Studies in USEK are based on the modular system of units which are accounted for on a half-year basis, or “credits”. By adopting this system, the University is complying with the regulations stipulated by the Lebanese state and with the provisions that were recently adopted in European universities, while also remaining compatible with the system in force in US and Canadian universities.
In addition, the adoption of such a structure enables students to enjoy flexibility on all levels for the academic and financial management of the prospective degree courses. It also enables :
- Promotion of students’ mobility in Lebanon and abroad: Credits can be accumulated and transferred from one university to another.
- Personalisation of the students’ training: The academic course of each student is adapted to his(her) personal and vocational project.
- Flexible Organisation of the semester: Students are allowed the freedom to choose the number of credits (while abiding by the minimum and maximum numbers set by the University) and the courses taken during the semester (out of a group of courses that are required for a given curriculum), thus enabling them to ameliorate the manner in which they set their schedule.
- Development of close pedagogical support: The follow-up and support provided by the teachers is reinforced by the fact that, thank to this system, education is centred on the students.
- Offer of a diversified courses to students: This system promotes a multidisciplinary approach, as well as exchanges within and among disciplines.
- Facilitation reorientation: Thanks to the establishment of links among the various education courses that are proposed, students can easily change their curriculum without losing all their achievements.