
Doctoral Commissions

  • A Doctoral Commission is established in each faculty with doctoral program. The doctoral program within institutes is attached to the concerned faculty. In this case, a faculty member from the institute is automatically a member of the Doctoral Commission.
  • Each Doctoral Commission is managed by a Head appointed by the President, on the proposal of the Dean, from among the tenured faculty members of the concerned faculty having at least the academic rank of Associate Professor.
  • The Doctoral Commission is composed of two members at least of the tenured faculty members having at least the academic rank of Associate Professor. These members are appointed by the President on the proposal of the Dean.
  • The Director of an institute attached to a faculty proposes to the President the name of the Doctoral Commission member having at least the academic rank of Associate Professor.
  • This Commission shall:
    • prepare, in accordance with the admission requirements stipulated in article 5, a written test (and oral, depending on some specializations), to evaluate the ability of the applicant to pursue doctoral studies. This test covers the following fields:
      • language skills;
      • general knowledge;
      • familiarity with the relevant literature;
      • methodological skills.
    • examine the applicants’ files and give an opinion as to their admission;
    • plan seminars; this planning should be approved by the Dean;
    • ensure the scientific follow-up of doctoral students and check their regular attendance during the whole period of their doctoral program;
    • evaluate regularly the quality of the doctoral student’s scientific work and the progress of his research;
    • inform the Doctoral College annually about the progress of work undertaken by doctoral students;
    • propose the members of the thesis jury to the Dean of the faculty;
    • provide the acquisitions of the Main Library in the disciplines related to research;
    • take part in determining the research axes and in organizing conferences involving doctoral students.
  • Decisions of the Doctoral Commission are taken at the absolute majority of its legal members. In case of parity, the Head has the casting vote.
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