
USEK Counseling Center (UCC)

The transition to university is a privileged moment in a student’s personal evolution, as it often coincides with changes in lifestyle, relationships, habits, etc. Therefore, this period entails phases of hesitation, difficulties and sometimes even discomfort or acute anxiety. Students may suffer as a result and may find it difficult to share or put their feelings into words, often leading to greater distress.

The intervention of a psychologist is crucial at this point in order to empathize with young people, identify their psychological problems and subsequently offer appropriate help involving listening, counseling, awareness raising and off-campus orientation when needed.

There is no denying the importance of creating a safe haven for students that provides a listening ear and counsel to those who seek advice or guidance in a space where trust and discretion can help them find what they need.

The USEK Counseling Center (UCC) provides the following services to all students of the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), whether on campus or in Regional University Centers:
  • crisis intervention and orientation
  • confidential short-term counseling
  • groups and workshops
  • psychoeducational programs (awareness raising and prevention)

University students might find it particularly difficult to go through this period of adjustment without support. The psychologist’s mission is to address their developmental, relational, and emotional concerns.
Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik
Tel.: (+961) 9 600 000
Fax : (+961) 9 600 100
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