DRG210.1General Constitutional Law*
3 credits
The course presents the concepts of constitutional law based on two main ideas: authority and freedom. This vision is founded according to the bodies constituting the public powers, their functions and their relationships between each other and the governed population.
DRG216Legal Methodology
3 credits
The law students will encounter several exercises that require different methodologies. The purpose of this course is to raise and increase the legal reasoning of students which will help them to find suitable solutions to different law cases; such as, legal dissertation, judgment file, decision commentary, practical cases. In addition to several assignments on each topic, this course aims to stimulate legal research and gain familiarity with the library where students will learn to research texts of law, jurisprudence and doctrine. Finally, the legal methodology is mainly based on legal logic, which is a way of reasoning translated by a chronological sequence of ideas leading to a certain solution. So the legal methodology is a way of searching for documents, references, judgments and legal decisions in order to analyze them, and discuss them logically.
DRG217Legal communication
2 credits
“Communication Juridique” teaches students the practice of written and spoken French in a legal context. This course aims to develop the students’ legal knowledge and to fill their linguistic gaps. Its main objective is not only to enable students to understand the information in a legal document, but also to combine the vocabulary with grammar in order to allow them to communicate better.
DRG225International Public Law*
3 credits
This course enables students to learn about the subjects of international law and their legal status; such as, states, organizations, and private persons, and the sources of international law; such as, treaties, customs, general principles, unilateral acts, jurisprudence, etc. The course also discusses the general questions of international law, i.e. questions of law making, sovereignty, jurisdiction, responsibility, enforcement, the settlement of disputes, and specific topics such as the use of force.
DRG230.1Introduction to Law
3 credits
This course will actively explore all aspects of the law: in se and inter se; public and private; imperative and interpretative; founding principles and theories of law; sources; ratione loci, ratione personæ, ratione materiæ, ratione temporis; the Lebanese judicial system.
DRG231.1TD Introduction to Law
1 credits
Law is a discipline based to a large extent on practice. Therefore, the practical applications, entitled tutorials (travaux dirigés), are crucial for a better knowledge and understanding of the course and will raise subjects and issues that might call into question the theory taught in the classroom. Consequently, the tutorials allow students to apply the knowledge learned in the course and provide a useful complement to the lectures. Tutorials also introduce new information to enable students to delve deeper into the content of the lecture and increase their knowledge and to boost and stimulate their legal research and reasoning skills. Therefore, students will have to answer several types of assignments such as legal dissertation, case studies, decision commentaries, etc., that will be corrected by the professor, who will intervene to help students and encourage them to find adequate solutions and to develop their reasoning skills.
DRG240.1Political Systems
2 credits
This course is designed to present a general overview on the importance of the elections, public powers, and the different political systems adopted by the states in all over the world. This course introduces the idea of the role of public power and the political system adopted within the state.
DRG300.1Special Administrative Law
2 credits
This course is designed to introduce public services and the Lebanese public institutions. It deals with the nature of public administration, as activity and as discipline. Administrative law has two different aspects: enabling and controlling. The course will explore how the law enables government to create institutions and programs to provide public goods and public services, and who oversees and controls the exercise of these powers. Students are expected to develop an understanding and a sense of appreciation of the role of Lebanese public administration, in a historical perspective and in contemporary society. It will also describe the legal regime of public service, the different categories, and the methods of administering public services, as well as the public institutions and their organization. Students are introduced to the role of administrative law in Lebanon from both theoretical and practical points of view. They will explore the rights of those affected and how they can confront abuses of this power, and also whether it is feasible to defy government for failure to exercise the powers given to it.
DRG311Regime of Civil Liability
3 credits
The course will introduce students to civil liability, the private law governing the rights, duties, and obligations that members of society are entitled to and owe to one another. The course will, firstly, draw the distinction between different forms of liabilities, then it will clarify the general framework of civil liability, through a critical assessment of the foundations on which it rests, and highlight the changes that such foundations have gone through.
DRG327Contract law II
3 credits
This course studies general provisions regarding the extinction of contracts. It starts with generalities about the effects of contracts and elaborates on the obligatory force of contract as well as its relative value, and then it develops the illicit acts, the illegitimate growth of wealth as well as judicial acts. Then it treats the cancelation of a contract and its dissolution by reason or circumstances subsequent to its formation, which are the rescission of a contract and its termination. Furthermore, it develops the effects of obligations and the remedies available to creditors for the enforcement of performance due to them: right of detention, indirect action, direct action and Paulian action. Finally, it ends with an overview of the transmission of obligations.
DRG328TD Contract law II
1 credits
Law is a discipline based to a large extent on practice. Therefore, the practical applications entitled tutorials are crucial to a better knowledge and understanding of the course and will raise subjects and matters that might call into question the theory taught in the classroom. Consequently, the tutorials (travaux dirigés), aim to apply the knowledge learned in the course, and provide a useful complement to the lectures. Tutorials intend to introduce new information in order to enable students to delve deeper into the content of the lecture and increase their knowledge and to boost and stimulate their legal research and reasoning. Therefore, students will have to answer several types of assignments such as legal dissertation, case studies, decision commentaries, etc., that will be corrected by the professor, who will intervene to help students and push them to find adequate solutions and to develop their reasoning skills.
DRG351.1Labor and Social Security Law
3 credits
The course is intended to provide students with an indepth understanding of labor laws and social security laws, as well as develop an appreciation for the application of labor laws to the collective labor agreements. The course is designed to give an overview of various aspects of labor relations and social security benefits, including the perspective of working people and their labor organizations. It aims at assisting students in the acquisition of full knowledge and understanding and is intended to stimulate critical reflection on this branch of law.
DRG393.1Civic Liberties
2 credits
This course provides, on the one hand, an understanding of the general theory of fundamental rights and freedoms, with an emphasis on the domestic and international safeguards of fundamental rights, as well as the mechanisms of protection to ensure their observance. The second part analyzes the legal regime of the protected fundamental freedoms, including the right to respect the dignity of a human being, the principle of equality, and civil and political liberties.
DRG400.1Special Criminal Law
3 credits
This course studies of all the offenses under Lebanese criminal law, and their penalties: crimes against property, such as theft, fraud, breach of trust, and checks with insufficient funds; crimes and offences against persons, such as homicide, and assault and battery; crimes against public faith, such as forgery.
DRG411.1Commercial law
3 credits
The course studies the rules of law that govern many aspects of business. An understanding of legal rules and constraints provides a framework for understanding the nature, structure and differences between several commercial deeds. It will help students understand the legal meaning of “merchant” and the legal importance of establishing a “business”.
DRG414.1TD Special Criminal Law
1 credits
Law is a discipline based to a large extent on practice. Therefore, the practical applications entitled tutorials are crucial to a better knowledge and understanding of the course and will raise subjects and matters that might call into question the theory taught in the classroom. Consequently, the tutorials, aim to apply the knowledge learned in the course, and provide a useful complement to the lectures. Tutorials intend to introduce new information in order to enable students to delve deeper into the content of the lecture and increase their knowledge and to boost and stimulate their legal research and reasoning. Therefore, students will have to answer several types of assignments such as legal dissertation, case studies, decision commentaries, etc., that will be corrected by the professor, who will intervene to help students and push them to find adequate solutions and to develop their reasoning skills.
DRG415.1Corporate Law
3 credits
This course is an introduction to the law that governs corporations. It will examine first the rule of contract that governs the formation of corporations in general, and then onto the different types of corporations in a comparative approach between the Lebanese and the French law.
DRG421.1TD Commercial law
1 credits
Law is a discipline based to a large extent on practice. Therefore, the practical applications entitled tutorials are crucial to a better knowledge and understanding of the course and will raise subjects and matters that might call into question the theory taught in the classroom. Consequently, the tutorials aim to apply the knowledge learned in the course, and provide a useful complement to the lectures. Tutorials intend to introduce new information in order to enable students to delve deeper into the content of the lecture and increase their knowledge and to boost and stimulate their legal research and reasoning. Therefore, students will have to answer several types of assignments such as legal dissertation, case studies, decision commentaries, etc., that will be corrected by the professor, who will intervene to help students and push them to find adequate solutions and to develop their reasoning skills.
DRG424.1International Private Law
3 credits
This course explores one of the most fascinating and complex areas of law: what do you do when legal problems transcend jurisdictional boundaries? What happens when more than one sovereign state (e.g., two countries like Lebanon and France) can apply its laws to a particular situation or transaction? Whose law applies? Whose law should apply? And how should one state treat the laws and judgments of another? The course will draw heavily upon close reading, case analysis, and problem-solving skills.
DRG425.1TD Corporate Law
1 credits
Law is a discipline based to a large extent on practice. Therefore, the practical applications, entitled tutorials (travaux dirigés), are crucial for a better knowledge and understanding of the course and will raise subjects and issues that might call into question the theory taught in the classroom. Consequently, the tutorials allow students to apply the knowledge learned in the course, and provide a useful complement to the lectures. Tutorials also introduce new information to enable students to delve deeper into the content of the lecture and increase their knowledge and to boost and stimulate their legal research and reasoning skills. Therefore, students will have to answer several types of assignments such as legal dissertation, case studies, decision commentaries, etc., that will be corrected by the professor, who will intervene to help students and encourage them to find adequate solutions and to develop their reasoning skills.
DRG441.1TD International Private law
1 credits
Law is a discipline based to a large extent on practice. Therefore, the practical applications, entitled tutorials (travaux dirigés), are crucial for a better knowledge and understanding of the course and will raise subjects and issues that might call into question the theory taught in the classroom. Consequently, the tutorials allow students to apply the knowledge learned in the course and provide a useful complement to the lectures. Tutorials also introduce new information to enable students to delve deeper into the content of the lecture and increase their knowledge and to boost and stimulate their legal research and reasoning skills. Therefore, students will have to answer several types of assignments such as legal dissertation, case studies, decision commentaries, etc., that will be corrected by the professor, who will intervene to help students and encourage them to find adequate solutions and to develop their reasoning skills.
DRG450Land Law and Real Estate Securities
3 credits
This course aims to study the general provisions of the real estate securities, its definition, historical development, and divisions. It specifies the principle of the real estate securities’ indivisibility, its inscription and radiation. This course develops as well the compulsory delimitation and demarcation, its technical and administrative stage as well as the legal and judicial stage. It also explores the compulsory delimitation and demarcation effects in addition to the optional delimitation and demarcation procedures and effects. It also examines the competence of the land judge, the land register regulations such as the registering system, the procedures of registration and radiation, the types of registrations, the provisional measures and effects and finally the registration effects.
DRG460Banking Law and Commercial Deeds
3 credits
The lectures focus on banking law and negotiable instruments law, which are characterized by specific principles and unique techniques that differ from those found in other branches of law. This distinction arises because these laws are governed by the practices and customs that define them. Additionally, since the late 20th century, banking law has been particularly influenced by international factors, impacting both the global and Lebanese banking sectors, the latter of which has unique features not found in other countries. The lectures also include a legal study of various contracts, fundamental banking accounts, and negotiable instruments that fall within the scope of banking law. Furthermore, they address the unprecedented banking crisis that Lebanon has been experiencing since late 2019, which has raised significant controversy regarding the principles and legal rules governing banking operations.
DRG461.1Arbitration Law
3 credits
This course is focused on the third party with the power to settle disputes which may arise between individuals under an arbitration award. Power is generated, in principle, by the agreement of wills of the parties, is the settlement of a dispute by the arbitral dispute mechanism. The course is divided into two parts: the arbitration agreement (Part I), and the requirements of arbitration proceedings that enable the parties to resolve their dispute.(Part II).
3 credits
This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive introduction to bankruptcy law. The key general concepts studied will include: the bankruptcy estate, the different classifications of claims, exemptions, preferences, and fraudulent transfers. In examining the different types of bankruptcy proceedings, we will begin with the rules for liquidations and then explore individual reorganizations. Throughout the course we will explore the policies underlying the bankruptcy law.
DRG534.1Civil Law: Named Contracts II
3 credits
This course studies the special rules governing certain contracts, such as the loan and proxy. In its first part, this course studies the general provisions of the lease, which includes the applicable rules to all leases as well as special rules for building leases. It also examines the effects of the lease, which include the obligations of the lessor and the lessee. Finally, it analyzes the extinction of the lease and the land leases. In its second part, this course studies special rules governing the proxy. It starts with a general outline of a proxy, and then determines the effects of proxy between the principal and the agent as well as the effects of the proxy in relation to third parties. Finally, the last part of this course pays particular attention to the extinction of the proxy.
DRG535.1TD Civil Law: Named Contracts II
1 credits
Law is a discipline based to a large extent on practice. Therefore, the practical applications entitled tutorials are crucial to a better knowledge and understanding of the course and will raise subjects and matters that might call into question the theory taught in the classroom. Consequently, the tutorials aim to apply the knowledge learned in the course, and provide a useful complement to the lectures. Tutorials intend to introduce new information in order to enable students to delve deeper into the content of the lecture and increase their knowledge and to boost and stimulate their legal research and reasoning. Therefore students will have to answer several types of assignments such as legal dissertation, case studies, decision commentaries, etc., that will be corrected by the professor, who will intervene to help students and push them to find adequate solutions and to develop their reasoning skills.
DRG550.1Methods of Enforcing Judgments
3 credits
This course introduces the measures of enforcement, and the general provision of the measures of enforcement. Then it determines the competence of the enforcement court, including the subject matter competence, the competence by reason of the person concerned and the venue jurisdiction. Then it elaborates on the writ of enforcement, including executive power, object of the enforcement and the parties. Next, it determines the procedures before the enforcement judge and the decision of the latter. In addition, this course allows students to assimilate the plea to stay as well as the opposition. It develops also the sequestration of property, the garnishment, the enforcement by sale of the debtor’s real property, the tender specifications and the sale by auction by order of the court. Finally, it ends with a study on the seizure of movable goods for sale and imprisonment for debts.
DRL213.1Property law
3 credits
This course starts with a general comparison between objective and subjective rights. It then develops extrapatrimonial rights and a study regarding the estate, including its composition, characteristics and the position of the Lebanese law. It then deals with the patrimonial rights, including definition, sources, characteristics and its extinguish reasons. The course then develops the distinction between personal rights and property rights as well as the intellectual rights and the classification of properties: tangible and intangible assets. Finally this course ends with a study on the tangible real properties, the fixtures and the real actions.
DRL215.1TD Property law
1 credits
Law is a discipline based to a large extent on practice. Therefore, the practical applications entitled tutorials are crucial to a better knowledge and understanding of the course and will raise subjects and matters that might call into question the theory taught in the classroom. Consequently, the tutorials aim to apply the knowledge learned in the course, and provide a useful complement to the lectures. Tutorials intend to introduce new information in order to enable students to delve deeper into the content of the lecture and increase their knowledge and to boost and stimulate their legal research and reasoning. Therefore students will have to answer several types of assignments such as legal dissertation, case studies, decision commentaries, etc., that will be corrected by the professor, who will intervene to help students and push them to find adequate solutions and to develop their reasoning skills.
DRL222.1General Administrative Law
3 credits
Administration is subject to a law which regulates its activity and, thereby, its relationship with citizens. This course explains the unilateral administrative act, administrative contracts, various appeals and the liability of the public authority.
DRL223.1Lebanese Constitutional Law
2 credits
This course includes the history of Lebanese institutions, and the main sources of the Lebanese Constitution. It includes a detailed study of the public powers of the State, their functions and their relationships between each other.
DRL227.1TD General Administrative Law
1 credits
Law is a discipline based to a large extent on practice. Therefore, the practical applications entitled tutorials are crucial to a better knowledge and understanding of the course and will raise subjects and matters that might call into question the theory taught in the classroom. Consequently, the tutorials aim to apply the knowledge learned in the course, and provide a useful complement to the lectures. Tutorials intend to introduce new information in order to enable students to delve deeper into the content of the lecture and increase their knowledge and to boost and stimulate their legal research and reasoning. Therefore students will have to answer several types of assignments such as legal dissertation, case studies, decision commentaries, etc., that will be corrected by the professor, who will intervene to help students and push them to find adequate solutions and to develop their reasoning skills.
DRL228.1Contract law I
3 credits
This course studies the general theory of contracts. It starts with generalities regarding contracts, and then it develops the constituent elements or conditions of validity of the contracts, including consent, pollicitation, acceptance, the object, the cause and common provisions to the vitiation of consent. It will then elaborate on the vitiation of consent, including error, fraud, fear, tort, and incapacity.
DRL229.1TD Contract law I
1 credits
Law is a discipline based to a large extent on practice. Therefore, the practical applications entitled tutorials are crucial to a better knowledge and understanding of the course and will raise subjects and matters that might call into question the theory taught in the classroom. Consequently, the tutorials aim to apply the knowledge learned in the course, and provide a useful complement to the lectures. Tutorials intend to introduce new information in order to enable students to delve deeper into the content of the lecture and increase their knowledge and to boost and stimulate their legal research and reasoning. Therefore students will have to answer several types of assignments such as legal dissertation, case studies, decision commentaries, etc., that will be corrected by the professor, who will intervene to help students and push them to find adequate solutions and to develop their reasoning skills.
DRL235.1Civil Procedure I
2 credits
This course about civil procedure (part I) is designed to present a general overview of the basics of civil procedure. Therefore, it begins by presenting the general provisions related to the case, such as conditions of admissibility, the right and capacity to sue. It then introduces the plea of unacceptability and the plea in bar as well as the classification of actions and the estimation of the amount of the dispute. It also determines the judicial organization and the theory of competence. In addition, this course allows students to assimilate the provisions related to proof, including notarial act and simple contract, instrument in writing and plea of forgery, avowal, personal appearance, path and promissory oath, testimony evidence and finally presumption and authority of the adjudged matter.
DRL310.1General Criminal Law
3 credits
This course studies the driving principles of criminal law: legality; ignorance of law is no excuse; application of law ratione temporis; application of law ratione loci, the constitutive elements of crime, qualification of a factual situation, criminal defenses, criminal liability and causes of criminal irresponsibility, absolving and extenuating excuses, and mechanism for sentencing, and, finally the criminal and its victim.
DRL325.1Civil Procedure II
2 credits
This course about civil procedure (part II) starts by developing representation before a court, the writ of summons, the delays, the legal judicial aid and the procedure before the court of first instance. Then it introduces the incidental plea, the theory of judgments and the special hearing in civil matters. In its second part, this course develops decision-making in a noncontentious matter, correction and interpretation of judgments and the several remedies of law, including the opposition, the appeal, third party opposition, retrial and cassation.
DRL412.1Civil Law: Named contracts I
3 credits
This course studies the special rules governing certain contracts, such as the sale agreement and the barter system. It is designed to present some provisions about sales, like the conditions for a sale, who may buy or sell, things, what may be sold, the price and the perfect sale. It also treats the effects of the sale and develops in details the vendor’s obligations and the buyer’s obligations, as well as some special kinds of sale. Moreover, it gives an idea about the promise to sell and promise to buy. Finally, this course develops the barter agreement in its general and specific provisions.
DRL415.1TD Civil Law: Named Contracts I
1 credits
Law is a discipline based to a large extent on practice. Therefore, the practical applications entitled tutorials are crucial to a better knowledge and understanding of the course and will raise subjects and matters that might call into question the theory taught in the classroom. Consequently, the tutorials (travaux dirigés), aim to apply the knowledge learned in the course, and provide a useful complement to the lectures. Tutorials intend to introduce new information in order to enable students to delve deeper into the content of the lecture and increase their knowledge and to boost and stimulate their legal research and reasoning. Therefore students will have to answer several types of assignments such as legal dissertation, case studies, decision commentaries, etc., that will be corrected by the professor, who will intervene to help students and push them to find adequate solutions and to develop their reasoning skills.
DRL425.1Tax Law and Public Finances
3 credits
This course consists of two parts: the budgetary law and the tax law. It explains fundamental concepts relating to the budget of the State, its preparation, enforcement and control. On the other hand, the general theory of tax requires the study of the notion of tax, classification of taxes, tax techniques, and tax administration. Then it focuses on the three main taxes: tax on income, VAT, and the estate tax.
DRL510.1Civil law: Personal Status
3 credits
This course is aimed at studying the nonMuslim will, its conditions of validity, the characteristics of bequests, the testator’s intent, consent, the capacity, the object, the cause and the interpretation of wills. It then elaborates the types of succession bestowed by a will, its forms and the appointment of devisee and legate, the disposable portion of an estate as well as the revocation of a will and forfeiture and inheritance for non-Muslims, including: means of estate devolution, the opening of the succession, the entitlement to the inheritance, the estate distribution to the heirs, the participation per stripes and the devolution of an estate. Finally, in its last part, this course develops the Muslim will and the Islamic inheritance, the obligatory shares and the agnates, and lastly the restoration of property to a succession, the default of heirs and the case of a missing person.
DRL511.1Criminal Procedure
3 credits
This course covers the part of the criminal procedure that relates to criminal proceedings and criminal investigation. With regard to criminal proceedings, the course will study (a) Public Action: initiation; restrictions that apply to it; grounds for its extinction; such as, death of defendant, amnesty, expiry of the prescription period, and (b) Civil Action: relation to public action, civil parties, nature of damage, competent authorities to hear a civil case). The criminal investigation part of the course will closely follow the path of public action from the stage of (a) Preliminary Inquiry, as conducted by the judicial police force, up to the stage of (b) Investigation, as examined by the investigating judge and determined by the Indictment Division.