
The Secret of the Hero and Other Plays

Date: 2014
The Secret of the Hero and Other Plays
(سرّ البطل ومسرحيات أخرى)

Lebanese Theater : Book No. 14
Author : Fr. Boulos Daher
Study : Dr. Nabil Abou Mrad
Year : 2014

ISBN: 978-9953-562-76-6

This book includes four plays written by Boulos Daher and studied by Dr. Nabil Abou Mrad. It includes the artistic principles of plays with a religious aspect. These plays are: “The Secret of the Hero”, “The Rare Flower”, “Yolande and the King”, and “Thomas”. The religious and ethical dimension prevails over these plays, in addition to emotional and social issues which used to be the main themes around which other plays evolved.

The clever dialogues in the scenes as well as the use of the colloquial language make these plays close to the heart and distinguished by their dramatic features in the drafting and the plot, and the intellectual content full of faith for which Fr. Boulos Daher was known.

Phoenix Center for Lebanese Studies
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