Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Communication (Open for Admission)

Progamme Accreditation
126 credits
For students entering the program at the Freshman level
(Please click here for more info on the Freshman program)
96 credits
For students entering the program at the Sophomore level
(holders of a recognized Baccalaureate or Freshman diploma - equivalent to 30 credits)


General Education Common Core
ARA210Advanced Arabic
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: ARA120
This course aims to develop student language skills by giving a detailed analysis of Arabic syntax via a dynamic approach using practical texts and exercises. This course also broadens student knowledge of the Arabic language, both on oral and written levels, through exploration and analysis. It also gives the students the opportunity to be acquainted with Arabic grammar and linguistic studies or references that will be needed while writing.
JCM419Advertising Communication
2 credits
This course describes the world of publicity (structure, agents, and different aspects), shedding light on its importance to society. It also reviews major advertising supports, specifications and evolution, starting from the most classical (newspapers, billboards, ratio, TV), reaching the internet and new media, with an analysis of media messages.
JCM428Analysis of the Media Discourse
2 credits
The objective of this course is to offer required theoretical and practical elements to analyze different types of media discourse. Based on different methods of analysis, it includes practical exercises from newspaper and TV discourses.
JCM310Communication Theories
3 credits
The course presents famous schools and authors who have established the most important theories in communication on individual and collective levels. It also seeks to provide students with the basic tools for a better understanding of the communication process, in theory and practice. RJCM 503 is a remedial equivalent course.
JCM322General Contemporary History (Current World Issues)
3 credits
This course explores History in the 20th century, from World Wars I and II, reaching the new world order after the Gulf War. It helps students to read social­historical news in the light of important upheavals in the 20th century.
JCM200Information and Communication Methodology
2 credits
This course is intended to train students in oral and written information and communication techniques, besides data management and data synthesis (writing reports, summaries, analysis, reviews, interviews, etc.).
JCM229Journalistic Writing Workshops
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: ARA210
The objective of this course is the acquisition of techniques to write different kinds of articles. It is a workshop where linguistic skills are requested to serve various journalism genres. RJCM 502 is a remedial equivalent course.
JCM427Semiology of the Media Image
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: JCM310
This course offers adequate tools to understand and analyze media images in different aspects: plastic, iconic and linguistic; with a main focus on advertising images, caricatures and press images.
JCM418Sociopolitical Communication
2 credits
This course introduces concepts in socio­politics related to “plural societies” and “national identities”, in order to understand and analyze challenges of communication interfaces in a globalized world, considering socio­political and socio­ cultural factors.
JCM228Data Collection and Analysis in Journalism
3 credits
This course presents quantitative (statistics: variables, population, sampling, questionnaires, etc.) and qualitative methods (interviews, observations, biographies, analysis, etc.) in investigative journalism. RJCM 501 is a remedial equivalent course.
JCM225General Journalistic Translation
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: ARA120
French-educated students can opt for this translation course, in case their linguistic background does not enable them to follow JCM 224. This course offers students different translation methods A­C/C­A: equivalence, correspondence, literary translation, free translation, etc. It is also an initiation to translation genres: literary, scientific, technical, economic, legal, etc. In the journalistic field, this course trains students to translate journalistic lexis.
JCM201History of Media
2 credits
This course traces the history of each one of the five great media types (written press, radio, cinema, TV and internet) from the first loose­leaf in Europe, before written press, reaching Web 2.0. It overviews the greatest moments of this history on different levels (sociopolitical, cultural, economic, and technical).
JCM314Journalism Genres
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: JCM228 and JCM229
This course conveys appropriate methods and know­how to make reports, inquiries, accounts, interviews, from the very first stages of concept to finalization.
JCM324Media and Society
3 credits
This course explores the role of media in society as a communication medium and socializing agent, exploring functions of media and technology advances with their relative impact on daily life and evolution of society.
JCM425Media Geopolitics
2 credits
This course describes the geographic division of media in the world, tackling unstable division, division between the consumer and productive world, the underdevelopment issue in the media world, and the right for equal access to information.
JCM316Media Law and Deontology
3 credits
This course tackles Media and Communication Law, reviewing different official Lebanese texts. It also poses and analyzes ethical issues in journalism, alongside other media ethical codes. RJCM 505 is a remedial equivalent course.
JCM415Media Techniques: Newspapers
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: JCM314
This course prepares future editorial secretaries, with a primary focus on editing techniques; from the very realization of a cover.
JCM416Media Techniques: Radio
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: JCM314
This course offers basic information on radio journalism, from field work to studio, defining the roles of the radio team (presenter, chief editor and reporter), explaining the difference between different radio formats, alongside typical exercises targeting radio writing, editing, and mastering vocal core competencies, as well as diction. RJCM 506 is a remedial equivalent course.
JCM417Media Techniques: Television
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: JCM314
The objective of this course is to offer a training experience to write and present TV news, while optimizing body language in front of the lens. RJCM 507 is a remedial equivalent course.
JCM326Multimedia Journalism
3 credits
This course defines specificities and techniques related to bi-media journalism (complementarity and convergence between original media and websites), web journalism, blogs and social networks.
JCM426News Agencies
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: JCM314
This course traces the history of news agencies, and expands on the most eminent among them, to study the way they operate; especially processes of data collection and treatment to produce transmissible information.
2 credits
The objective of this course is to convey practical information about photojournalism, including initiation into shooting methods and mastery of specific parameters (lighting, framing, picture composition) in order to make photo portraits, and photo reports.
JCM221Political Economy of Media
2 credits
This course aims to study the science of production, distribution and wealth consumption, especially theories and methods of diverse schools of economy and politics, applied to media. RJCM 500 is a remedial equivalent course.
JCM327Specialized Press
2 credits    |    Pre-requisite: JCM314
This course offers students information about the advantages and pitfalls of specialized journalism (economy, agriculture, fashion, sports, games, health, computing, travel, etc.), with an aim to develop writing skills and techniques in the field.
JCM203Techniques of Journalistic Expression
3 credits
This is an introductory course to the basics and general principles of journalistic writing, wherein different writing techniques for diverse journalism genres are tackled.
JCM315Television Report Techniques
3 credits
This course is intended to tackle technical processes while making a TV report (camera handling, image language, sound takes, editing, etc.). RJCM 504 is a remedial equivalent course.
JCM429Professional Internship
2 credits
Students are required to pass through a traineeship of 45 hours in a press office, company, or advertising agency. They should become familiar with the different services and posts, before selecting a certain job. On completion, they will submit a report of 15 pages summarizing their performed tasks and experience.


This accreditation commission of evalag, Evalag-Baden-Württemberg http ://www.evalag.de, accredited this program and awarded the evalag international label for program accreditation.


This program is designed to prepare students to become professional media practitioners (reporters, editors, copywriters, designers and layout artists, etc.) and communication professionals. The curriculum will improve their techniques of expression and communication, and develop their capacities to understand, analyze and judge events and social phenomena, providing leading research and generating knowledge.

Program Educational Objectives

1. Acquire strong academic knowledge of the state of the art in journalism and communication.
2. Develop professional skills (writing, reporting, editing, shooting, filming…).
3. Practice journalism and communication in various types of media.

Student Learning Outcomes

a. Students will use different techniques of expression in different contexts to elaborate a correct and coherent text in a target language.
b. Collect, analyze and communicate information using specific methods in journalism.
c. Implement audiovisual and multimedia technology, and demonstrate working knowledge to produce effective communication.
d. Acquire necessary knowledge to understand and analyze social, political and historical events, as well as economic issues.
e. Identify and employ ethical standards.
f. Select and use appropriate communication strategies
g. Integrate required knowledge and skills to be professional practitioners (writers, reporters, editors) using specific norms and techniques.
h. Develop the ability to edit and write effectively for a variety of media.
i. Produce a report summarizing experience during traineeship.
j. Select and integrate theories of journalism in the work field.
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