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From September 24 till October 16, 2011
Participation of Students from the Lebanese University and USEK in an Academic Program in 3 Italian Universities

Within the framework of the Master of University Cooperation for Peace and Development partnership agreement, 20 students from the Lebanese University and USEK came back from Italy after they took part from 24/9/2011 till 16/10/2011 in a training academic program in the University of Sapienza – Rome, University of Pavia and University of Palermo.

The students were trained by a number of academics and eminent Italian diplomatic figures who dealt with debatable issues, particularly: Main Theories on Economic Development, Armed Conflicts and Peace Operations in Times of Change, Poverty and Development, the Arab World from the Perspective of the Italian Media, Mediterranean: from Enclosing Sea to Unifying Lake, Past and Present in the Mediterranean, Water: A Risk and Resource Environmental Factor, Environmental Governance in Development Countries, Humanitarian Medicine: New Humanism and New Humanitarianism, Religions and the Intercultural Dialogue, Public Health, Environmental and Natural Disasters, International Crises and Security, etc.

The students visited during their stay a number of archeological museums and sites. Students Nour Yasine from the Lebanese University and Anthony Nassar from USEK had the opportunity to represent the Lebanese students’ delegation during the meeting with His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. Both students presented to His Holiness an overview of the Master of University Cooperation for Peace and Development. They pled His Holiness to pray for Lebanon and for the unity of its people, hoping that he will visit Lebanon soon as John Paul II did. In turn, His Holiness assured that Lebanon is present in his prayers and he will try to visit Lebanon soon.
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