
The Traditional Comic Theater

Date: 2013
The Traditional Comic Theater
(المسرح الفكاهي التراثي)

Lebanese Theater : Book No. 11
Author : Br. Sarophim Victor
Study : Dr. Joseph Aoun
Year : 2013

ISBN: 978-9953-562-59-9

This book includes four comic plays written by Br. Sarophim Victor and introduced by Dr. Joseph Aoun. It also includes the key principles of the art of comic theater and the sources of humor and laughter. These plays include an artistic dimension among the characters of each play as well as clever suggestions. For each play, this book explains the structure, characters, plot, language, style and implied irony, shedding light on the past of Lebanese comic theatrical art.

Phoenix Center for Lebanese Studies
Tel.: (+961) 9 600 387
Fax : (+961) 9 600 385
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