About USEK

Mission and Activities

The Public Administration Relations Office is responsible for developing relations between the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK) and public administration. This office is the mouthpiece of USEK with regard to various government organizations. In other words, it serves as a transmission belt between ministries, national assemblies, public bodies and others.

This office has many objectives, amongst which preparing and submitting the files of USEK Faculties and Institutes, in order to launch new specializations, options, faculties and institutes.

Moreover, the role of the Public Administration Relations Office is to update the terms of action and the judgments of principle of the University, as well as to pass on USEK letters to the relevant ministries and vice versa.
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
Tel.: (+961) 9 600 000
Fax : (+961) 9 600 100
© Copyright USEK 2025
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