
The Poet of Deprivation

Date: 2013
The Poet of Deprivation
شاعر الحرمان

Lebanese Poetry : Book No. 13
Author : Khalil Roukoz
Study and Presentation: Robert Khoury
Year : 2013

ISBN: 978-9953-562-60-4

Khalil Roukoz represents the second development phase after the founder and renovator Assaad Khalil El-Feghaly. Roukoz was a follower of the Lebanese folk movement since its beginning in the 19th century. He had a great impact on the Lebanese poetry movement.
He lived a life of deprivation because he lost his mother when he was four years old. He went to school for only one month, yet he acquired culture through spending time with important intellectuals. His poems are a mixture of blasphemy and faith which were an overall reflection of reality.
He was fond of the symbolist poet Charles Baudelaire.

Phoenix Center for Lebanese Studies
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