Actualités et médias

From December 4 to 8, 2010
1st International Volley Ball Cup Rio-Lebanon

The objective of CECAL is to take part in all fields related to Latin America. Mr. Roberto Khatlab, CECAL Director, during his visit to Brazil, met with the President of the Federation of Volley Ball of Rio de Janeiro (FVR -, Mr. Carlos Reinaldo Pereira Souto, and Dr. Aclizio Calazans, lawyer and sports consultant.

They discussed sports exchanges and proposed to create the “1st International Volley Ball Cup Rio-Lebanon”, at Rio de Janeiro, in March 2011, besides other mutual exchanges USEK-FVR. The Municipality of Teresópolis and the Desportivo Capixaba immediately supported the project.

The latter was warmly hosted by Mr. Fouad Saliba, Director of the USEK Sports Office, and approved by Rev. Fr. Hady Mahfouz, USEK President.
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