Students who can benefit from this reduction:
USEK’s directive has defined eight categories of students eligible for tuition fee reductions (no reduction can be applied upon the registration fees). These categories, the reduction percentage, the period during which the student has to file his/her request to the Financial Aid Office, are all detailed in the following table. It is worth mentioning that the defined reductions can never be applied to the first payment of each semester.
However, the Financial Aid Office has the right to cancel the granted reduction if the student is on probation.
Categories of students who can benefit from a reduction:
1. Students who are members of the same family, simultaneously registered at the University.
- 2 brothers/sisters: Reduction percentage 10%
- 3 brothers/sisters: Reduction percentage 20%
- 4 or more brothers/sisters: Reduction percentage 30%
(P.S.: Every person benefits from this reduction)
Periods for filing requests to the Financial Aid Office:
- For the Fall semester: from registration day until October, 31;
- For the Spring semester: from registration day until March, 15.
Required documents:
- A completed form of the studies allocation requests, for students from the same family simultaneously registered in the University, is to be printed from the USEK site, the Intranet or the Financial Aid Office’s secretariat (1 form per family and per academic year)
- A recent familial civil status record
- A non-official grades statement for each student.
2. Employee at Usek
- Employee at USEK : Reduction percentage 75%
- Son or daughter of an employee at USEK : Reduction percentage 75%
Periods for filing the demands to the secretariat of the Human Resources Office:
- For the Fall semester: from registration day until October, 31;
- For the Spring semester: from registration day until March, 15.
Required documents:
- A completed form of the studies allocation demand is to be printed from the USEK site or the Intranet and filed at the secretariat of the Human Resources Office (1 form per academic year).
3. Teacher at USEK
- A full-time teacher at USEK / son or daughter of a full-time teacher at USEK: Reduction percentage 75%
- A part-time teacher at USEK / son or daughter of a part-time teacher at USEK: Reduction percentage 50%
- Contracted teacher (12h and more) / son or daughter of a contracted teacher (12h and more): Reduction percentage 40%
Periods for filing the demands to the secretariat of the Teaching Staff Office:
- For the Fall semester: from the registration day till October, 31;
- For the Spring semester: from the registration day till March, 15.
Required documents:
- A completed form of the studies allocation demand is to be printed from the USEK site or the Intranet and filed at the secretariat of the Teaching Staff Office (1 form per academic year for teachers, 1 form per semester for contracted teachers).
4. Son or daughter of an employee / Son or daughter of a full-time teacher / Son or daughter of a contracted teacher registered in the School of Music:
Reduction percentage 15%
Periods for filing the demands of employees to the secretariat of the Human Resources Office and the demands of teachers to the secretariat of the Teaching Staff Office:
- For the Fall semester: from registration day until October, 31;
- For the Spring semester: from registration day until March, 15.
Required documents:
- A completed form of the studies allocation demand is to be printed from the USEK site or the Intranet and filed by employees at the secretariat of the Human Resources Office (1 form per academic year), by teachers at the secretariat of the Teaching Staff Office (1 form per academic year for full-time teachers, 1 form per semester year for contracted teachers).
5. Student Jobs
Reduction Percentages:
- The reduction percentage is calculated according to the number of working hours per semester (5h = 265$, 10h = 525$ and 15h = 790$).
Periods for filing the request to the Financial Aid Office:
- During the period defined for the submission or renewal of the social file, between the 1st of April and the 30th of June of the current year, so that the student can benefit from a reduction the following year.
Required documents:
- The completed form of the student job demand, which is part of the appendix of the social file presented to the Financial Aid Office.
6. Students who are members of a sports team at USEK
Reduction Percentage: 15%
Periods for filing the request and required documents:
- Refer to the Sport’s Service.
7. Students who present a social aid request
Reduction percentage:
- The reduction percentage is calculated according to the family’s socio-economic situation.
Periods for filing the request to the Financial Aid Office:
- From the 1st of April till the 30th of June.
Required documents:
- The completed social file to be taken from the University’s Intranet or from the website ( – Financial Aid Office) + the required documents listed at the end of the file.
First year students in the undergraduate studies program cannot benefit from a reduction except in cases considered extreme by the committee of the Financial Aid Office.
Students should be in cycle I. Exceptions are the students of Philosophy and Letter Faculties (translation section), who are eligible to present their file, even in cycle 2.
However, the Financial Aid Office has the right to cancel the reduction granted in the following cases:
- False data given by the student to the Financial Aid Office
- Disciplinary measures against the student
- Student on probation
The students registered in one of the three Regional University Centers of USEK benefit automatically from a 20% reduction on their tuition fees (this reduction is not applied to the registration fees); If they benefit from another reduction, according to one of the aforementioned criteria, this reduction will be applied to the remaining 80%, after having withdrawn the first 20%.