Actualités et médias

May 31, 2012
Conference on “Exiles and Destinations: The Foreigner, Out of His Place”

The Center of Studies and Cultures of Latin America (CECAL) at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK),  in collaboration with the Lebanese Emigration Research Center (LERC-NDU), organized a conference on the theme of “Exiles and Destinations: The Foreigner, Out of His Place”, given by Dr. María Ester Jozami.

This event took place on Thursday, May 31, 2012, at 11:00 p.m., at the Main Library, Room 3, USEK Main Campus.

Dr. María Ester Jozami holds a Ph.D. in Social Psychology; she is a Professor at the Department of Psychoanalysis, John F. Kennedy Argentine University, and Head of the Department of Free Studies of Lebanon.

She is the author of several psychosociological books in Spanish:
  • De violencias y Destinos : modalidades de victimización,  Buenos Aires, 2012
  • Presentación del Líbano : entre Oriente y Occidente, Buenos Aires, 2011 
  • De exilios y destinos. El extranjero : un sujeto fuera de lugar, Buenos Aires, 2011 
  • De pasiones y destinos, Buenos Aires 2009
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