
Pardon When Possible

Date: 2014
Pardon When Possible
العفو عند المقدرة

Lebanese Theater : Book No. 10
Author : Fr. Nicolas Abi Hana, b.s.
Study : Dr. Nabil Abou Mrad
Year : 2014

ISBN: 978-9953-562-77-3

This book includes three plays written by Father Nicolas Abi Hana, b.s., namely “Pardon When Possible”, “Clovis Converting to Christianity”, and “Constantine and Maxns”. These plays, written by Father Abi Hana at the beginning of the 20th century and inspired by Arab and religious history, are published in a modern way along with a study and presentation by Dr. Nabil Abou Mrad to make them accessible to all readers and researchers. They also represent a token of appreciation to this reverend father and writer who left a legacy of remarkable books of literature, poetry, theater, and religious guidance.

Phoenix Center for Lebanese Studies
Tel.: (+961) 9 600 387
Fax : (+961) 9 600 385
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