- Your heading should include your name, campus and/or home address, phone number and USEK email address. The font size on your name may be larger than the rest of the text.
- Begin your resume with an education section, listing your USEK degree first and your high school education second. If you have studied abroad you may also list that in this section.
- Include the degree you are pursuing, your major and anticipated graduation date. If unsure of your major, you may simply state your degree and anticipated graduation date (i.e., Bachelor of Arts, expected May 2014).
- In addition, you may choose to include related coursework, senior dissertation or project, GPA. Honours and awards can also be included in this section or may have their own section.
Experience and Activities
- You may include experience outside the university environment and activity headings or targeted headings, such as Journalism Experience, Leadership, Research or Community Involvement. Choose general headings that will best group and highlight your experiences.
- Within each section, list your experiences and activities in reverse chronological order with the most recent first.
- With each experience or activity, include the organization or employer name, your title or role, location and dates affiliated.
Example: President, Sustainability Club, USEK, Fall 2010-Present.
- Provide concise explanations of your experiences and activities, focusing on accomplishments and positive results obtained. Begin these descriptive statements with strong action verbs and avoid using personal pronouns.
- Additional Sections
Below are some common additional sections that you may choose to include.
- Skills (such as Computer, Language or Laboratory skills)
- Honours
- Awards
- Performances
- Publications
- Interests