About USEK

Article 1: Faculty Charter
Thanks to developing awareness and research, higher education is a profession that requires the control and updating of theoretical and practical knowledge across all disciplinary fields, as well as an openness to the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary dimensions of science.

Higher education also requires a capacity to transmit knowledge through the implementation of appropriate didactics in disciplines and intervention levels.

It is therefore imperative that the University relies on the qualifications and experience of vocational faculty members and faculty member-researchers, while helping sustain the Faculty through training based on a progressive assumption of responsibilities and the involvement of practitioners who can provide students with their expertise whenever necessary.

A faculty member should therefore have deep knowledge of a certain discipline, or should have comprehensive practical experience in their field, and be able to transmit this knowledge and experience. He/she should be involved in research and open to the constantly new dimensions of knowledge.

A person who teaches at USEK primarily adheres to the University’s values and mission. He/she accepts the University’s objectives and respects the bylaws, as well as the regulations in force.

The Holy Spirit University of Kaslik will take these various parameters into account through the provisions of the current bylaws, which govern its Faculty.
Article 2: Faculty’s Categories
Faculty members are divided into two categories, according to the nature and the duration of their engagement: full-time faculty members and part-time faculty members.

  • Full-time faculty members, in one or more academic units, teach, supervise students, manage and deliver tutorials and research activities, while assuming, if need be, academic responsibilities or administrative functions. They must be well informed, regarding their discipline, through documentation and research activities. They receive a monthly salary covering twelve months.
  • Usually hired as fully engaged, full-time faculty members may also be hired as partially engaged; that is, professionals who already have remunerated work and only devote part of their career to teaching in their disciplinary field. Their teaching should be exclusively provided at USEK, unless otherwise authorized by the President. The absence of prior authorization in writing will lead to their contract termination.
  • Fully engaged full-time faculty members should be entirely devoted to their work at USEK and refrain from any other remunerated or professional activity, unless otherwise authorized by the President.
  • In the event of contract defection or termination by a faculty member, the latter will pay a non-negotiable amount to USEK, equivalent to three times their last monthly salary, for damages caused to the University (Article 266 of the Code of Obligations and Contracts).
  • Part-time faculty members are in charge of semestrial teaching in one or more units.
Article 3: Recruitment of Faculty
  • The recruitment of any candidate, for teaching at USEK, should comply with the recruitment procedures in force at USEK.
  • Unless otherwise authorized by the President, all teaching candidates should have an interview with an ad hoc committee, created by the President.

    The purpose of this interview is to make sure:
    • That the candidate has a mastery of the teaching language.
    • That they have a deep knowledge of the concerned discipline.
    • That they possess a practiced university experience.
    • That they are familiar with the conducted research.
    • That he/she has willingness to adapt his/her teaching to the objectives of the curriculum.

    Following this interview, a detailed opinion of the committee is submitted to the President, who consults the head of the concerned unit for deliberation.
  • Applications are assessed by a Peer Committee, appointed by the President according to the regulations and procedures in force.
  • After having verified the submitted credentials and documents for each application, the Peer Committee proposes to the President a rating on the remuneration grid in force at the University.
Article 4: Appointment of Faculty Teaching Staff
  • The appointment of a faculty member is carried out through a deed of appointment signed in duplicate by the faculty member and the President. This deed represents the contract.
  • Full-time and part-time faculty members are usually recruited for a probationary period of two years. The one year contract is renewable just once. An engagement during the year is considered to be an engagement for the whole year. After this period, and following the evaluation of the faculty’s output, a full-time faculty contract (except for assistants) is issued and is renewable every three years. In the event of non-renewal of contracts, a notice of no fewer than two months before the contract’s expiration date is required from either party. In the event of contract termination by the faculty, an indemnity of the latter will be required.
  • Part-time faculty members are hired for one semester or for a summer session. Their contract terminates automatically upon the expiration date; therefore, no notice is required for its non-renewal.
  • If a faculty member wishes to work again at USEK, after termination of their contract for any reason, the presentation of a new recruitment form is required. No right, arising from the previous contract, is automatically granted.
Article 5: Academic Ranks
  • Full-time faculty members, whether fully engaged or partially engaged, are divided into five academic ranks: Assistant, Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor.
  • All part-time faculty members are in charge of their courses.
Article 6: Rank of Professor Emeritus
The title of Professor Emeritus is conferred by the President, upon the proposition of the unit Council and following the approval of the University Council, upon a Professor eligible for retirement, due to the significance of his/her career and his/her dedication to USEK. This distinction is a token of appreciation from the University that enables him/her to retain certain functions, notably advising in terms of teaching, supervision and research.
Article 7: Terms of Access to Academic Ranks
Academic ranks are conferred upon faculty members according to their university degrees, the period of their experience in higher education and their publications.

Assistants should hold a Master degree or any other comparable diploma issued as validation of five years of higher education after the Baccalaureate.

Instructors should have, in addition to the Master degree, a three-year period of experience in higher education.

Assistant Professors should hold a PhD or its equivalent and should be engaged in research activities.

Associate Professors should have experience of at least five years in the rank of Assistant Professor, as well as five scientific publications in indexed journals or in scientific books.

Professors should have experience of at least five years in the rank of Associate Professor, and have published at least eight scientific activities in indexed journals or in university publications. In addition, he/she should have written a monograph.
Article 8: Conferring Academic Rank and Promotion upon Faculty Members
  • Academic rank is conferred by the President, following an assessment of the file by the Peer Committee.
  • Assessment of application or promotion files by the Peer Committee is based on, including but not limited to the following:
    • The titles and diplomas assessed, according to their origin, level, content and distinction.
    • Teaching experience and, if applicable, professional experience, assessed according to period and quality, on the basis of certificates delivered by consecutive hierarchical authorities indicating the record of service.
    • Research Experience evidenced by different defended, published or patent works. A scientific publication means an article published in a refereed scientific journal or a book published by a well-known publishing house. A scientific book can be considered as having the value of several articles.
    • Original achievements within the disciplines wherein their consideration is necessary.
    • The quality of performance provided at USEK.
  • The President, following the approval of the University Council, can, for academic merits, promote a faculty member who does not meet all the required conditions in article 7.
Article 9: Promotion of Full-time Faculty Members
  • A coefficient of promotion, conveyed in grades, is applied to the basic salary of full-time faculty members. The value of the grade is fixed in the salary scale, which is determined in the annual budget of the University.
  • Basically, a grade is granted to faculty members, by the President, every two years of seniority at USEK. This seniority grade cannot be granted to faculty members whose quality of performance or scientific publications is considered unsatisfactory.
  • A full-time faculty member who conveys an outstanding level in teaching, in his/her academic work or in research may benefit from one or more grades, granted by the President.
  • A faculty member continues to benefit from higher grades but cannot systematically be promoted to a higher grade unless he/she meets the conditions stipulated in these bylaws.
Article 10: Delegation of Faculty Members
A full-time faculty member can be delegated by the President, in order to teach or perform activities in an Academic Unit other than the one he/she is attached to.
Article 11: Exchange of Faculty Members
  • The University allows the exchange of faculty members with other Higher Education Institutions, within the framework of bilateral or multilateral twinning or partnership agreements.
  • Within the same framework of collaboration, faculty members from other Higher Education Institutions may be involved in USEK for a short or long term mission.
Article 12: Performance Appraisal of Faculty Members
  • The purpose of the appraisal is to assess the quality of performance provided by the faculty member during a semester or an academic year, and to ensure the development of the teaching body, as well as the optimal transmission of information and knowledge.
  • The performance appraisal of full-time and part-time faculty members is carried out in accordance with the evaluation procedure in force at the University. The results of this evaluation are communicated to the President and to the Head of the Academic Unit.
  • The full-time faculty member is required, in accordance with the procedures in force, to submit to the Head of the Academic Unit an annual report of his/ her University activities.
  • The Head of the Academic Unit, following consultation with the Unit Council, is required to submit to the President an annual report on the quality of performance of full-time faculty members, in accordance with the procedures in force.
Article 13: Social Security, Benefits and End of Service Indemnity
  • Given that in the Lebanese law in force, University faculty members do not benefit from the services of the National Social Security Fund, the University grants social security to full-time faculty members.
  • The children of active, retired or deceased faculty members are entitled to a reduction of their tuition fees at USEK, according to the regulations in force.
  • Upon termination of their activity, full-time faculty members receive an ‘End of Service’ indemnity calculated on the same basis of that stipulated in the Labor Law. This indemnity covers only the years after their appointment as full-time faculty members.
Article 14: Updating of Knowledge and Research
  • The University endeavors to facilitate, by all appropriate means and cooperation, the updating of the scientific knowledge of its faculty members and their involvement in research activities within the framework of the Higher Center of Research.
  • Academic Units may organize educational and didactic training sessions addressed to junior faculty members and make their participation mandatory for the conclusion or the renewal of the contract.
Article 15: Disciplinary Measures
  • A faculty member, who commits serious misconduct, can be immediately suspended from his/her academic and administrative functions by the President. If applicable, the President will decide to refer the case to the Disciplinary Council of the University, which will decide the appropriate action in accordance with the provisions of the bylaws in force.
  • The following will be judged as serious misconduct:
    • Recurring violations of professional duties.
    • Commitment of infamous offences.
    • Any violation of duty of confidentiality and restraint during or outside classes.
    • Any attitude showing a total disrespect for personal duties.
  • The faculty member who does not provide the services required by his/her post, or who goes absent, without a valid reason and without the prior approval of the President, will be replaced by another faculty member. If the faculty member, who fails to appear, is full- time faculty, his/her salary will be subject to deduction in proportion to the period of absence. If he/she is part-time faculty, the remuneration of the services of his/her substitute will be deducted from his/her salary.
  • If failure to attend continues, the part-time or full-time faculty member will be required to apply for a modification of his/her status, or to resign from his/her post. If no compromise is possible, dismissal procedures will be expedited against him/her by the President.
  • The failure to attend, or absenteeism, of faculty member automatically leads to the termination of his/her semestrial or annual contract.
Article 16: Retirement
  • Full-time faculty members retire at the end of the academic year in which they become 65 years old.
  • A faculty member, who reaches this age, may be kept in service by the President, upon the proposition of the Head of the relevant Academic Unit. In this case, the retiree receives his/her end of service indemnities, and his/her renewal will be managed by a new semestrial or annual renewable contract.
Article 17: Intellectual Property and Publications
  • Inventions, whether patent or not, creations, manuals and teaching materials that a full-time faculty member has made or taken part in, by performing his/ her activities, are the property of USEK. If the invention has major economic importance, its creator is entitled to a special award, which is determined by the President.
  • Publications which are carried out by a full-time faculty member should clearly indicate the university to which he/she is attached.
  • The participation of a faculty member in an event, publication of press articles, participation in a public debate, etc. involving the name of the University, should be approved in advance by the USEK President, following the recommendation of the head of unit.
Article 18: Prohibition to Accept Donations
By virtue of their official situation, faculty members are prohibited to solicit or accept, for themselves or for others, donations or other benefits from students or other faculty members, administrative and technical staff.
Article 19: Entry into Force and Transitional Provisions
  • These bylaws should enter into force on the date of their approval by the competent authorities.
  • As of the entry into force, faculty members working at USEK will be classified according to this text, without prejudice to their acquired rights.
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
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