Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Master of Arts in Conservation, Restoration of Cultural Property & Sacred Art

36 credits


ARS540Christian Typologies
3 credits
The course begins with a general study of many types of churches from an historical, liturgical, architectural and esthetical perspective. Then students will choose a type of church from which they will make an individual study.
ARS506Contemporary Iconography
3 credits
This course offers a description of the wide range of different iconographic schools of the 20th century, from Russia to Greece to Italy, via Cyprus and the Middle East, highlighting the evolution of the icon in compliance with strict Orthodox traditions, and the rise of the icon with the modernization and emancipation of the artist.
ARS543History of Art in Lebanon
3 credits
Historical study and artistic analysis of modern and contemporary art in Lebanon.
ARS501Syro-Antiochian Topography
3 credits
Study of the different geographical models that go with the historical representation of the Syro­Antiochian world.
ARS508Thematic Seminar I (Iconographic)
3 credits
This course offers a study on the icon throughout the centuries, up to our times, consisting of periods of crisis that eventually led to the rise of the icons, the periods of iconoclasm (8th­9th c.), hesychastic controversy (14th c.) and Moscow councils (16th c.). The Christian icon is restored in its proper context in light of the dogmatic and church teachings, while also receiving a descriptive analysis of the different symbols that it represents. Thus the students will succeed in understanding the real meaning of the icon in its historical, esthetic and cultural context, while being able to distinguish a holy icon from a religious emotional picture.
ARS509Thematic Seminar II (Methodology)
3 credits
In this seminar, we examine the methods of historical and theoretical research, the rules governing the writings of the essay, and problems to be solved during the conception of an artwork or an artistic project. Also studied are issues to be addressed in artistic research and some solutions suggested by important works. The students are invited to participate in terms of discussion and theoretical and practical presentations.
ARS608Thematic Seminar III (Historical)
3 credits
This course presents an historic and esthetical study of the Christian, Syriac and Maronite pictorial heritage; in particular approaching the Gospel of Rabbula and the various Syriac illuminated manuscripts preserved mostly in Eastern European libraries.
ARS609Thematic Seminar IV (Oriental, Non-oriental, Non-Christian Iconography)
3 credits
This course presents a historical and symbolical study of the Pagan, Jewish and Islamic iconography.
ARS511Arts and Crafts- Minor Arts
2 credits
This course provides the theoretical knowledge and plastic analysis tools necessary for understanding an artwork classified as “Minor Arts”, which refers to all forms of figurative art that is neither painting nor sculpture, or architecture. Minor Arts may also be designated as "Decorative Arts".
ARS513Chronology and Construction Techniques
3 credits
An in­depth study of some building systems of places of worship (churches and monasteries), under the direction of professional specialists.
ARS510Compared Architectures
2 credits
A study of Christian architecture through a comparison whereby students can realistically approach the current issues. In the field of heritage, the comparative concerns geographical areas on a worldwide scale, as well as all the periods from antiquity to the present day.
ARS502Conferences Cycle
3 credits
Conferences on specialized topics by experts. At the end of the semester, the student will present a summary document.
ARS514Iconography IV
3 credits
Conception and advanced practical application using different iconographical techniques.
ARS512Religious Sites (in Lebanon)
2 credits
Introducing students to the interpretation of different built urban forms and shapes in places of worship (the religious site, the monuments).
6 credits
For their dissertations, students can choose freely a subject which will be developed under the supervision of their project manager. At the end of the semester, the dissertation will be discussed in a public thesis defense.


Courses of the Department of Sacred Art are available exclusively at the main campus of Kaslik. The richness of the Syro­Antiochean heritage, its cultural diversity and the need to carry out necessary restorations and make the discipline better known, led to the foundation of the Department of Sacred Art, which cooperates with various Faculties and Institutes of USEK, while also maintaining contact with similar institutes in local and foreign universities.

Program Educational Objectives

1. Graduates will be able to conduct advanced research on iconography and sacred art
2. Graduates will be able to work in the teaching field.

Program Outcomes

a. Students will develop an ability to contribute to the conservation of national heritage.
b. Organize a global and reliable documentation of the Church of Antioch.
c. Promote research on the Church of Antioch.
d. Encourage advanced studies on local artists and heritage.
e. An ability to carry out advanced research on the local and oriental iconography.
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