
Lebanon in the Eyes of the Nadwa Intellectuals

Date: 2012
Lebanon in the Eyes of the Nadwa Intellectuals
لبنان بقلم مفكّري الندوة

Anthology : Book No. 5
Selected Articles by : Michel Asmar, Michel Chiha, Takkiydine El-Soleh and Antoine Mourani
Study and Presentation: Jad El-Koussaifi
Year : 2012

ISBN: 978-9953-562-40-7

The 1st September 1920, and the 22nd November 1943, are two decisive dates that represented the most notable expression of Lebanon during its historical journey towards shaping its national and international identity and highlighting it in its Arab, Middle Eastern and global milieu. Both dates were accompanied by an intellectual, cultural, literary and political renaissance in that both Lebanese pillars, i.e. Mount Lebanon and Beirut, had the most important roles to play. Amidst such an intellectual and political atmosphere, Michel Asmar (1914–1984) grew up among a generation that was raised to love writing. Then he established the Lebanese Nadwa in 1946, which was the fruit of the union between the Lebanese Entity project and the Lebanese and Arab renaissance project.

At the time, the Nadwa was an expression of the tendency of the Lebanese elites towards the committed cultural work through the renewal of national, social, philosophical and intellectual awareness, not only of Lebanon, but also of the entire Arabic-speaking region. This book, through its introduction and four lectures written by Michel Asmar, Michel Chiha, Takkiydine El-Soleh and Antoine Marouni, depicts parts of the intellectual and cultural history of Lebanon, represented through its huge heritage left by the Lebanese Nadwa. It also represents an invitation to Lebanese citizens, particularly the youth, to work together in order to re-establish a common space for all Lebanese whatever their preferences are, a space that turns into an embodiment of Lebanese thought and the Lebanese dream as the founding ancestors of Lebanon wanted it to be.

Phoenix Center for Lebanese Studies
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