Plagiarism refers to the insertion, in an academic and scientific work, of textual extracts, iconographic documents, ideas or analyses, of other authors, by representing them as one’s own original work, either by appropriation of the said texts, documents or ideas of others, or by omission of the correct reference of others’ texts, documents or ideas and their sources.
Plagiarism represents a serious misconduct of an ethical nature. USEK, believing in the transmission of knowledge as primarily related to ethics, autonomy, interdisciplinarity and transparency, considers plagiarism as a violation of the academic and scientific work integrity in universities. It is therefore subject to punishment, in this case to student expulsion, annulment of the Bachelor, Master or Ph.D. degree, and even criminal prosecution, if applicable.
USEK reserves the right to review every research work (reports, projects, dissertations, theses), by submitting them to a plagiarism detection software and/or to any other appropriate means(5).
It is understood that when a doctoral student is caught in the act of plagiarism after reviewing his work, and that his thesis is deleted, it is no longer possible for him to submit a new application for admission to doctoral studies at USEK(6).
(5)Cf. Meeting of the USEK Council on 8/2/2012
(6)Cf. Meeting of the USEK Council on 5/12/2012