Under the patronage and in presence of H.E. Dr. Hussein Hajj Hassan, Minister of Agriculture, the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik organized on May 5, 2011 a conference on the theme of “Strategic Plan and New Decisions of the Ministry of Agriculture”.
Following the opening speech delivered by Dr. Chadi El Hosri, Chairperson of the Department of Agricultural Sciences, Rev. Fr. Joseph Wakim, Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, underlined in his speech the importance of the agriculture sector, with its socio-economic and environmental dimensions, in sustainable development; while MP Dr. Farid El Khazen discussed in his speech the agricultural development, notably in the region of Keserwan, stressing the need to develop effective strategies for alternative agriculture that Lebanon can benefit from. He stressed as well the need to monitor agricultural medicine and to find new markets to export agricultural products.
H.E. Dr. Hussein Hajj Hassan began his lecture by stressing the need to develop agricultural planning which contributes in increasing job opportunities, like other European and American countries, in order to reduce unemployment. He tackled as well the controversial issue of food security, particularly following the incidents that the world is witnessing in many countries and which pinpoint a number of problems related to food safety. Accordingly, importation should be done with more precautions. “Is it possible for a country like Lebanon to import 85% of its food while it has large and fertile agricultural areas and is abundant with water and other resources?”, Dr. Hassan wondered. At the end of his lecture, he pointed out the eight fields covered by the new strategic plan of the Ministry of Agriculture: legislations in the agriculture sector, potentials of the Ministry, infrastructures, agricultural guidance, quality control, serialization of agricultural products, agricultural loans, and finally conservation of natural resources.