with Article 26 on the right to education.”
On the role of the judiciary in human rights, Judge Fahed said: “The judiciary plays a vital role in protecting individuals from the violation of their rights since it is the last resort of any oppressed person. The judiciary in Lebanon judges multiple and diverse issues all related to the legal, civil and political rights, such as personal freedom, the right to defense, the presumption of innocence, prisoner’s rights, fighting torture…”
He concluded: “As Lebanese, we have to be aware of the importance of the responsibility resulting from the UDHR to live the life of “partnership and love”, a partnership on the level of “pains and hopes” with honesty and love so every one of us sees the partner in the nation as his brother or sister…”
Finally, Rev. Fr. Hachem and Judge Fahed distributed the certificates on the students who participated in all the conferences on human rights, and Fr. Hachem presented Judge Fahed the University medal.