Institute of Liturgy


Liturgy is, at the same time, the worship of God and a greater means for personal dedication, given that the sacred is a doorway to God.

It is of utmost importance to present the sacraments in their integrity, to show that they are the very signs of Christian life, which is cultivated and strengthened by them.

The Department of Liturgy meets an urgent need of Eastern Churches and the call of the Second Vatican Council: “Promoting liturgical sciences” (SC n. 15).

The Levantine territory is located at the crossroad of various liturgical influences and the liturgies, that these Churches have adopted, which represent the main core of the program. It is mainly the Christians who are jointly in charge of the Church and its mission in the world today. This awareness is learnt, taught and maintained through methodic research, discussions, publications and training of liturgical officials; in addition to the preparation of both lay and religious liturgical individuals for parishes, religious communities, schools and universities.

Changes in the Church and society are clearly reflected through liturgy. We can notice innovations in the Divine Office, a significant emphasis on the responsibilities of each Church. The changes which have been the most remarkable in the Catholic Church following the Second Vatican Council concern liturgy. Decisions of this Council advocate a broad liturgical reform, including the use of local languages. It is in these liturgies, particularly in the Eucharist, that the Church allows its members to convey their faith in Jesus Christ; it is also through these liturgies that this same Church is built to become a sign for all human beings. It also cannot be the activity of one person, but rather the work of the entire community that worship and commemorate the Lord, in the hope of celebrating Him in the Kingdom, whose Church is nothing but its visible image and anticipation.

On the academic level, the Department set a specific goal; that of transmitting, through well-designed courses, everything related to the liturgical world, following a curriculum that focuses on the following aspects: historical, biblical, theological, liturgical, spiritual, social, anthropological, ecclesiological, musical, symbolic, artistic (sacred art), linguistic (ancient languages), and media (audiovisual and other).

  • Bachelor of Arts in Liturgy (96 credits - 3 years)
  • Master of Arts in Liturgy (36 credits - 2 years)
  • PhD in Liturgy (60 credits - 3 years)

Job Opportunities
  • Involvement in religious life
  • Pastoral activity in parishes and religious movements within the Church (congregations, religious orders, youth chaplaincy, hospitals, prisons, etc.)
  • Teaching Catechism in schools
  • University teaching for holders of Master or PhD degrees
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
Tel.: (+961) 9 600 000
Fax : (+961) 9 600 100
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