Collège Doctoral

Notice of Public PhD Defense

Notice of Defense for a Doctoral Thesis in Music

The Doctoral College has the pleasure to announce the date of the defense for the Doctoral Thesis by Mr. Walid Metri Bou Serhal entitled:

تحوّل مسار الموسيقى العربيّة عمّا كانت عليه في القرن التاسع عشر في مصر ولبنان

The thesis defense will take place on Wednesday, July 21, 2021, at 9:30 am, Online Via Microsoft Teams.

Thesis Jury:
- Dr. Fr. Youssef Tannous, Jury Chair, USEK
- Fr. Dr. Badih El Hage, Supervisor, USEK
- Dr. Kifah Fakhouri, Reader 1, USEK
- Dr. Ghada Chbeir, Reader 2, USEK
- Dr. George Assaad Jubrail, Examiner, Jordan Academy of Music
Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik
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