
Lebanon: Concept and Challenges

Date: 2011
Lebanon: Concept and Challenges
لبنان: المفهوم والتحدّيات

Anthology : Book No. 3
Selected Articles by : Charles Malik, Jawad Boulos, Kamal Youssef El-Hage and Michel Chiha
Study and Presentation: Jad El-Koussaifi
Year : 2011

ISBN: 978-9953-562-16-2

This book includes a collection of articles and lectures given by Lebanese intellectuals who believe in Lebanon as the land of freedom and pluralism. Despite the passing of time, these thoughts continue to reflect the crises of our society. Reading such thoughts might enlighten and guide us toward a better society and a peaceful and prosperous future.

Phoenix Center for Lebanese Studies
Tel.: (+961) 9 600 387
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