On Thursday April 3, 2014, the Minister of Labor, H.E. Mr. Sejaan Azzi and his adviser lawyer Bachir Mrad visited the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik and were welcomed by the University President, Rev. Fr. Hady Mahfouz and the General Secretary, Rev. Fr. Michel Abou Tacca.
Fr. Mahfouz expressed his delight that the visiting Minister is a graduate from USEK. Then he presented an overview on the University, its mission and characteristics. He stressed that the Institution is in a continuous quest for quality and excellence in order to reach the highest global educational standards.
Minister Azzi explained about his work since he took office, and presented an overview of development and reform projects he has launched and future projects he intends to launch. Then he emphasized the importance of the National Employment Office indicating that he aims to further develop it and activate its role.
Afterwards, Minister Azzi, his adviser and Fr. Mahfouz took a tour on the University campus, and stopped for considerable time at the Center for Reprography and Digitization of all old manuscripts and books. This center preserves the written heritage by collecting old and rare books, manuscripts and scripts facing the risk of being lost or deteriorated.
Finally, they visited the modern and state-of-art laboratories of the Faculty of Science.