

  • Identity

    The Research Center on Minorities in the Middle East (RCMME) is a center for specialized university studies pertaining to minorities in the Middle East. The RCMME was established by the Holy Spirit...
  • Importance and particularity

    As the world is becoming increasingly aware of the concept of the global village, ethnic and racial affiliations have taken root, in an unconscious movement, mainly for fear of disappearing or losing...
  • Statute

    Among the characteristics of this university center is its attachment with the Higher Center for Research and its openness to all faculties, and institutes. The center does not deliver a diploma;...
  • Objectives

    Issues of ethnic, racial and religious minorities in the Middle East are axial subjects for the research at the center, which prepares specialists in the field of settled minorities in this rich...
  • Minorities in the Middle East

    The center aspires to ensure, with the participation of the concerned faculties , research teaching materials at the levels of Masters and PhD in addition to its main research work. Thus, the...
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