
Salahudin El-Ayoubi and Selected Plays

Date: 2010
Salahudin El-Ayoubi and Selected Plays
(صلاح الدين الأيوبي ومسرحيات مختارة)

Lebanese Theater : Book No. 3
Author : Najib El-Haddad
Study : Dr. Nabil Abou Mrad
Year : 2010

ISBN: 978-9953-491-77-6

This book includes a biography of the poet, journalist and playwright Najib El-Haddad and an overview of a selected number of his plays, namely “Salahuddin El-Ayoubi”, “Omar Ben Aadi”, “The Chivalry of Arabs”, and others. The study provided in this book explores the references made by these plays and solves those issues emerging between translation, writing and historical references. This book also describes the intellectual, spiritual and literary implications of Najib El-Haddad in general, and his plays in particular, through identifying his style and his exceptional literary, artistic and philosophical skills, besides his Arab nationalistic tendency.

Phoenix Center for Lebanese Studies
Tel.: (+961) 9 600 387
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